The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.


Forums General Melanoma Community Really?

  • Post

      So I'm just going to reiterate how sick & tired I am of this crap. To give a quick update…a few posts ago I mentioned tiny bump on scalp. Derm thought probably a hair follicle. Well of course not…it was "the crap" again. Now I'm in full panic mode because I really have to question if the ipi is working. I know in many cases it takes time and their is progression. I'm just distraught…I need things to start going in my favor. I wonder if I'll even make it to the infusion date…what else could go wrong? I just need a break from it all…

      Be well everyone, I pray for nothing but the best for all of you!


    Viewing 35 reply threads
    • Replies

          Oh, Josh.  I'm so sorry.  You've been beat up pretty badly these last few months.  I can't give you insight on the treatment, but just wanted to tell you to be strong and fight this beast with everything you've got!!


            Oh, Josh.  I'm so sorry.  You've been beat up pretty badly these last few months.  I can't give you insight on the treatment, but just wanted to tell you to be strong and fight this beast with everything you've got!!


                Thank you Susan! You're right we just fight on!!!



                  Thank you Susan! You're right we just fight on!!!



                    Thank you Susan! You're right we just fight on!!!



                    Oh, Josh.  I'm so sorry.  You've been beat up pretty badly these last few months.  I can't give you insight on the treatment, but just wanted to tell you to be strong and fight this beast with everything you've got!!


                      Josh- I am more towards the beginning of this struggle as I was just diagnosed in March, so I don't have a lot in the way of insight into what may lay ahead for you or suggestions.  But, as a fellow human being who has a small idea of what you're going through, I want to send out lots of love and prayers for you.  All we can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.  

                      Hoping, wishing, praying the best for you-





                          Much appreciated Peggy! Keep putting prayers out there and I will push forward.



                            Much appreciated Peggy! Keep putting prayers out there and I will push forward.



                              Much appreciated Peggy! Keep putting prayers out there and I will push forward.



                              Josh- I am more towards the beginning of this struggle as I was just diagnosed in March, so I don't have a lot in the way of insight into what may lay ahead for you or suggestions.  But, as a fellow human being who has a small idea of what you're going through, I want to send out lots of love and prayers for you.  All we can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.  

                              Hoping, wishing, praying the best for you-





                                Josh- I am more towards the beginning of this struggle as I was just diagnosed in March, so I don't have a lot in the way of insight into what may lay ahead for you or suggestions.  But, as a fellow human being who has a small idea of what you're going through, I want to send out lots of love and prayers for you.  All we can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other.  

                                Hoping, wishing, praying the best for you-




                                Lee Parlier

                                  It is truly like 1 step forward and 8 steps back with this crap. Got the same crap on my scalp too. New sub q's popped up after my last ipi 10mg and it's is truly like you don't even want to scratch a dang itch because there may be a new knot. I was so happy to finish my yervoy with minimal side effects (10 weeks since my first treatment) that I felt like just maybe I will be one of the few responders. Then BOOM, pet scans showing multiple lesions everywhere. Just keep on keeping on with this crap and we're due for good news.

                                  Lee Parlier

                                    It is truly like 1 step forward and 8 steps back with this crap. Got the same crap on my scalp too. New sub q's popped up after my last ipi 10mg and it's is truly like you don't even want to scratch a dang itch because there may be a new knot. I was so happy to finish my yervoy with minimal side effects (10 weeks since my first treatment) that I felt like just maybe I will be one of the few responders. Then BOOM, pet scans showing multiple lesions everywhere. Just keep on keeping on with this crap and we're due for good news.


                                        Lee I know you've been through ringer lately. And oddly enough I find everything on my body…tiny stuff!!! I know from this forum as well as my oncologist that there can be progression, disease can go stable and then regress. I much like you just had a scan one day and the crap was everywhere. It's disappointing to say the least and many of us deal with it…it just frustrates me. We'll fight on for sure! Praying for best!!!



                                          Lee I know you've been through ringer lately. And oddly enough I find everything on my body…tiny stuff!!! I know from this forum as well as my oncologist that there can be progression, disease can go stable and then regress. I much like you just had a scan one day and the crap was everywhere. It's disappointing to say the least and many of us deal with it…it just frustrates me. We'll fight on for sure! Praying for best!!!


                                          Lee Parlier

                                            We will beat this Josh. There is no question. We will win.


                                            Lee Parlier

                                              We will beat this Josh. There is no question. We will win.


                                              Lee Parlier

                                                We will beat this Josh. There is no question. We will win.



                                                  Lee I know you've been through ringer lately. And oddly enough I find everything on my body…tiny stuff!!! I know from this forum as well as my oncologist that there can be progression, disease can go stable and then regress. I much like you just had a scan one day and the crap was everywhere. It's disappointing to say the least and many of us deal with it…it just frustrates me. We'll fight on for sure! Praying for best!!!


                                                Lee Parlier

                                                  It is truly like 1 step forward and 8 steps back with this crap. Got the same crap on my scalp too. New sub q's popped up after my last ipi 10mg and it's is truly like you don't even want to scratch a dang itch because there may be a new knot. I was so happy to finish my yervoy with minimal side effects (10 weeks since my first treatment) that I felt like just maybe I will be one of the few responders. Then BOOM, pet scans showing multiple lesions everywhere. Just keep on keeping on with this crap and we're due for good news.


                                                    Hey Josh,

                                                    I speak as someone who hasn't had this but is close to people who have this and have had other forms of cancer.  And the only way I can express how I feel about it is "it's frickin' ridiculous".  It's not eloquent but it's true.  It literally makes me angry on behalf of my mom and my husband and people like you.  I know statistically this isn't a true statement, but I truly feel it happens to the best and kindest people (that's just how I feel emotionally).

                                                    So sorry you have to deal with this and your family has to deal too.  I would literally karate kick melanoma if I could.  Please let us know if you need anything while in Houston.  Will gladly head over to MD Anderson to support you and family and please know that I'm a support group rock star! 

                                                    Hope you get a break today from all this. 

                                                    many prayers,



                                                      Hey Josh,

                                                      I speak as someone who hasn't had this but is close to people who have this and have had other forms of cancer.  And the only way I can express how I feel about it is "it's frickin' ridiculous".  It's not eloquent but it's true.  It literally makes me angry on behalf of my mom and my husband and people like you.  I know statistically this isn't a true statement, but I truly feel it happens to the best and kindest people (that's just how I feel emotionally).

                                                      So sorry you have to deal with this and your family has to deal too.  I would literally karate kick melanoma if I could.  Please let us know if you need anything while in Houston.  Will gladly head over to MD Anderson to support you and family and please know that I'm a support group rock star! 

                                                      Hope you get a break today from all this. 

                                                      many prayers,



                                                          Hey Jackie….we think much the same. I walked away from this forum for awhile because there's so much heartache. I just get real frustrated personally and when others have setbacks. I know we've come a long way but there so much father to go and we need it to happen fast. Heading down to MDA at end of month…

                                                          God Bless!!



                                                            Hey Jackie….we think much the same. I walked away from this forum for awhile because there's so much heartache. I just get real frustrated personally and when others have setbacks. I know we've come a long way but there so much father to go and we need it to happen fast. Heading down to MDA at end of month…

                                                            God Bless!!



                                                              Hey Jackie….we think much the same. I walked away from this forum for awhile because there's so much heartache. I just get real frustrated personally and when others have setbacks. I know we've come a long way but there so much father to go and we need it to happen fast. Heading down to MDA at end of month…

                                                              God Bless!!



                                                              Hey Josh,

                                                              I speak as someone who hasn't had this but is close to people who have this and have had other forms of cancer.  And the only way I can express how I feel about it is "it's frickin' ridiculous".  It's not eloquent but it's true.  It literally makes me angry on behalf of my mom and my husband and people like you.  I know statistically this isn't a true statement, but I truly feel it happens to the best and kindest people (that's just how I feel emotionally).

                                                              So sorry you have to deal with this and your family has to deal too.  I would literally karate kick melanoma if I could.  Please let us know if you need anything while in Houston.  Will gladly head over to MD Anderson to support you and family and please know that I'm a support group rock star! 

                                                              Hope you get a break today from all this. 

                                                              many prayers,



                                                                Hi Josh,

                                                                Your frustration and disappointment is completely justified.  Mat just posted a pretty solid interpretation of many of the feelings I share.  Everyone has to deal with this in their own way, but what has worked for me is to make every effort not to dwell on the disease, and actually using this forum to redirect my energies into (hopefully) helping others in the battle.  Sometimes the more you push back, the more hopeless it feels.  Example: stand two people facing each other with palms extended to touch each other.  As soon as one person pushes, the other instinctively pushes back with equal force.  In order to gain control over this situation the person who does not react, and lets the other push without resistance is actually the one in control.  So while this is by no means giving up, it is a way to take control of a bad situation. Stop trying to push-back and as they say, go with the flow.  Deep inside, I am pretty certain this beast will take me, long before my time, but for now, fighting, stressing, and going down any road of depression is going to ruin whatever time I do have left with my wife, daughter, and friends.  Again, please understand I am not trying to minimize what you are going through, but what's happening in our heads is every bit as important as what's happening inside our bodies.  Hang tough, try and stay distracted by what's good in your life and trust God and good doctors will take care of the rest.  Hugs to you and your family.




                                                                    I appreciate your words and by no means feel like you're minimizing the emotions that came out in post. I feel like you try to push me out of the abyss and I'm grateful for that. Unfortunately, I do feel like I miss momennts with my family because I'm "unplugged". Mat's post, your words here, things Celeste, Brian and many others have said to me help to get me re-centered. Trully blessings! People survive this terrible disease, more and more everyday. There's no reason we can't…God bless you brother.




                                                                      I appreciate your words and by no means feel like you're minimizing the emotions that came out in post. I feel like you try to push me out of the abyss and I'm grateful for that. Unfortunately, I do feel like I miss momennts with my family because I'm "unplugged". Mat's post, your words here, things Celeste, Brian and many others have said to me help to get me re-centered. Trully blessings! People survive this terrible disease, more and more everyday. There's no reason we can't…God bless you brother.




                                                                        I appreciate your words and by no means feel like you're minimizing the emotions that came out in post. I feel like you try to push me out of the abyss and I'm grateful for that. Unfortunately, I do feel like I miss momennts with my family because I'm "unplugged". Mat's post, your words here, things Celeste, Brian and many others have said to me help to get me re-centered. Trully blessings! People survive this terrible disease, more and more everyday. There's no reason we can't…God bless you brother.



                                                                        Hi Josh,

                                                                        Your frustration and disappointment is completely justified.  Mat just posted a pretty solid interpretation of many of the feelings I share.  Everyone has to deal with this in their own way, but what has worked for me is to make every effort not to dwell on the disease, and actually using this forum to redirect my energies into (hopefully) helping others in the battle.  Sometimes the more you push back, the more hopeless it feels.  Example: stand two people facing each other with palms extended to touch each other.  As soon as one person pushes, the other instinctively pushes back with equal force.  In order to gain control over this situation the person who does not react, and lets the other push without resistance is actually the one in control.  So while this is by no means giving up, it is a way to take control of a bad situation. Stop trying to push-back and as they say, go with the flow.  Deep inside, I am pretty certain this beast will take me, long before my time, but for now, fighting, stressing, and going down any road of depression is going to ruin whatever time I do have left with my wife, daughter, and friends.  Again, please understand I am not trying to minimize what you are going through, but what's happening in our heads is every bit as important as what's happening inside our bodies.  Hang tough, try and stay distracted by what's good in your life and trust God and good doctors will take care of the rest.  Hugs to you and your family.



                                                                          Hi Josh,

                                                                          Your frustration and disappointment is completely justified.  Mat just posted a pretty solid interpretation of many of the feelings I share.  Everyone has to deal with this in their own way, but what has worked for me is to make every effort not to dwell on the disease, and actually using this forum to redirect my energies into (hopefully) helping others in the battle.  Sometimes the more you push back, the more hopeless it feels.  Example: stand two people facing each other with palms extended to touch each other.  As soon as one person pushes, the other instinctively pushes back with equal force.  In order to gain control over this situation the person who does not react, and lets the other push without resistance is actually the one in control.  So while this is by no means giving up, it is a way to take control of a bad situation. Stop trying to push-back and as they say, go with the flow.  Deep inside, I am pretty certain this beast will take me, long before my time, but for now, fighting, stressing, and going down any road of depression is going to ruin whatever time I do have left with my wife, daughter, and friends.  Again, please understand I am not trying to minimize what you are going through, but what's happening in our heads is every bit as important as what's happening inside our bodies.  Hang tough, try and stay distracted by what's good in your life and trust God and good doctors will take care of the rest.  Hugs to you and your family.



                                                                            So very sorry, Joshie!  Was really hoping otherwise!!!  Kick, scream, yell…whatever it takes.  Glad you were able to yell a bit here.  I know you will keep fighting.  I know you have the strength the persevere despite whatever melanoma dishes out!!  I also know you would love and deserve a break!!!  So wishing I could make that happen.  Hang on.  Your trial is coming soon and we are all counting on some amazing T cells for you.  Wish I had a magic wand.  But, I don't.  Holding you and yours in my heart.  Love, c


                                                                              So very sorry, Joshie!  Was really hoping otherwise!!!  Kick, scream, yell…whatever it takes.  Glad you were able to yell a bit here.  I know you will keep fighting.  I know you have the strength the persevere despite whatever melanoma dishes out!!  I also know you would love and deserve a break!!!  So wishing I could make that happen.  Hang on.  Your trial is coming soon and we are all counting on some amazing T cells for you.  Wish I had a magic wand.  But, I don't.  Holding you and yours in my heart.  Love, c


                                                                                So very sorry, Joshie!  Was really hoping otherwise!!!  Kick, scream, yell…whatever it takes.  Glad you were able to yell a bit here.  I know you will keep fighting.  I know you have the strength the persevere despite whatever melanoma dishes out!!  I also know you would love and deserve a break!!!  So wishing I could make that happen.  Hang on.  Your trial is coming soon and we are all counting on some amazing T cells for you.  Wish I had a magic wand.  But, I don't.  Holding you and yours in my heart.  Love, c


                                                                                    Thanks Celeste!!! I need to kick and scream at times. So much frustration built up. I will keep fighting and know I have options. Looking forward to pushing on and beat this crap! Much love, appreciation and gratitude toyou for everything….



                                                                                      Thanks Celeste!!! I need to kick and scream at times. So much frustration built up. I will keep fighting and know I have options. Looking forward to pushing on and beat this crap! Much love, appreciation and gratitude toyou for everything….



                                                                                        Thanks Celeste!!! I need to kick and scream at times. So much frustration built up. I will keep fighting and know I have options. Looking forward to pushing on and beat this crap! Much love, appreciation and gratitude toyou for everything….


                                                                                        I’m sorry Josh I also know the never ending feeling. It’s so hard to not even get a break. Man I don’t know what to say… just keep battling your gonna win in the end and this will just add to your story. Take a breath,regroup and push on there is no other option!!
                                                                                          I’m sorry Josh I also know the never ending feeling. It’s so hard to not even get a break. Man I don’t know what to say… just keep battling your gonna win in the end and this will just add to your story. Take a breath,regroup and push on there is no other option!!
                                                                                            I’m sorry Josh I also know the never ending feeling. It’s so hard to not even get a break. Man I don’t know what to say… just keep battling your gonna win in the end and this will just add to your story. Take a breath,regroup and push on there is no other option!!

                                                                                                Thanks Jaime. I know you've had a rough time and come out on other side. I will keep battling as you're right, we have no other option but to fight. I appreciate the support and pray you're well.



                                                                                                  Thanks Jaime. I know you've had a rough time and come out on other side. I will keep battling as you're right, we have no other option but to fight. I appreciate the support and pray you're well.



                                                                                                    Thanks Jaime. I know you've had a rough time and come out on other side. I will keep battling as you're right, we have no other option but to fight. I appreciate the support and pray you're well.



                                                                                                    Sorry Josh.  The stress can be crushing at times.  I'll keep you in my prayers.  You are due for something to go your way and I really feel like it's going to be the MDA trial for you.  Hang in there.


                                                                                                      Sorry Josh.  The stress can be crushing at times.  I'll keep you in my prayers.  You are due for something to go your way and I really feel like it's going to be the MDA trial for you.  Hang in there.


                                                                                                          Appreciate your response and prayers Brian…you're right the stress is crushing. Not always easy to deal with. I'm so looking forwardtogetting on with trial. Lot of anxiety waiting for that to happen. I believe this will be good…



                                                                                                            Appreciate your response and prayers Brian…you're right the stress is crushing. Not always easy to deal with. I'm so looking forwardtogetting on with trial. Lot of anxiety waiting for that to happen. I believe this will be good…



                                                                                                              Appreciate your response and prayers Brian…you're right the stress is crushing. Not always easy to deal with. I'm so looking forwardtogetting on with trial. Lot of anxiety waiting for that to happen. I believe this will be good…



                                                                                                                Hang in there Josh, I can relate to that "unplugged" feeling. My daughters 12 and 10 yrs. old keep me from totally short circuiting! I am visualizing that your fight and many treatments will payoff soon.

                                                                                                                Best, Paul


                                                                                                                  Hang in there Josh, I can relate to that "unplugged" feeling. My daughters 12 and 10 yrs. old keep me from totally short circuiting! I am visualizing that your fight and many treatments will payoff soon.

                                                                                                                  Best, Paul


                                                                                                                    Hang in there Josh, I can relate to that "unplugged" feeling. My daughters 12 and 10 yrs. old keep me from totally short circuiting! I am visualizing that your fight and many treatments will payoff soon.

                                                                                                                    Best, Paul


                                                                                                                    Sorry Josh.  The stress can be crushing at times.  I'll keep you in my prayers.  You are due for something to go your way and I really feel like it's going to be the MDA trial for you.  Hang in there.


                                                                                                                      Hey Josh- (or Joshie as celeste likes to call you…i love that!)

                                                                                                                      There is no minimizing how devastating this kind of news can be….I dont even post lots of  things because I know so many here are having to deal with so much worse…..but as EVERYONE here has said, we have come so far, and have so many more options than many before us had.

                                                                                                                      We, and especially you right now have to have hope that one (or several) of them will be YOUR magic bullet.

                                                                                                                      I am anxious, and at the same time hopeful that this trial and your upcoming visits to MDA will be it for you for awhile, and will allow you to soon post  "YOUR  OWN SUCCESS STORY".

                                                                                                                      So, for now, sending all my best wishes and lots of hope and good luck!



                                                                                                                        Hey Josh- (or Joshie as celeste likes to call you…i love that!)

                                                                                                                        There is no minimizing how devastating this kind of news can be….I dont even post lots of  things because I know so many here are having to deal with so much worse…..but as EVERYONE here has said, we have come so far, and have so many more options than many before us had.

                                                                                                                        We, and especially you right now have to have hope that one (or several) of them will be YOUR magic bullet.

                                                                                                                        I am anxious, and at the same time hopeful that this trial and your upcoming visits to MDA will be it for you for awhile, and will allow you to soon post  "YOUR  OWN SUCCESS STORY".

                                                                                                                        So, for now, sending all my best wishes and lots of hope and good luck!



                                                                                                                          Hey Josh- (or Joshie as celeste likes to call you…i love that!)

                                                                                                                          There is no minimizing how devastating this kind of news can be….I dont even post lots of  things because I know so many here are having to deal with so much worse…..but as EVERYONE here has said, we have come so far, and have so many more options than many before us had.

                                                                                                                          We, and especially you right now have to have hope that one (or several) of them will be YOUR magic bullet.

                                                                                                                          I am anxious, and at the same time hopeful that this trial and your upcoming visits to MDA will be it for you for awhile, and will allow you to soon post  "YOUR  OWN SUCCESS STORY".

                                                                                                                          So, for now, sending all my best wishes and lots of hope and good luck!


                                                                                                                            I’m so so sorry, Josh! You really need a break from this crap! I know it’s so easy to become negative with all this bad news. It never seems to stop, does it? But take a deep breath. You have so much positive in your life. So much to be grateful for – your beautiful kids and wife, for example. Try to take it one thing at a time so that things don’t build in your head. We’re all praying and sending good thoughts your way!


                                                                                                                              I’m so so sorry, Josh! You really need a break from this crap! I know it’s so easy to become negative with all this bad news. It never seems to stop, does it? But take a deep breath. You have so much positive in your life. So much to be grateful for – your beautiful kids and wife, for example. Try to take it one thing at a time so that things don’t build in your head. We’re all praying and sending good thoughts your way!


                                                                                                                                I’m so so sorry, Josh! You really need a break from this crap! I know it’s so easy to become negative with all this bad news. It never seems to stop, does it? But take a deep breath. You have so much positive in your life. So much to be grateful for – your beautiful kids and wife, for example. Try to take it one thing at a time so that things don’t build in your head. We’re all praying and sending good thoughts your way!



                                                                                                                                  Hi Josh!

                                                                                                                                  You've been so supportive to me and my mom and I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement! – Hang in there and be strong! I've learned that your mindset plays a big factor when dealing with this 'crap'. Although we have our days too (we all do, we're humans) and we've had a lot of set backs; we keep fighting! we just HAVE to!

                                                                                                                                  Please know that YOU matter, and your story matters and never be afraid to settle for anything less than the best care. If something doesnt sit well with you (something docs say/scan results), don't be afraid to take a proactive approach and look for answers for yourself. I've learned that doctors can do so much but you have to be your own advocate when dealing with this healthcare system!

                                                                                                                                  I know you're a strong person and you'll get through this but just remember that THIS too shall pass! There was a sermon by Joel Osteen that me and my mom watched while she was in the hospital and his message was so on point. He talked about how its easy to have hope at the beginning of a journey (new job, new baby, marriage ect.) and at the end of a journey (final exam, graduation, any challenging event coming to an end)…but whats the most difficult its the middle part because there's so much unknown and we are just not able to look passed our obstacle (children growing up to be crazy teens, difficulty in a marriage, doctors just gave you bad news). It is important to be strong in the middle and know that God is still there with you and has not left you! Be prayerful and keep fighting and know that you're strong enough to get through this!!!

                                                                                                                                  All the best – We are praying for you Josh!




                                                                                                                                    Hi Josh!

                                                                                                                                    You've been so supportive to me and my mom and I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement! – Hang in there and be strong! I've learned that your mindset plays a big factor when dealing with this 'crap'. Although we have our days too (we all do, we're humans) and we've had a lot of set backs; we keep fighting! we just HAVE to!

                                                                                                                                    Please know that YOU matter, and your story matters and never be afraid to settle for anything less than the best care. If something doesnt sit well with you (something docs say/scan results), don't be afraid to take a proactive approach and look for answers for yourself. I've learned that doctors can do so much but you have to be your own advocate when dealing with this healthcare system!

                                                                                                                                    I know you're a strong person and you'll get through this but just remember that THIS too shall pass! There was a sermon by Joel Osteen that me and my mom watched while she was in the hospital and his message was so on point. He talked about how its easy to have hope at the beginning of a journey (new job, new baby, marriage ect.) and at the end of a journey (final exam, graduation, any challenging event coming to an end)…but whats the most difficult its the middle part because there's so much unknown and we are just not able to look passed our obstacle (children growing up to be crazy teens, difficulty in a marriage, doctors just gave you bad news). It is important to be strong in the middle and know that God is still there with you and has not left you! Be prayerful and keep fighting and know that you're strong enough to get through this!!!

                                                                                                                                    All the best – We are praying for you Josh!




                                                                                                                                      Hi Josh!

                                                                                                                                      You've been so supportive to me and my mom and I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement! – Hang in there and be strong! I've learned that your mindset plays a big factor when dealing with this 'crap'. Although we have our days too (we all do, we're humans) and we've had a lot of set backs; we keep fighting! we just HAVE to!

                                                                                                                                      Please know that YOU matter, and your story matters and never be afraid to settle for anything less than the best care. If something doesnt sit well with you (something docs say/scan results), don't be afraid to take a proactive approach and look for answers for yourself. I've learned that doctors can do so much but you have to be your own advocate when dealing with this healthcare system!

                                                                                                                                      I know you're a strong person and you'll get through this but just remember that THIS too shall pass! There was a sermon by Joel Osteen that me and my mom watched while she was in the hospital and his message was so on point. He talked about how its easy to have hope at the beginning of a journey (new job, new baby, marriage ect.) and at the end of a journey (final exam, graduation, any challenging event coming to an end)…but whats the most difficult its the middle part because there's so much unknown and we are just not able to look passed our obstacle (children growing up to be crazy teens, difficulty in a marriage, doctors just gave you bad news). It is important to be strong in the middle and know that God is still there with you and has not left you! Be prayerful and keep fighting and know that you're strong enough to get through this!!!

                                                                                                                                      All the best – We are praying for you Josh!




                                                                                                                                        Hang in there josh. Feel free to vent here anytime. We all empathize with you and are frustrated along with you and trying to give you strength



                                                                                                                                          Hang in there josh. Feel free to vent here anytime. We all empathize with you and are frustrated along with you and trying to give you strength



                                                                                                                                            Hang in there josh. Feel free to vent here anytime. We all empathize with you and are frustrated along with you and trying to give you strength


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