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The Anti-Cancer Revolution

Forums General Melanoma Community The Anti-Cancer Revolution

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      Subject: The Anti-Cancer Revolution — starts on Monday… note there will be an encore weekend edition if you miss any talks

      Do you want to know why chemotherapy and radiation are considered the norm for cancer treatment? It might seem crazy if you’ve done enough research, but the answer is really quite simple. For years, people have chosen these treatments because they didn’t even realize they had a choice in the first place.

      Chemo and radiation are pushed so much by the mainstream, they’re seen as not just an option, but the “only” option. With cancer statistics on the rise, it’s more imperative now than ever before to understand how naturopathic oncologists and integrative doctors have been successfully fighting cancer.

      It’s time for an Anti-Cancer Revolution.

      From June 17-23, 2019, you can learn from the world’s top natural healing (and living) experts, integrative doctors, and naturopathic oncologists, including our Founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Antonio Jimenez!

      These experts will share natural ways to support your fight against cancer using nutrition, oils, homeopathy, cellular detox, fasting, ozone therapy, botanical chemo, hyperbarics, epigenetics, and more!

      >>The Anti-Cancer Revolution (register here now!) is online and completely FREE!<< The Anti-Cancer Revolution is for YOU, if you want to: Supplement conventional approaches with natural methods Find an entirely natural approach to fighting cancer Cease being frustrated by the lack of options Reduce side effects and prevent relapses WHY ATTEND? Your host, Ryan Sternagel, received devastating news on his son's first birthday: a stage IV cancer diagnosis. His family was already living what they considered a "healthier than average" life… they ate good food, and stayed active and happy. Ryan deeply researched the disease and how to protect his son from the damage of conventional treatments. Ultimately, they shifted every aspect of their lives to remove the cause. Now, he'll share what he has learned (and continues to learn) from the world's natural health and healing community! Join us in the revolution to learn more about: Root causes and targeted therapies How to ask more informed questions of your health pros Choosing the right foods and supplements Anti-cancer environmental and lifestyle changes Reducing toxicity and increasing treatment efficacy Understanding alternative treatments Cutting-edge cancer testing (to avoid relapse!) …and so much more! Register today to ensure you’ll have access to all of this valuable knowledge — and don’t miss out on Dr. Tony’s information-packed talk on the Immune System and Cancer! >> Learn natural anti-cancer strategies when you register for free today! <<

      Blessings and Love,

      Communications Team

      P.S. When you register today, you'll also receive The Ultimate Cancer-Proof Home eChecklist, a powerful 10-page tool to help remove toxins from your home, starting right now!

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          I have stage 4 melanoma. Immunotherapy saved my life. If someone had convinced me to try “nutrition, oils, homeopathy, cellular detox, fasting, ozone therapy, botanical chemo, hyperbarics, epigenetics” instead of immunotherapy, I would have died. Spreading false information is irresponsible.
              Well said, Edwin!!! And….ditto!!! If the “experts” being touted here who are making a killing (literally!!!) while taking money from desperate cancer peeps with a bunch of slick slides shows, nifty charts, and complicated diet regimens posted this advert on here….wouldn’t we consider it spam????? Celeste
                The teacher comes when the student is ready
                There is a saying, alternately attributed to Buddha Siddhartha Guatama Shakyamuni and the Theosophists, that goes: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Regardless of who came up with it, I think it’s a key concept to keep in mind when talking about individual change management.
                  Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
                    Ummmm….. EXACTLY!!! Gene, you and I and Edwin are all still alive because of the advancement of modern medicine and immunotherapy!!!! So, YAY!!!!! Thankfully, “RESULTS” from the early trials you and I participated in, Gene, have been sufficient to advance medicine and save the lives of many others!!! It would be “INSANITY” to reverse course and do the things that didn’t work in the dark ages of melanoma treatment and expect different results!!!!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself! Well done, you!!! celeste
                      MRF – I find these threads very upsetting. There are people using this site who are literally fighting for their lives.

                      As someone who knows the intense anxiety and fear of this disease, I implore you to regard these conspiracy theories for what they are – an opportunity to get fake passports.

                      Gene can find other avenues for his views. Patients and caregivers are coming here for science.


                        Read the comments…. Chemo killed may people according to the comments
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                  The MRF Patient Forum is the oldest and largest online community of people affected by melanoma. It is designed to provide peer support and information to caregivers, patients, family and friends. There is no better place to discuss different parts of your journey with this cancer and find the friends and support resources to make that journey more bearable.

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