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Not diagnosed appt tomorow.Scared!!

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Not diagnosed appt tomorow.Scared!!

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      Hey guys I’m a little scared found a black on the bottom of my foot classic to the pictures I’ve been Googling on line…
      If I could guess I would think this mole has been on the bottom of my foot for a couple of years it’s been about the same size but it’s just now starting to change shape anybody want to give us some insight or encouragement
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          Hi Melvin – I am new to posting and responding and you should know that I am a caregiver and not someone who has Melanoma.  But, what I can offer is words of support to tell you that getting it looked at is most important.  It seems like melanoma can be a slow mover when it is just in the form of the source mole so getting it out and tested is an absolute must.  Your doctor will be able to tell you more about the mole in the pathology but I recommend getting checked regularly and even taking pictures of moles to catalog their progress because it can be hard to notice small differences when we see these things everyday!  Know that getting it looked at is the best move right now.  Wish I could offer more.  


            Hi Melvin,

            Completely agree with Ricky's comment.  The only way to know, is to have it checked and biopsied.  Pictures are a poor subsitute for a patholigists reading of your actual tissue sample.  Make an appointment to get it checked.  It's the only way to be certain.

            Good luck!


                Hang in there Melvin.  Some of the best advice I was given early in my diagnosis was to worry about it when and/or if I was was told there was actually something to worry about.  Take it day by day and deal with it as it comes.  Hard to do when you fear the worse but there is some peace of mind in not getting ahead of yourself.    You most likely won't get your answers at your appointment tomorrow, probably a biopsy, then you will wait for results (which is agonizing) and most likely the results will be negative for anything bad.  If by chance it is melanoma then you deal with it then and go from there.  Again easier said than done but sometimes peace of mind, even if you have to talk yourself into it, can be very calming when you are are full of anxiety. 

              Summer S.

                Hi Melvin, 

                I am sorry you have to go through this experience. Tests, worries and infinite possibilities suck. I know and I feel you. 

                As Rick said, you are doing the right thing by getting it tested. And I want to add, there is absolutely NOTHING you can learn about your condition from the Internet at this moment. So it will just stress you out even more. 

                So go ahead try to watch a light movie or hang out with a friend, sleep well and have a great breakfast, get tested tomorrow, then try to forget about it till results come out. 


                Afterall, right now and right here you are feeling well and healthy, so with or without melanoma those moments when we feel good are too precious to waste over being worried about things we cannot change. 


                I wish you all the luck with your test tomorrow and I wish you peace of mind and calmness till then 


                Summer S.

                  Hi Melvin, 

                  I am sorry you have to go through this experience. Tests, worries and infinite possibilities suck. I know and I feel you. 

                  As Rick said, you are doing the right thing by getting it tested. And I want to add, there is absolutely NOTHING you can learn about your condition from the Internet at this moment. So it will just stress you out even more. 

                  So go ahead try to watch a light movie or hang out with a friend, sleep well and have a great breakfast, get tested tomorrow, then try to forget about it till results come out. 


                  Afterall, right now and right here you are feeling well and healthy, so with or without melanoma those moments when we feel good are too precious to waste over being worried about things we cannot change. 


                  I wish you all the luck with your test tomorrow and I wish you peace of mind and calmness till then 


                      Thanks guys. I’m trying.!! Appreciate that
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