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Possible nodule melanoma

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Possible nodule melanoma

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      I have had a growth for a few months get large somewhat quick. Started small and over 4 months got larger,  I whacked it playing a sport filled with dark bloodlike liquid, and clear fluid came out. Had it removed waiting for biopsy.  Derm did not seem to concerned, thought it was irritated cherry mole. however the quick growth and clear fluid were concerning, and I've read people are diagnosed without concern from doctor/derm. Anyone have experience with amelanotic nodular melanoma? Waiting for biopsy is steasful


      Phtotos attached one is with dark liquid.. one is prior to biopsy after it broke.

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          Mine was nodular and small diameter but very hard. Waiting is the worst. Good luck to you and keep in mind treatments are getting better all the time. Hopefully your biopsy will be benign!

              Thanks, what is hard? Mine was firm. If I took a pair of glasses and pressed it would flatten out and just turn into my normal skin color. When I let go it would pot back up and turn red. 


                So when a lesion changes from red to white when you push on it, it means it is blood filled.  Cherry hemangioma or similar terms.  Basically when blood vessels are closer to the surface of the skin than is normal.  It's usually a very good sign if when you press it – it changes color. 


                Mine was Nodular Amelanotic.  "Popped" up from a mole I'd had for probably 35 plus years.  Just started getting really crusty, painful and would bleed easily when I messed with it.  When I would press down it remained solid and the color of a pink pencil eraser.  Don't know if that helps.  As you know the waiting is so hard.  Hang in there.

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