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A great holiday celebration for me

Forums General Melanoma Community A great holiday celebration for me

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      Yesterday started out good and then just continued to get better from there.  First, in terms of traffic, the drive into New York City was the best I can ever remember.  Traffic was very light with no holdups anywhere even though I forgot to bring our EZ-Pass.  Second, my derm evaluation started early and went fine with no issues.  Next, I had my blood drawn at NYU and went on to see Dr.

      Yesterday started out good and then just continued to get better from there.  First, in terms of traffic, the drive into New York City was the best I can ever remember.  Traffic was very light with no holdups anywhere even though I forgot to bring our EZ-Pass.  Second, my derm evaluation started early and went fine with no issues.  Next, I had my blood drawn at NYU and went on to see Dr. Pavlick.  No problems with my exam AND BOTH my creatinine and bilirubin were back to normal.  I was given another six week supply of pills and officially start my 41st month on Zelboraf.

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        Mighty Good news,!!!!

        Mighty Good news,!!!!

        Mighty Good news,!!!!


          You have  reason to celebrate.Not only do you have great medical reports but even your trip in to NYC was clean & green.So as long as you are on a hot streak go and play the lottery.Beat the Beast .     Al


            You have  reason to celebrate.Not only do you have great medical reports but even your trip in to NYC was clean & green.So as long as you are on a hot streak go and play the lottery.Beat the Beast .     Al


              You have  reason to celebrate.Not only do you have great medical reports but even your trip in to NYC was clean & green.So as long as you are on a hot streak go and play the lottery.Beat the Beast .     Al


                Congratulations, you are my example when I tell people my hubby is on Zelboraf. I get

                a lift everytime I read about your long-term response. My husband is only on month

                4 but I hope he responds like you!! Thanks for posting.


                  Congratulations, you are my example when I tell people my hubby is on Zelboraf. I get

                  a lift everytime I read about your long-term response. My husband is only on month

                  4 but I hope he responds like you!! Thanks for posting.


                    Congratulations, you are my example when I tell people my hubby is on Zelboraf. I get

                    a lift everytime I read about your long-term response. My husband is only on month

                    4 but I hope he responds like you!! Thanks for posting.


                      Congrats Dick! I'm 4 weeks on Zelboraf as of today. I must admit i'm a bit scared still but i'm taking my pills like clock work. I already did the Ipi but it did not work as far as we know. Keep up what you are doing!




                        Congrats Dick! I'm 4 weeks on Zelboraf as of today. I must admit i'm a bit scared still but i'm taking my pills like clock work. I already did the Ipi but it did not work as far as we know. Keep up what you are doing!




                          Congrats Dick! I'm 4 weeks on Zelboraf as of today. I must admit i'm a bit scared still but i'm taking my pills like clock work. I already did the Ipi but it did not work as far as we know. Keep up what you are doing!



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