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update on Will & question

Forums General Melanoma Community update on Will & question

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    Lori C

      Will is doing okay – going for 4th chemo next week.  All visible lesions very small, flat, etc.  However, he is SO tired.    He's on cisplatin and taxol.  Is this pretty normal?  Pain is much better.  But I'm worried – of course.  He's just so worn out.

      Will is doing okay – going for 4th chemo next week.  All visible lesions very small, flat, etc.  However, he is SO tired.    He's on cisplatin and taxol.  Is this pretty normal?  Pain is much better.  But I'm worried – of course.  He's just so worn out.

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    • Replies

          Yes, exhaustion can be a symptom of chemotherapy.  Not a bad idea to tell his oncologist though.  Wouldn't want to wear him out mentally.  


            Yes, exhaustion can be a symptom of chemotherapy.  Not a bad idea to tell his oncologist though.  Wouldn't want to wear him out mentally.  

            Jackie W

              I think almost all chemos cause extreme fatigue.  My husband was on two different ones and he experienced fatigue with each one. I havea friend who was on a chemo for breast cancer and she also had fatigue. 


              Jackie W

              Jackie W

                I think almost all chemos cause extreme fatigue.  My husband was on two different ones and he experienced fatigue with each one. I havea friend who was on a chemo for breast cancer and she also had fatigue. 


                Jackie W


                  Did the doctors recommend any medication against the fatigue? I think this is an interesting article about drugs that might work against chemo-related fatigue:

                    Lori C

                      He is not on anti-fatigue drugs – I will discuss it with his doctor.

                      Since last Thursday, he's had some episodes of vomiting.  I am, of course, terrified that this means the liver mets are suddenly worse.  He has no pain there, the stomach pain is very low (between the hips) before he vomits. 

                      Is it possible this is a side effect of the chemo?  He's coming up to round 4 next week.  Thank yoou for the replies.  For a variety of reasons, this has been one of the toughest weeks of my life.

                      Will's room mate – another man with a mild disability – has grown increasingly hostile and angry about the changes imposed by Will's illness.  I've gotten several screaming, invective filled phone calls from his support people, upset with me for the disruption to his life.  Since Will is a tenant at this place, and since I really have no energy to deal with this, I am thinking of bringing Will to live with me.  It's a big step, but I don't see how else to handle all this.  Right now, I'm mostly worried about the vomiting.

                      James from Sydney

                        Hi Lori

                        my son had similar symptoms and it ended up being a node pressing onto his Utera and closing it.  This created the pain low down and nausea. A stent fixed that problem. Will's fatigue could be from lack of nutrition and constant vomiting. Ask about TPN, this is vis an IV and can get him all the Nutrition his body needs until he feels like eating again. 

                        You are an incredible friend to Will 

                        best wishes


                        James from Sydney

                          Hi Lori

                          my son had similar symptoms and it ended up being a node pressing onto his Utera and closing it.  This created the pain low down and nausea. A stent fixed that problem. Will's fatigue could be from lack of nutrition and constant vomiting. Ask about TPN, this is vis an IV and can get him all the Nutrition his body needs until he feels like eating again. 

                          You are an incredible friend to Will 

                          best wishes


                          Lori C

                            He is not on anti-fatigue drugs – I will discuss it with his doctor.

                            Since last Thursday, he's had some episodes of vomiting.  I am, of course, terrified that this means the liver mets are suddenly worse.  He has no pain there, the stomach pain is very low (between the hips) before he vomits. 

                            Is it possible this is a side effect of the chemo?  He's coming up to round 4 next week.  Thank yoou for the replies.  For a variety of reasons, this has been one of the toughest weeks of my life.

                            Will's room mate – another man with a mild disability – has grown increasingly hostile and angry about the changes imposed by Will's illness.  I've gotten several screaming, invective filled phone calls from his support people, upset with me for the disruption to his life.  Since Will is a tenant at this place, and since I really have no energy to deal with this, I am thinking of bringing Will to live with me.  It's a big step, but I don't see how else to handle all this.  Right now, I'm mostly worried about the vomiting.


                            Did the doctors recommend any medication against the fatigue? I think this is an interesting article about drugs that might work against chemo-related fatigue:


                              Hi Lori,

                              I'm sorry to hear that Will is so tired and feeling worn out and hope he soon improves. However, I'm pleased to hear that all the visible lesions are very small and flat and that his pain is much better. When is his next scan due?



                                Hi Lori,

                                I'm sorry to hear that Will is so tired and feeling worn out and hope he soon improves. However, I'm pleased to hear that all the visible lesions are very small and flat and that his pain is much better. When is his next scan due?


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