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Newbie with swelling after WLE and SLNB

Forums General Melanoma Community Newbie with swelling after WLE and SLNB

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      Getting the melanoma diagnosis last month was surreal — and really frightening.  Now I'm recovering from a Wide Excision (about 6 inches long) on my upper thigh and SLNB in the groin.  At three days out, the incision from the SLNB isn't bothering me too much, but the WLE incision is really swollen, especially at each end of the incision. It looks like two volcanoes!  Still uncomfortable to stand for even a short time.  Is this normal and if so, how long does it take for the swelling to go down?  I'm trying to stay off my feet as much as possible, but that's not helping with the worrying about what's next.  Any words of wisdom greatly appreciated.

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          That is normal and can take a while to go down. The to ends of the WLE pucker up anyway, so it makes sense for those areas to look most swollen for a while. Keep icing it on and off. Took me about a week to feel comfortable standing and walking (mine was on side of my calf), but it is good to get up and move around a bit, carefully walking of course. Put on some movies, find some shows to binge, or try to get into a good book to help take your mind off of waiting for the SLNB results.



              Thanks, Jenn, that helps manage my expectations.  On book two already!


              Hopefully you were discharged with a compression dressing for the WLE site; I felt like Popeye after my arm surgery , but it will pass soon enough.

              SLNB site can be uncomfortable as hair grows back, chafing the incision; anticipate and dress to prevent this.


                  Thanks, Jamie. I'm going for the loose clothing for sure.


                  It is very normal. In addition to my meleonoma i had 10 squama cell suries in 2016., several on my thigh. Some took several week to start healing and for me to walk without trouble, I had one on Friday that is giving me no problem. the thioghs and legs are just tough. They do get better. ice it rest it and keep busyn it will improve


                    I agree with the other coments, but make sure if you notice redness, heat and discharge you call your doc to check for an infection.  I had a mild infection at my WLE site and a doozy at the SLNB and CLND sites.  Nothing bacteria couldn;t solve, but just keep your eye on it.


                        Nothing antibiotics couldn’t solve

                      Kim K

                        The ends have suture knots buried and is why they are probably popping up more than in the middle.  My body hates vicryl and spit all my WLE sutures out.  I also had an adhesive / steri-strip allergic reaction on top of everything.  Just keep an eye on it, it will take time to go down.



                          Hi Skylark, hope yer healing up better now?, someone else here at MRF hit it on the nail about yer surgery area, the WE one { both ends of the incisionwould normaly pop up or look twisted cuz the internal stitching and staples {asuming you had staples} since 2008 iv had 6 surgeries to my left leg, 5 where Wides and one was actualy Lymphnode removal {groin} they took out quite a bit, good ol" Mel set up shop there lol..Hope ya heal up Skylark and YOU WILL! …Mike..


                              You all are so smart and helpful!  — it apparently ARE those icky knots at the ends of the incision.  The doctor was unconcerned and in fact said things might feel worse before they feel better. (?) And right on cue, this weekend the area in the groin where they took out the lymph node swelled up like a lemon.  It does make it difficult to walk, but I'm feeling optimistic, as the pathology report for cancer cells in the lymph node came back negative!  Thanks for all the support — it's a godsend.  I get my stitches out (and hopefully the ok to start exercising again) in two weeks and will keep you posted.


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