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        Very coincidental that I saw this today as the first message. I'm getting Opdivo adjuvant treatment #4 of 26 today, and I was telling my oncologist that Treatment #3 gave me pretty severe back pain that lasted a week. I am wondering if it's a coincidence, as I had some off/on back situations (the classic "threw my back out" but always in response to bad behavior on my part like lifting too much or improperly without warming up, etc.), but this last treatment caused my back to slowly "seize up" in the hours after the treatment and it stayed with me for about 6 days. I'll check on responses to this post and let you know if Treatment #4 causes the same problems as Treatment #3 for me. (No back pain after treatments #1 and #2.)



          "man fans" should be "many fans" but either way works!


            I was scrolling through posts today (made later than this one), and I came across Celeste offering sage advice to a new person. I thought to myself: "I should really put up a post saying 'THANK YOU CELESTE!' so that she hears from her man fans about what AMAZING work she does on this board. Then I scroll down a few more posts, and here it is!! 

            Celeste–Your blog, your guidance, and as someone else pointed out above, your ATTITUDE toward all of this have made such a difference in my life, and I'm only a few months into this journey. As a lawyer, I have to hire "expert witnesses" for trials, and the first question I ask is: "Sure, they know quite a bit, but can they break down their knowledge and put it out there in a way that the average juror could understand it?" You would be the PERFECT expert witness on melanoma, but also on the subject of keeping the right attitude in the face of being dealt a ridiculously crappy hand of cards. You're a "leader" in every true sense of the word, and you lead by example. Thank you for all your hard work, and utilizing the gift you have of breaking things down into bite-size morsels that we mere mortals can chew up and digest.  A tip of the hat and a toast with a glass of "bubbly" for "Bubbles"!!


              Jenn–Thanks for the info. This is just what I needed to know! Hope you give Uncle Mel a knockout punch in 2018!!!


                Jenn–Thanks for the info. This is just what I needed to know! Hope you give Uncle Mel a knockout punch in 2018!!!


                  Donna–Sounds like your husband and I are on similar paths. Best of luck to both of you in 2018!!



                    Janner–Ed's videos did help make that clear, but it would have completely taken me off guard. This surgery is a bit more involved than I had assumed, so i'm glad I got on here so I could get some basic understanding. Thanks for your help!!


                      Thanks for the info! Glad to know ahead of time that this isn't a quick outpatient deal. Helps to have that in mind in planning out the days around the surgery. Thanks again for you help!


                        Jenn–Thanks for the overview. I sort of had it in my head that the WLE and SLNB were like a 1/2 day deal, but now I'm learning there's much more involved. Thanks for the heads up and explanation!


                          Ed–The videos are excellent. Just what I needed. Thank you so much!


                            Nichole– Sounds like the consensus is that the Derm spoke way too soon. I think I'll take your advise to let the pathology and full biopsy really tell the story. Thanks again for the support!


                              Ava–Thanks for the good advice! I guess my impression was that my Derm also thought it looked "classic," but even made the point to say: "You know melanoma is the 'bad' kind of skin cancer" which made me think he'd have to be fairly sure before going down that road. I'll take your advice to keep busy. Thanks for the help!!


                                Jenn–Thanks for the info! I'm admittedly fairly clueless, but he just "seemed so sure" that I wondered if there was some way to obviously eyeball it. Thanks for the good advice. I think I'll try to focus on "wait and see"!!

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