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Thank You All So So Much!!

Forums General Melanoma Community Thank You All So So Much!!

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      Hello MRF Family! thank you all who has responded {and who couldn’t respond, or didn’t want to respond haha} “so far” haha, bigger crowd then ya think haha! imagine all of us under one roof? like at a convention spot or a Banquet hall somewhere nice, iv always thought about that and may have even mentioned it, I try to play our Calif. lottery as much as I remember, “If” I ever hit the Jack Pot that would be one of my Top 3 things to do, pay for everyones round trip plane {1st class of course} tickets, all expense paid to wherever we all agree to meet! Hawaii? id like to go to Vietnam, not just because my Dad was there {War time} but its also beautiful in the outskirts….my other thing id do if I won, buy up a good piece of property {with house} and open up an Animal Rescue plus start up what I would think to be the very first “Ambulance” organization “company” for injured animals, not sure about “licensing” to run or creep through Stop signs and Red lights like Human ambulances but, we will try & push for it haha…anyways guys, sorry for the mind fantasy, I just really wish we could all be under one roof for a time, id pick you all up & give back so much to you guys…Hope ya”all are well or atleast decent, im getting the ball rolling on my end….
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          You’re welcome Mike! Maybe we can meet some time for lunch. (Whole Foods?) around the corner from Angeles and St. Johns. Sounds like you are going to be a regular around Santa Monica! So glad you are seeing Omid Hamid. He’s one of the best! Been playing the lotto a little more myself. But, so far only 200.00 on a scratcher. lol

          Best, Paul

              Sounds great Paul! Not to familiar with the area, im from the Valley (SFV) ill look for St. Johns, is that a hospital? Or street name? I have another appointment next Thursday at 3:45pm just a quick follow up, are you free for some time before then? Cuz afterwards traffic going back up the 405fwy “or” Sepulveda is a disaster! The earlier start i get before 5pm the better!!, it took us an Hour & a half to get 10 miles (if that) back to Van Nuys! Craaaazy! But worth it!!
                Yeah Mike! I’m up in Ventura. Once you get set up with a routine of kicking some Melanoma Ass! we can meet up and have lunch, a quick whats up or whatever. I am being seen at John Wayne Cancer Institute (St. Johns Hospital) two blocks from Angeles. Santa Monica Blvd. Gotta meet ya brother you are an inspiration!

                Best, Paul

                  Sounds baddass! So far in my Melanoma journey, I haven’t been in the presence “physically” anyways, of another person with Melanoma! Haha…the cancer men’s group I go to (at weSPARK), I’m the only one who has Mel! Can I ask, when is your next appt? What time? I can make a special trip, I’m closer to Angeles Clinic or your clinic then you are, it takes like 20 minutes to get there, BUT! Takes an Hour & a half to get back! Especially around 4 to 5pm disaster! Let me know!
                    I need to make one. I am overdue for scans(bad I know) But, I will have an appt. soon. I can come to you Mike as soon as you settle in to your plan of attack! I’ve been hoping to run into Julie (Julie of So.Cal) at one of my appt. but, hasn’t happened yet. It will be fun to see someone from our MRF family. I know you will keep us posted on your renewed journey!

                    Best, Paul

                    I like these plans!! HA! Gotta dream, right!! Hang tough! Looking forward to what comes next for you! c
                        Yeeeeha! Hell yah Bubbles! Im feeling like theres Light at the end of the tunnel & its not the front of an oncoming train…im very blessed and you all made it happen (and God to, but i keep that kinda quiet, alotta us cancer folks have parted ways from him cuz of all this Melanoma stuff)…thank you B! More news at 11!
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