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New scar tissue after 3 months WLE/SLNB

Forums General Melanoma Community New scar tissue after 3 months WLE/SLNB

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      Hello! I had a WLE and a SLNB on Sept 5th. While I still look like a mess, I've been assured I'm healing nicely. Margins were clear and biopsy negative. I have a 10" winding scar and still have swelling. I keep it wrapped and compressed as the scar is still very tender and sensitive. Overall though I had been feeling pretty good. For about a week I have started to have more discomfort and pain in the scar. First noticed it while sleeping. Would wake up from discomfort. I can feel small bumps that feel like scar tissue under the scar and wound area. I had scar tissue with my SLNB that dissolved quickly. Would it be normal for scar tissue to develop 3 months after the WLE? It would explain the bumps and the tenderness but part of me is nervous about recurrence and watches every little development. Thank you for any insight. 


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          I had small bump near my scar-turned out to be a nerve bundle that balled up from all the cutting they did. I had them remove it and test it just to be sure. It happened after my initial wle had sealed shut but before I was completely healed


            Could it be that you just didn't notice the scar tissue that was already there because the whole area was swollen, and now that the swelling has gone down, it's easier to notice?

            I have a small hematoma under one scar that didn't bother me at all for the first two months after surgery, but then it started itching for a few weeks, and hasn't bothered me since.


                Thank you for the replies. I do feel something has changed. There is also a small white nodule that's developed I just noticed. Looks like a zit but it's not. Who knows. Going to call nurse today I think. I feel like Melanoma is so sneaky and grows so fast I have to worry about every little thing. Would be great to be free of the worry. 

                  It could be a stitch abscess. I had one develop about 2-3 months after the WLE surgery (I had about 40 dissolvable stitches that took forever to dissolve). It looked like a pimple. It drained pus and then went away on its own. However, they can become serious so I would let your surgeon know.

                    Yes! Just spoke to the nurse and she said given how long it took the wound to close up new scar tissue at this point would be normal. She also said that white nodule was most likely from a dissolvable stitch. At this point it doesn't hurt so I can just watch it. 

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