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Well, that happened

Forums General Melanoma Community Well, that happened

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      Hello Melanoma Family,

      I had my routine 3 month PET/CT and MRI yesterday.  I have two new spots that they are calling very concerning for metastatic disease.  As the seasoned veterans around here will tell you, that does not cause panic anymore.  One spot in my somewhat educated opinion, is probably a reactive lymph node and nothing more.  I have had a half dozen of those over the years.

      The 2nd spot is the reason for my post because I have never heard of this one before.  I have a spot between the two butt muscles in my right butt cheek.  I must say I laughed a lot about that yesterday when my onc told me and while I was receiving my 26th round of Pembro.  The spot is really small so we are going to wait and re-scan in 6 weeks.  I have had all kinds of mets over the last couple years, but this one has me stumped.  I doubt there is a lymph node back there so I am preparing my mind for having to treat this one.  Anyone ever heard of a butt slab met? 

      I am not ready to say the beast is back, but my NED status is in jeopardy.


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          Hi Brad,

          I met a guy in the gym almost three years ago now. After getting to know him and talking to him, one day he said to me "you just never know with cancer, I could have melanoma now and not know it". We met in St. Louis where I'm orginally from and I moved back to St. Petersburg, Florida a couple years ago where I had lived since 02'. Just moved home for awhile to be with family during chemo. Well, after I moved back I got a call from my friend telling me he found out he had melanoma and yes, it was on his right ass cheek. We both mentioned him saying he could have it and never know. He sent me a pic after his surgery and they really took a huge chunk of his ass during surgery. He didn't seem to mind but I know I would have. Seems strange to think of it in an area that never gets sun, such as the bottom of the feet which is common. Also, I am stage IV now, never was out in the sun much and have no family history of melanoma. I have been to Iraq and Afghanistan and I had a melanoma specialist looking through my medical records and he noted about 6 or 7 things that I was exposed to that can cause various cancers. 

            Hi Brad, lets hope there all “Psuedo Progressions” and that theyll be gone in 6 weeks! As far as the Butt area, i had 2 lumps in my left ass cheek and they’re gone now!(had em’ for about 3 months), scan didnt light em up , and there gone now! I think the Yervoy ate em up….Melanoma is a pain the Ass…lol

                In more ways than one.  Still praying for you my melanoma brother.  I know your health is a big issue, but your sense of humor has not been harmed in any way.  Very important to keep that part of life healthy.  My onc told me it was the first time she ever had a patient that possibly could be developing another met start laughing so much when told where it is.  Laughter can get you through so much in this battle!


                You might try wearing jeans under your leather chaps, or at least sunscreen.  Just my two cents worth.  😉



                    Great point!  I prefer my Zubaz's but I can appreciate your idea.


                    When you say the first spot is probably a reactive lymph node could you tell me the size? I’m always dealing with reactive lymph nodes up to 1.2cm from Nivo.

                    Regarding the back side flag from radiology I’d really think that is some sort of bruise (swelling).

                    Nick C


                      I had one develope on my left side as a met. It was "resolved" after 5 months of Keytruda.



                        Hi Brad! I had a cyst once right above my butt that lit up on the PET scan. They thought it may be an in-transit, but the onc surgeon removed it in the office and said it was a sebacious cyst. All kinds of things light up on PET scans – hoping it's just one of those funny 'spots' and nothing more!



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