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Kathy of Massachusetts

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  • Replies
      Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


      Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


      Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


      Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


      Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


      Just want to let you know I made the decision to start with with IPI made 3 doses base on my beginning strength by infusion 3 I was pretty wiped so we moved to Zelboraf l for8 months and then back to IPI for.4 infidsions just stopped zelboraraf after just about 9 months on June 12, 2012″. I had ct and MRI yesterday I will get my results tomorrow.


      I am so sorry to hear the pain from those being left behind. I have been fighting this disease for four years now. My biggest fear was trying to explain to my family how serious this disease is, I actually sent tme to websites like this one to get the best from the best. Having lost my 9 year old sister to am leukemia when I was only 15 myself I remember how hard it was on the care givers side. I actually cried more for what my poor children and husband was going to be exposed to than anything I myself must endure. One of the first things I said to my family wa
      Please don,t be afraid of me because you don ,t know what to say I am sure your husband would be so sadden to how you suffer I doubt there is anything you did while you loved and took care of him he wishes you had not I feel for you but others in his life, you mentioned children are also hurting. Try and support one and other as you work through this time of grief. I am praying for you all.
      I am so sorry to hear the pain from those being left behind. I have been fighting this disease for four years now. My biggest fear was trying to explain to my family how serious this disease is, I actually sent tme to websites like this one to get the best from the best. Having lost my 9 year old sister to am leukemia when I was only 15 myself I remember how hard it was on the care givers side. I actually cried more for what my poor children and husband was going to be exposed to than anything I myself must endure. One of the first things I said to my family wa
      Please don,t be afraid of me because you don ,t know what to say I am sure your husband would be so sadden to how you suffer I doubt there is anything you did while you loved and took care of him he wishes you had not I feel for you but others in his life, you mentioned children are also hurting. Try and support one and other as you work through this time of grief. I am praying for you all.
      I am so sorry to hear the pain from those being left behind. I have been fighting this disease for four years now. My biggest fear was trying to explain to my family how serious this disease is, I actually sent tme to websites like this one to get the best from the best. Having lost my 9 year old sister to am leukemia when I was only 15 myself I remember how hard it was on the care givers side. I actually cried more for what my poor children and husband was going to be exposed to than anything I myself must endure. One of the first things I said to my family wa
      Please don,t be afraid of me because you don ,t know what to say I am sure your husband would be so sadden to how you suffer I doubt there is anything you did while you loved and took care of him he wishes you had not I feel for you but others in his life, you mentioned children are also hurting. Try and support one and other as you work through this time of grief. I am praying for you all.
      By having your nodes tested, if they come back positive you will know your disease is is at a more serious stage and have time to possibily stop the spread.and closer follow up. Thisis the main reason to have it done.
      Kathy d
      By having your nodes tested, if they come back positive you will know your disease is is at a more serious stage and have time to possibily stop the spread.and closer follow up. Thisis the main reason to have it done.
      Kathy d
      By having your nodes tested, if they come back positive you will know your disease is is at a more serious stage and have time to possibily stop the spread.and closer follow up. Thisis the main reason to have it done.
      Kathy d
      By having your nodes tested, if they come back positive you will know your disease is is at a more serious stage and have time to possibily stop the spread.and closer follow up. Thisis the main reason to have it done.
      Kathy d
      By having your nodes tested, if they come back positive you will know your disease is is at a more serious stage and have time to possibily stop the spread.and closer follow up. Thisis the main reason to have it done.
      Kathy d
      By having your nodes tested, if they come back positive you will know your disease is is at a more serious stage and have time to possibily stop the spread.and closer follow up. Thisis the main reason to have it done.
      Kathy d
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