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Forums General Melanoma Community STILL WAITING

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      Hi everyone,

      Just wondering how long you all waiting for a WLE and SNB after your initial diagnosis. I was diagnosed with T2b lesion on Sept 5th and referred to a different surgeon for a WLE and SNB. I live in a rural area and they don’t have the capability for the SNB here. I have not heard anything about an appointment yet so I called the surgeon’s office this morning. All they would tell me was that the surgeon was reviewing my file and they would contact after that with an appointment. No timeframe or estimate on how much longer that would take. So I may hear in a day or so or next month or 3 months, who knows???!! Since this lesion has moderate to high probability of recurrence and/or metastasis doesn’t every day count?? I was already sick with worry and now more so!

      PS. I am in Canada

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          Hi Emerald,

          I’m really really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I really am. My husband was diagnosed with desmoplastic melanoma in his parotid gland (main salivary gland) on June 19th (my 54th birthday). Despite being very near to the Cancer hospital here in Dublin (Ireland) AND having private insurance, it took us a few weeks to realize that you have to be your own advocate. The surgeons, nurses, radiologists, receptionists, secretaries, health insurance workers, etc. are all human with their own lives and problems, and sometimes they are just too busy, tired, fed up, underpaid, etc. to prioritize your situation. We were so scared every day that the tumour was growing while we were waiting to be contacted for an appointment for the WLE, SNB and CLND (complete lymph node dissection). After realizing mistakes were being made in terms of the hospital contacting the wrong insurance company, we took the risk of calling them more periodically to ask them for some type of timeframe while making sure to apologize for any inconvenience each time (because you get so scared that you may get on their bad side.) After going through quite a number of people, we finally found a wonderful nurse who helped us immensely. My husband’s operation was on July 23rd. We are now waiting for his radiotherapy and immunotherapy to begin. Unfortunately, this means dealing with a completely new set of people, and like before, we are finding out that we have to push (in a polite manner) to get things moving. It’s 2 months today since his operation, and once again we find ourselves scared (not everyday as when he was first diagnosed) that some micro tumour cell that may have been left behind in his body is now growing again to form a new tumor. We are having trouble with our insurance company authorizing the therapies, but our oncologist has now become involved in dealing with our insurance company. This has made a world of difference to my husband: the fact that someone else is also fighting for you. Do seek support; from friends, family, and from this forum. Celeste’s (Bubbles) website has helped me enormously in strengthening me with knowledge about melanoma. The sharing of her own melanoma treatment as well as the sharing from so many others does make you stronger and better informed to deal with the many people you will have to be dealing with. So do not give up; follow up with the surgeon, and keep in mind that everyday that you are made to wait, that’s another day closer to new and better medicines and therapies to combat melanoma.

          Sending you many positive thoughts.

              Thank you, Affected! I am sorry about your husband’s diagnosis as well. My diagnosis came 2 weeks after my 59th birthday. My mother was also diagnosed with cancer (kidney) when she was 59. I was nervous about turning 59 but didn’t think I’d get bad news so soon! I’ve luckily been healthy my whole life until this. I have been reading so many posts on this site and am getting more and more informed every day. I have an appointment with another doctor at our local clinic tomorrow and I have a list of questions ready! Maybe she will have better luck getting a timeframe from the surgeon or refer me to a different surgeon who can do the WLE and SNB in a sooner timeframe. I’ve also found a dermatologist who specializes in skin cancer through my work health insurance and will get a referral to her as well. You are correct that we have to be our own advocates and I am working on that now! I hope your husband’s treatment starts soon and that he gets good results. Sending many positive thoughts your way as well!
              I didn’t see a dermatologist initially. It was a Physicians Assistant in the office (like a higher level nurse) who knew immediately what it was. It was typed quickly and I was referred to the melanoma guy at the large teaching hospital the practice was associated with. Had the WLE SNB for a 2B within three weeks. Also a cat scan.

              At the time, their weren’t a lot of treatments but the nodes were good. I cleared two years of cat scans, switched to lung xrays.

              I’m stage IV, picked up as the result of a brain MRI for an unrelated condition. The brain met is new, within 6 months Be Ayse I have had many MRIs now.

              If I had had a brain MRI when I had the melanoma removed they would have found my unrelated original brain tumor. If I’d had a chest CT they would have found my melanoma. Bah. Anyways, doing immunotherapy now.

              Keep on the doctor.

                  Thanks, JudiAu! Sorry to hear your lung and brain tests weren’t conducted earlier on. I will keep on my doctor! I have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow so hopefully I will get some firmer answers. Sending you positive thoughts on your immunotherapy and hoping you get successful results! This is not a fun group to join but the support and info I am receiving already has been a lifesaver!
                  Good morning,
                  I had my original biopsy inSeptember of 2011, my SLNB in November 2011 and after finding 2 positive nodes, my CLND in February of 2012. Each felt like a longhorn wait, but is actually quite normal and you should try not to get too anxious over this amount of time. That said, I would stay on top of the surgeon’s office and check in every few days. Your surgeon should be able to find time in his or her schedule fairly quickly. Good luck!
                      Thank you, SABKLYN! I am trying not to be so anxious about the wait although it is not easy! I will keep checking in with the surgeon’s office and hopefully I will have a date soon. When I called, I was just wanting to get some type of timeframe as to when I might get notified of a date but the receptionist would not say anything other than that the surgeon was still reviewing my file and I would get a letter. So frustrating. I’m going to see the GP who referred me to this surgeon tomorrow to see if they have or can get any more info than I was able to.
                      Once you have a referral you can make your own appointment in Canada. If I was you, I would take it into my own hands and contact a few surgeons at least two. Rural or not, as long as you are willing to travel. Remember, the squeeky wheel is the one which gets the grease. You must be proactive and keep on calling. I did it for friends back home in regards to heart disease and other illnesses. I lived in Toronto for 23 years and London for 19.
                      Best of luck and hoping you get your appointment soon.
                          Thank you, Melanie! I did not know that I can make my own appointment once I have a referral. I will definitely look into that! I am willing to travel if needed to get this done. I have another appointment at the local clinic here tomorrow and hopefully will have a much better defined game plan after that! I had my regular mammogram last week and got a call yesterday that they want to do an ultrasound to have a better look at something. They said it was fairly routine, but given my underlying condition I am not so sure. Maybe this will up the urgency in getting my WLE and SNB.
                            I understand that you have a dermatologist’s appointment but I would strongly advise that a surgeon possibly a melanoma one does your surgery. They are much more experienced and thorough. Also, please do not worry about the breast ultrasound. I had the exact thing happen to me and it turned out to be nothing. Many women have these issues especially if they have dense breast tissue. In any case, it is far better to be cautious than not. I believe I read that melanoma does not usually spread to the breast. I know that the waiting game is exhausting but stay strong and remain positive. Hoping you have surgery dates soon.
                            I agree with everyone posting so far. Advocating for yourself is key. My husband told me he had melanoma on a Saturday (long story), gave me the pathology report that evening and I called MD Anderson on Monday morning. After a few words with the scheduler, he was seen that week (his melanoma was quite large and was possibly already a metastasized tumor from an unknown primary) and surgery (WLE and SNB) the following Monday. Also, when we went back to see Dr. Amaria the oncologist 6 weeks after surgery and got scans, Dr. Amaria called us on the way home from the visit, because she felt we needed to hear results that day (I think she could tell I was losing it a bit in the stress department). That is what everyone deserves. Asking for an estimate is more than fair on your part.

                            I’ve kind of lost my niceness a bit as I totally can’t stand getting stuck in an illogical workflow, so I tend to go “Terms of Endearment” on behalf of my loved ones at this point. I did it with the scheduler at MD Anderson who didn’t seem to have a sense of urgency when I called them after seeing my husband’s pathology report which was looking pretty bad prognostically. You’ve got enough on your plate, don’t feel bad about pushing for your own needs.

                            These people are human and good for sure and I try not to yell at the gatekeepers, but there is nothing wrong with pointing out serious flaws in these large systematic and often ridiculous medical hoops we have to jump through. And sometimes you are just dealing with the one bad apple in the workflow. I figure I’m doing it for the next guy that may get stuck in a bad workflow when dealing with a life threatening condition and if they have a chance to do better next time, maybe that helps. i’m sure they have their own opinions about me at this point 🙂

                            Good luck, the anxiety and stress at the point in the process you are at is overwhelming. Just for some hope, my husband had a 2.2 cm (22 mm deep) melanoma removed from his back and his nodes and scans came back clear. We have followed the wait and watch protocol because the treatment he was offered at that time was IL-2 which meant hospitalization, etc.

                            Many hugs and this board will help you a great deal. Wishing you a successful SNB/WLE and that all is clear.

                                Thank you, Jackie! Your husband is very lucky to have you in his corner advocating for him and for others who follow in his footsteps! It’s encouraging to hear that his nodes and scans came back clear! I do believe the receptionist I had the misfortune of speaking to was a bad apple. Right from the moment she answered the phone, it sounded like she wanted to be anywhere but answering my questions. Or maybe she was just having a bad day. Either way, I agree with you that asking for an estimate is more than fair on my part instead of just leaving me hanging with having no idea when I will get an appointment. I get that patients will be triaged according to urgency but that’s no reason to be rude to someone who’s going though the anxiety and stress of just trying to get a final diagnosis so they know what they are dealing with! Thank goodness for this board and the support it provides! I have an appointment tomorrow with a local doctor to get a referral for a dermatologist who specializes in skin cancer and to see if she can get any more details from the surgeon’s office. Thanks again for your best wishes and I hope your husband continues to have clear scans!
                                Hi Neighbor! Im Mike nice to meet under our fabulous condition we have! NOT! Haha..well, id put my timeline at a little over a month, first, made appt with Derm Doc did a Shave Biopsy, that took about 7 days for report to come back, Derm doc calls to tell me Melanoma, he referrs me to my oncologist , Oncologists appointment was made(about 14 days after that), saw her, discussed pathology report (confirmed Melanoma) decided on a WLE (thorough surgery) that was agreed upon, set appointment with Oncology Surgeon, about 7 days later, saw her for Surgery consult, surgery set for the following week…somewhere around that time frame, a little more then a months time from Derm Docs biopsy to actual extraction of lesion…(Kaiser Hospital USA)
                                  What province? I am in NS and diagnosed in September 2016 3a.
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