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Pregnancy after melanoma

Forums General Melanoma Community Pregnancy after melanoma

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      Hi All,


      I was diagnosed in March with Stage 1a. .38 so it was just past in Situ. I am 36 and have 2 little kids. Wanted a 3rd but now thinking twice after my diagnosis. It’s been 6 months.

      Has anyone had kids after a diagnosis? Would love to hear your thoughts. 

      love to all! 

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          I was diagnosed with 1a in 07/2016- .44mm. I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and so far so good but I’ll keep you posted;) I was advised to wait a year before trying but the recommendations are all over the place.
            Wow! This is a very interesting question/subject! Bubbles get over here!.. Can Melanoma thats in the mothers system, work its way into the fetus/baby? (I hope not) lets research this & post our findings…

                Yes, there are less than 10 documented cases in the last 20 years of stage IV women passing melanoma to the fetus.  STAGE IV mothers.  It can happen.  But if you aren't a stage IV mother, then this isn't an issue.  The biggest issue with prenancy and melanoma is not passing melanoma to the fetus, it's waiting to do treatment while the pregnancy continues.  You can't do treatments while pregnant.  So if you have a recurrence, you may have to delay treatment until the pregnancy is complete.  This is why they recommend waiting 1-2 years after a melanoma diagnosis before getting pregnant.  Statistically, that time frame is the most likely time for melanoma to recur. 

              Hi.  I was diagnosed stage 1 when I was seven months pregnant with my first.  That was 12 years ago.  Nonen of my physicians mentioned waiting or had any concerns about continuing to have more children.  Again, that was 12 years ago so everything was different.  We ended up waiting 5 years before we had our second but that wasn't related to my diagnosis but other factors such as house size, jobs, etc.  I was diagnosed stage IV when my youngest was 5.  The drs weren't concerned about the girls at all.  I was a nervous wreck thinking I'd passed this beast on to them.

              Luckily there is so much more data now.  Look to the docs for recommendations on how long you should wait.  I've heard 1 year but don't know if that's current or old data.  Live the life you want and have the children you feel you were meant to have.  Good wishes to you and your family.  



                I would like to hear more opinions.


                  I was diagnosed stage 1B last year when I was 17 weeks pregnant.  I safely had a WLE and SLNB biopsy at 19 weeks.  They test the placenta when you deliver to make sure the melanoma didn’t cross (unlikely it did).

                  As of April 2018 my oncologist at UCLA said we could pregnant again whenever we choose.  Basically, don’t change my life based on the diagnosis (not supported by research).  I am still worried though…

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