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Pink Scalp Bump

Forums General Melanoma Community Pink Scalp Bump

  • This topic has 15 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by AN8.
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      Anyone have a pink bump on scalp turn out OK?

      I had what I thought was a pimple on my scalp a few months ago (4? 6? 8? I can't remember)… I know that I tried picking it a few times and it would scab over… Stupidly, I never worried (I have had occasional scalp pimples over the years)…

      2 weeks ago I find myself rubbing the area and noticing it hasnt gone away. I took a pic, and actually its a very pink  (4mm?), raised, like a small bump, hair growing through (not that the hair makes a difference).

      Trying not to panic, but I am. Derm isnt available for 3 weeks… 

      Anyone have theres turn out to be nothing?

      What could it be? Dr Google has eliminated some of the more common things like pillar cysts (because of hair growing etc)… Ugh…. 

      Any advice appreciated… TIA


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          I had something similar.  Turned out to be a squamous cell cancer.  Got it frozen, and it hasn't returned.  It's probably nothing, but even if it is, three weeks will probably make no difference.  Try to relax about it!


              Thank you for replying… I feel so silly for not thinking anything of it ages ago and thinking it was a spot, what an idiot… Real shock 2 weeks ago to see this pink bump boldly sitting there πŸ™ I hope you're right and its nothing … 


                I had the same thing 3 years ago, and now I’m fighting for my life with stage4 Melanoma.  It looked like a pink wart and I picked at it and even tried some wart medicine but it would just bleed.  Had it surgically removed at Stanford January 2016 and sentinel lymph nodes came up negative but evidently it had already made it past the nodes.  Routine scan in January of 2018 showed it in my liver, spine, lungs and brain.  I’m not trying to scare you as yours is probably nothing, but get on it ASAP.


                  Wow, that woke me up this morning… I'm so sorry to hear all this πŸ™ 

                  May I ask, did it itch or anything? Or bleed? Was it very raised? How big was it?

                  Sorry so many questions, I'm petrified anyway, just cant get to my good derm for 3 weeks.

                  How long did you have it until they biopsied?

                  Mine has been there some months… ugh… When I picked mine it hurt bad and it crusted over…

                  I am sorry it has progressed, are you on immunotherapy now? Wishing you every success at healing, sincerely


                    It was raised and probably the size of an eraser head.  Yes it was there for several months before I noticed it as I later would incidentally see in a picture that was taken about 6 months prior to me even noticing it.  It did bleed when I picked at it.  It ended up being pretty deep, 5.5mm.  I did Cyberknife radiation for 3 small brain lesions in March of 2018 and simultaneously started Keytruda.  6 months later in September the brain was clean and the 7 nodules in the lungs had moderately regressed,  The lesions in my spine were pretty much at a stale mate and the liver tumor was slightly growing.  The decision was made to switch me to Odivio/Ipi to get a little more aggressive.  I was only able to do one treatment in September as I ended up with stage 3 colitis for 2 months.  Fast forward to mid December, the scans showed brain was still clear, lung tumors were now barely detectable, although a new 7mm spot was noted, spine spots some were slightly shrinking and some were slightly growing and the liver is still growing.  So now I’m just on Opdivo alone and am being referred to the radiation interventionists to look at some direct targeting therapies for my liver.  So, it’s a battle but we are working through it and still have a lot of hope.  Again, you most likely are just fine but it’s always good to get it checked as you do not want to go through this.


                      I am sorry for everything you are going through, it just doesnt seem possible does it, from a little 'spot'…. Mine sounds similar to yours, raised, about the size of a pencil eraser etc… I will get it checked, I have derm appt in 3 weeks (cant see him sooner)… I have been trying to think back to when I first had this 'pimple'… I am frightening myslef as I know now that it has been there for a year πŸ™ I can't lie, I'm absoultey terrified, as I know it has grown. Ugh… Thank you so much for your help… I wish you EVERY success with your treatment, sincerely, best and kindest wishes


                      I recently had a similar growth on my scalp removed; possibly a cutaneous cyst and can be removed or left in place (I had mine removed during a WLE on my arm.

                      Don't worry too much


                          Thank you… I hope you're right… The only reason I think its not a cyst is because apparently scalp cysts don't grow hair through them… (I know scalp melanomas do)…

                          Ugh, how easy it is to become paranoid over EVERYTHING. Thanks for replying…May I ask, did they biopsy your similar growth? Do you know what it was?


                          I’m in to see a plastic surgeon on Friday for a consultation before having something similar removed.  Have showed it to my dermatologist and she doesn’t think it’s anything to worry about but better safe than sorry



                              Thanks for replying Mark… But she obviously thinks it important enough to biopsy… Which is good really, as you say, better safe than sorry… 

                              I'm glad she thinks its nothing… May I ask how big your similar bump is? Have you had it a while?


                                Mine is a little smaller than a pencil eraser and keeps crusting over.  I found it about 2 months ago and thought it was a spot.  Had an appointment with my Derm and she said it looked like a spot as well.  Move ahead 6 weeks and it was still there – had a mild panic over it and went back to see Derm who spent a lot of time looking at it and feels its nothing but I want it gone and she wants to be safe.

                                i have picked the scab off and it is then a pink lump that is a bit wet in appearance and then crusts over again.  I think it might be a wart as had something similar on my shoulder last year but I can’t see it so it freaks me out quite a lot


                                  Good that its coming off, let me know how it goes! 

                                  Yes, I picked at mine in exactly the same way ages ago… One time I picked at it, and it REALLY hurt.. So I decided to stop picking… This is months ago now. I decided to stop stressing and forget about it. And I did! Until about 4-5 weeks ago, when I found this lump… I was subconsciously feeling it… I wondered what it was, then realised it was the same place as before except this was now slightly bigger, smoother. I took a picture, and saw it is a pink 'bump', slightly raised and about 5mm. Ugh…. I just want it gone, as I have mild panic everytime I think about it πŸ™ I hope its nothing for both of us


                                  One thing that caught my attention to add to this is when receiving my skin checks, I was concerned about a mole on my arm.  Derm told me it was ok…explained what type mole it was and that they were common AND that for future reference, if there is a hair growing through a mole, it is a good sign.  I had 1 arm hair growing through it.

                                  Now, with that said, I do know if what you have is a "mole" but the waiting game is a very fearful and anxious time.  Wanted to give you a spin that will give you hope all is well.  I too get red bumps on my head…more frequently in the winter…due to dry scalp.  I too have them checked by the derm.   Take a breath, have some faith.  Being upset will not make things better for you and they will not change your it good or bad.  Let us know how things go.  You can find wonderful advise from people who have been there!

                                  Wishing you the bes!


                                      Thank you so much… I didn't know that about moles, though I do know someone (on a forum that had a scalp melanoma about an inch wide, that had lots of hair growing through it… So I guess it varies maybe?)…You are right though, I know being uset is rubbish and won't change annything… I have anxiety ( I have had so many health issues in last 5 years, celiac, graves disease, brain fistula that I always think the worst)… But I do agree with you! Thank you for telling me that sometimes you have bumps πŸ™‚ It does help. I know I have never had a mole in this location… So I think it is a 'growth' of some kind, just hoping it is some kind of hair follicle thing. Again, I appreciate your kind and wise words 


                                        Well, nect derm visit I am going to ask again about the "hair thing".  Not sure if scalp and arm would be different.  

                                        I completely understand the "thinking the worse" – Tyoe 2 Diabetic with an inoperable(at this time – too small) brain aneurysm.  Its like saying "next" with every new diagnosis.

                                        Please let me know what the doctor says.  Continued prayers.


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