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Infusions Done, Surgery Done!

Forums General Melanoma Community Infusions Done, Surgery Done!

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      Hi friends! Wanted to give a little update:

      Last week I had my last infusion of Nivo, woo! Today I had surgery to remove the last armpit tumor that didn't respond to treatment. And the most exciting part today was the fact that the anesthesiologist at ucsf actually listened to me when I said I get super sick after and that was the main thing I was worried about. We devised a plan and I didn't get nauseous or sick at all!! 

      Should get pathology back to see what that lymph node tumor shows, live cells, dead cells, who knows in about 10 days. They had to take 3 because they were clumped together, three musketeers were going down together I guess.

      Hoping all of you are doing alright and welcome to the new friends. This is a great place for support and resources, has certainly been a great place for me the past couple of years. 

      Fingers crossed I can use those magical 3 letters soon… will probably have to wait for the official NED status until after my next scan at the end of the year.

      Hugs to all,

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          Im so happy for you sister! Im right behind you, im still gettin all my scans done before my Onco starts me on Pembro, did my bone scan today, MRI is tomarrow and the CT scan in on the 28th so, wish she could start me now!! NED NED!NED! For life for you Jen! To all of us…

              Thank you Mike! Many well wishes on your treatment journey!


              Glad you got it ALL done!!!  That's great.  Fingers crossed for a great path result.  But, either way…that particular mess…is GONE!!  Have a great weekend!  celeste


                Best wishes for you Jenn!!!  Hope you have an easy recovery from surgery.


                  Awesome Jenn!! I'm really happy for you and I'm praying that this last surgery is the crushing blow to your Mel once and for all!! Warrior on, Jenn!!



                      Thanks Tex, sending good vibes your way during your treatment!

                    sister of patient

                      That's great Jenn!! I hope this is "it" too – you have all those exciting life's events waiting for you!! Wishing you the speediest recovery ever!!!! You know we can't send you enough good wishes 🙂  !!!!!!


                        I think you have to do radiation under armpit to prevent recurrences. I had the same problem and after radiation no more recurrence under armpit.

                            I asked my oncologist if I should do radiation and she said there is no evidence to prove that radiation will do much other than kill off the rest of the good working lymph nodes in that area. She's a researcher in the melanoma field so I trust her. Very happy to hear it worked for you.


                            So pleas d for you Jenn, glad it's all finished with I wish you NED xx . Go and celebrate you deserve it.



                                Thank you Scooby! Hope you are doing well.


                                Great to hear! Good luck on path report

                                Best, Paul


                                  Yay!  Congrats Jenn.  Such great news.

                                  I hope I don't have any more surgeries but if I do I'll have to ask what they did to help you.  They always tell me that it's really common for women in our age group to have a hard time with the anesthesia and yet I still get super sick every freaking time – def the worst part.

                                  Hope you are celebrating! 



                                      After explaining to the anesthesiologist that my previous surgery I was only given a low dose of anesthesia and still got sick, she figured maybe the nausea was coming more from the narcotics they put into you during surgery, so she had the surgeon use a ton of local anesthetic and less narcotic meds along with anti-nausea meds in the IV and a scopalamine patch behind my ear. I also did not drink or eat anything right after surgery, I waited a couple of hours before doing so just to be safe.

                                      Hope you don't have to have anymore surgeries either! Thank you!


                                      Well done Jenn! Hope you will have a good recovery from surgery and then wish great path results and that they remove it all. Thanks for your help and support to many of us here on this board. Good luck, Mark


                                          Thank you Mark, sending my best to you as well!


                                          Great news Jenn, the end of year will be here in no time, then you can officially use those 3 magical letters


                                              Can't wait! Thanks Tony!


                                              Hey Jenn,

                                              Great news, and hopefully the end of it for you.  The team at UCSF is top-notch.

                                              Sorry I've MIA.  I'll be delivering an update on my status next month.


                                                  Thank you Gary, as usual I was very pleased at how wonderful the surgery department and everyone who works there is. Hope you're doing well, will keep an eye out for your update.


                                                    Gary, hope you are doing well, your bravery and positive approach has encouraged me too

                                                    hope your surgery worked

                                                    best wishes Mark

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