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        Hi there, 

        just wanted to share that we also are having an important appointment tomorrow for my husband ( stage 4 since April 2017). I completely understand how you feel, just like you mentioned, Waiting for scan result is the most stressful situation I’ve ever been in, you know! Reading through positive and hopeful stories in this forum has been a tremendous help for both of us! ( aside from anti anxiety medicine I take) 

        anyway just wanted to tell you, you are not alone 🙂 I am sure you will come back with one of these positive and hopeful posts on Wednesday, for many others like myself to read!

        best of luck



          Hi Heidi, 

          well nice to meet you 🙂 Although I feel like  I already know you since I’v read your posts many times on this forum and they have been great source of hope for us( my husband is the patient, stage 4 since April 17). I finally found the courage to share last night! I feel exactly what you are saying, except for I feel like i am living a week at the time( we go for appointments almost every week), let alone waiting for the scans result! I’v never experienced this level of anxiety ever before!

          anyway just wanted to say hi to you. Just like you, I only have one wish in my life; nobody ever dies from cancer anymore.



            Thank you all for your responses, much appreciated. I am hoping for a beneficial appointment tomorrow! Will post an update soon.




              Hi Edwin, your posts have always been encouraging so thank you for that! Do you mind if I ask how long it took for your treatment to kick in? Because my husband also had 2 months gap between the first and second treatment due to liver enzymes.

              thanks again 


                Hi Ann, that is really encouraging to hear 🙂 I am really hoping for a durable response for my husband too! I am hopeful and I know we can beat this beast too!

                take care and  have a great weekend 



                  Hi Ed, thanks for the input!

                  that’s what I was feeling too! We just need to give it more time! But part of me is very worried about what if this monster is progressing too fast! Faster than letting these drugs do their job ( prior to the treatment, about 3 month ago, baseline scan showed a tiny spot in lung, now they are multiple up to over 2 cm). But I am still hopeful for a positive change after tomorrow! 

                  Many thanks again!



                    Thanks Veronika for listening and sharing! My husband also is in a lot of pain from these monsters around his shoulder! They are tender and inflamed. He is taking very strong pain meds, but still when the pain strikes, he gets fever, shaking and rapid heartbeat! 

                    Despite all these, I am very hopeful. Just like you said many people have kicked cancer butt, so why not us?!

                    my prayers are with you and your father 




                      thanks for sharing your journey. I know that your husband has been through a lot! Just like my husband, physically and emotionally unfortunately. I’v read many of your posts before and I know we have a lot in common! Country, treatment history and age ! 

                      He is getting his 3rd or maybe last ipi/nivo and I am really hoping for a miracle to happen, really hoping for a positive and durable response!

                      You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers 

                      good luck 


                        Thanks a lot Niki! Very helpful:) we already made the decision and we are going to get it treated. So that was a reassuring post for us!

                        much appreciated 


                          Hi Rich,

                          thanks a lot for the valuable input. What you mentioned was exactly my next question. His medical oncologist did mentioned the pills( not sure what kind since I wasn’t present  in that appointment) but she’s never actually mentioned testing for mutations. Her idea is to give the third infusion ipi/nivo a chance, if it didn’t work fast enough, then she is gonna switch to the pills. Do you think that’s a good idea?! We are meeting with her tomorrow, I am gonna make sure we leave her office with a plan!

                          God bless you 



                            Hi Ann, thanks a lot for your sharing your experience! We are meeting with his oncologist tomorrow  and we definitely are going for the treatment. My understanding also was to get this thing zapped before it gets way worse! 

                            One other worry , (which may sounds silly!) was about any  partial hair loss. We both are relatively young (early 30), so that actually kind of matter for him! Not me 😉

                            zoe 🙂


                              Thanks a lot Celeste for your quick and informative response! I’v always been reading your inspiaring and informative posts, and it’s been such help and hope for us! 

                              Would you please let me know if there is any common or known side effects for These two types of radiotherapy?

                              many thanks!

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