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- October 28, 2017 at 9:59 pm
Mine was Nodular Amelanotic. "Popped" up from a mole I'd had for probably 35 plus years. Just started getting really crusty, painful and would bleed easily when I messed with it. When I would press down it remained solid and the color of a pink pencil eraser. Don't know if that helps. As you know the waiting is so hard. Hang in there.
- July 4, 2017 at 12:41 am
I was ultimately diagnosed with stage 2a in February 2013 and have stayed at that stage since. Regular oncology and dermatology appointments since. It is still a daily worry of "if it will come back to kill me" but it's getting a little better; melanoma doesn't completely consume every waking moment of every day like it once did.
- February 8, 2017 at 5:55 pm
My melanoma was on the top of my left foot. I had a SLNB and WLE and was attached to a wound vac for three weeks. One week off the wound vac then back to the hospital for a split thickness skin graft and another week with the wound vac. The skin was taken from my upper thigh to repair my foot. I don't know if this will compare to what you are having done but my hospital stays were 3 and 4 days respectively. Due to the would vac and the front two-thirds of my foot being bandaged I was not able to put any pressure on my foot for about 5 to 6 weeks after the initial surgery. Used crutches, then a cane then back to walking pretty normal in about 4 or so weeks after that. You may bounce back quicker since I tend to be very cautious; actually I'm a bit of a baby so I took it slow getting my poor mangled foot back in action. Foot functions fine now with one stiff toe.
- February 8, 2017 at 5:55 pm
My melanoma was on the top of my left foot. I had a SLNB and WLE and was attached to a wound vac for three weeks. One week off the wound vac then back to the hospital for a split thickness skin graft and another week with the wound vac. The skin was taken from my upper thigh to repair my foot. I don't know if this will compare to what you are having done but my hospital stays were 3 and 4 days respectively. Due to the would vac and the front two-thirds of my foot being bandaged I was not able to put any pressure on my foot for about 5 to 6 weeks after the initial surgery. Used crutches, then a cane then back to walking pretty normal in about 4 or so weeks after that. You may bounce back quicker since I tend to be very cautious; actually I'm a bit of a baby so I took it slow getting my poor mangled foot back in action. Foot functions fine now with one stiff toe.
- February 8, 2017 at 5:55 pm
My melanoma was on the top of my left foot. I had a SLNB and WLE and was attached to a wound vac for three weeks. One week off the wound vac then back to the hospital for a split thickness skin graft and another week with the wound vac. The skin was taken from my upper thigh to repair my foot. I don't know if this will compare to what you are having done but my hospital stays were 3 and 4 days respectively. Due to the would vac and the front two-thirds of my foot being bandaged I was not able to put any pressure on my foot for about 5 to 6 weeks after the initial surgery. Used crutches, then a cane then back to walking pretty normal in about 4 or so weeks after that. You may bounce back quicker since I tend to be very cautious; actually I'm a bit of a baby so I took it slow getting my poor mangled foot back in action. Foot functions fine now with one stiff toe.
- January 28, 2017 at 6:54 pm
My melanoma was an amelonotic nodular type. It appeared from an existing flat, round, tan to pink mole that grew up and out. The biggest thing was it changed; it became tender, continued to get extremely scaley / ugly and would bleed if I messed with it. Don't know if this helps.
I too was the gift card winner, lol.
- December 28, 2018 at 5:51 am
Hang in there Melvin. Some of the best advice I was given early in my diagnosis was to worry about it when and/or if I was was told there was actually something to worry about. Take it day by day and deal with it as it comes. Hard to do when you fear the worse but there is some peace of mind in not getting ahead of yourself. You most likely won't get your answers at your appointment tomorrow, probably a biopsy, then you will wait for results (which is agonizing) and most likely the results will be negative for anything bad. If by chance it is melanoma then you deal with it then and go from there. Again easier said than done but sometimes peace of mind, even if you have to talk yourself into it, can be very calming when you are are full of anxiety.