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        Hello! Just wanted to chime in to give you a little more reassurance. I was diagnosed with stage 1a in 07/2016, breslow depth 0.44mm. I’m perfectly healthy and have had a son since I was diagnosed. He is 16 months old. The beginning is the hardest part but sooner or later life succeeds in distracting you. It will resurface every now and then when you’re sick or someone else is but, for the most part, I predict you will likely go back to your normal life. Just with more sunscreen, hats and general sun awareness πŸ™‚ take care.
          To my knowledge left over pigmentation is not a sign of melanoma. I have one on my back that was removed and has completely repigmented but the biopsy was regular old compound nevus. My doc said sometimes they see that with really old moles. I’d had that one as long as I could remember.
            Hello! Just here to give some reassurance. I was diagnosed with 1a 0.44 thickness melanoma when I was 31 as well. That was just over 3 years ago and im alive and kicking with a 6 month old son. I haven’t had anything else that’s even mildly dysplastic:)
            You’ll move on… it will just take some time.
              Just thought that I would chime in to help alleviate your fears. I was diagnosed with stage 1a in July 2016 ( depth of 0.44) at the age of 31. Not only have I not had a reoccurance or any other even mildly dysplastic moles, but I had a baby last December!
              I was just as anxious as you when I read first diagnosed and still worry when I’m sick or have a funky mole but, overall, melanoma has impacted my life very little.
              Go through the motions but keep in mind that you will likely go back to your normal life after that initial shock wears off πŸ™‚
                I was diagnosed with 1a in 07/2016- .44mm. I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and so far so good but I’ll keep you posted;) I was advised to wait a year before trying but the recommendations are all over the place.
                  I was diagnosed as stage 1a in July 2016… I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant and all is very well. I know thats not exactly the same but i hope it helps or at least helps you feel you’re not alone in the pregnant, melanoma world πŸ™‚
                    I just asked my dermatologist the same question (on the mind since summer is coming). His answer was actually quite refreshing. Basically, don’t get burned. Wear sunscreen (broad spectrum UVA/UVB, spf 50 or higher), cover up when able (when not in the water or being active) and reapply sunscreen frequently. I specifically asked if I should buy a long sleeved/long pants swim suit and he clearly did not think that was necessary. He made my life feel much more liveable πŸ™‚
                    I often have to remind myself that it is unlikely a little extra sun while gardening or running with sunscreen on gave me melanoma… it was tanning booths and hours of unprotected sunbathing. I realize this is not the case for everyone but I belive it is for me.

                    Happy summering πŸ™‚

                      Thanks for the responses! It’s really nice to hear from those who understand the fear. I’m glad to hear I don’t sound that crazy πŸ™‚
                        Hi Melissa! I just wanted to reply since I had a stage 1a removed last summer by dr. Gastman. It happened to be in the middle of IVF when it was discovered too. I do not see a medical oncologist and everything I’ve read/ everyone I’ve spoken with says it’s not necessary. Personally, I don’t want to because it’s unlikely to do me much benefit and very likely to cause me stress :p.

                        I see dr. Balin at CCF for my skin checks. His is semi retired and only sees patients for melanoma now. He uses a dermatoscope along with full body pics and a melafind. I highly recommend him for your skin checks.

                        As for babies… dr. Gastman advised waiting a year. Many places say to wait 2 years since this is the time frame during which you are most likely to reoccur. Some places say you don’t need to wait at all for thin melanomas. I don’t think anyone can give you a great answer on the subject but I will say that I was not in a good frame of mind for at least 6 months after being diagnosed to get pregnant. I want to take the time to become as comfortable with my health as I can before getting pregnant though I’m sure Mel will always be on my mind…

                        Anyway, I’d you’d like to chat more just let me know πŸ™‚


                          Hi Melissa! I just wanted to reply since I had a stage 1a removed last summer by dr. Gastman. It happened to be in the middle of IVF when it was discovered too. I do not see a medical oncologist and everything I’ve read/ everyone I’ve spoken with says it’s not necessary. Personally, I don’t want to because it’s unlikely to do me much benefit and very likely to cause me stress :p.

                          I see dr. Balin at CCF for my skin checks. His is semi retired and only sees patients for melanoma now. He uses a dermatoscope along with full body pics and a melafind. I highly recommend him for your skin checks.

                          As for babies… dr. Gastman advised waiting a year. Many places say to wait 2 years since this is the time frame during which you are most likely to reoccur. Some places say you don’t need to wait at all for thin melanomas. I don’t think anyone can give you a great answer on the subject but I will say that I was not in a good frame of mind for at least 6 months after being diagnosed to get pregnant. I want to take the time to become as comfortable with my health as I can before getting pregnant though I’m sure Mel will always be on my mind…

                          Anyway, I’d you’d like to chat more just let me know πŸ™‚


                            I don’t know if this was directed at me or not. I was advised to wait 1 year. Ended up getting pregnant about 1.5 years after diagnosis. The most I’ve seen suggested for thin lesions is 2 years. Much of the research says no wait time. Not sure there is a “right” answer at the moment.
                              You were right btw πŸ˜‰
                                Thank You! So you think good old fashioned over reacting? I’ll take that over melanoma reoccurance anyday!
                                I have an appointment at 1:30 Today. Honestly, if I wasn’t having the transfer tomorrow I probably would have waited. Plus… I don’t think these hormones help me to have level headed or calm reactions to anything. So, I’ll blame them for my hasty decision making πŸ™‚

                                Thanks for sticking around for folks like me janner!

                                  It could be a stitch abscess. I had one develop about 2-3 months after the WLE surgery (I had about 40 dissolvable stitches that took forever to dissolve). It looked like a pimple. It drained pus and then went away on its own. However, they can become serious so I would let your surgeon know.
                                    I’m curious too… I’ve been 1a for the past year and have never seen an oncologist. What lead you to see one for 8 years?
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