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My mom’s new state: Update

Forums General Melanoma Community My mom’s new state: Update

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      Greetings to all 
      It has been approximately 2 months since I have written, although I have been keeping an eye on this site to see how everyone is doing.  We have really had 2 really great months, and I have been taking advantage of this time to be with my mother and enjoy her company.  After the last surgery that my mother had to undergo, to take out part of her skull that was infected, everything got better!
      My mom is great!  Always in high spirits and so so strong, she's walking 🙂 for short periods, but walking all the same!  She's always positive with a lot of faith that everything will turn out well.  She is completely lucid and has had no side effects of 4 seperate sessions of Temodar.  This last few months has really renewed our hope!
      Now, the next step is to start her on IPI.  Here in Argentina, this is not so simple- the drug hasn't been approved, and only a handful of doctors are allowed to administer it.  Also, she has to do several things in order to be able to even attempt to have the treatment.  We have a lot of hope for this new treatment.  We know that it's going to be an uphill battle, but to see her like this, so strong, it's almost impossible to imagine a negative outcome.  We are from a small town, far from the city of Buenos Aires.  And to do this treatment means moving to Buenos Aires for 6 months, not an easy thing to do.  But we are grateful for the chance… 
      I want to thank all of you and tell how things were going.
      I always want to write in different posts.. but my english is not the best (this was written with my girlfriend's help) and I do not want any misunderstanding caused by my bad english, especially when we are talking about difficult issues.
      I continue praying for all of you who are fighting this terrible disease. All the best to you
      Patient son
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    • Replies
        Carol Taylor


          It's so great to hear from you and learn how well your Mom is doing despite the battle she faces. When you first introduced her to us and later told us how her health was, it seemed so dire…and I know she's fighting a huge battle, but it really didn't seem like much hope was being held out that she would live as long as she had. Her melanoma was moving so fast.

          Your Mom is a great example of the fact that no one knows how long any of us have. We don't have expiration dates. Hope is so important and I'm so glad you have that!

          I just pray that she continues to make strides and that a way will be found for her to get the next level of treatments.

          And, Manuel, you post here anytime. We'll work with your English…heck, mine's not always so great either and not having Spell-Check here can help us all have "wonderful" typos!

          Lord, in Your awesome mercy, we thank You for all the work and power being displayed in Manuels. mother! Thank You for the renewed hope this precious family has, her tremendous witness on how to fight and how sweet life is. Thank You for Manuel's girlfriend that helps him with his English, and please now, help his Mom get the treatment she needs as she continues her fight for life with her family. Amen and Amen!

          Grace and peace to you Manuel,


          Carol Taylor


            It's so great to hear from you and learn how well your Mom is doing despite the battle she faces. When you first introduced her to us and later told us how her health was, it seemed so dire…and I know she's fighting a huge battle, but it really didn't seem like much hope was being held out that she would live as long as she had. Her melanoma was moving so fast.

            Your Mom is a great example of the fact that no one knows how long any of us have. We don't have expiration dates. Hope is so important and I'm so glad you have that!

            I just pray that she continues to make strides and that a way will be found for her to get the next level of treatments.

            And, Manuel, you post here anytime. We'll work with your English…heck, mine's not always so great either and not having Spell-Check here can help us all have "wonderful" typos!

            Lord, in Your awesome mercy, we thank You for all the work and power being displayed in Manuels. mother! Thank You for the renewed hope this precious family has, her tremendous witness on how to fight and how sweet life is. Thank You for Manuel's girlfriend that helps him with his English, and please now, help his Mom get the treatment she needs as she continues her fight for life with her family. Amen and Amen!

            Grace and peace to you Manuel,




              It's great to hear that your mom is feeling so much stronger and lucid.  Moving your family for 6 months will  be difficult. You are a special family to do this for your mom.

              I wish you all the best. Please post and as Carol said we will figure it out!




                It's great to hear that your mom is feeling so much stronger and lucid.  Moving your family for 6 months will  be difficult. You are a special family to do this for your mom.

                I wish you all the best. Please post and as Carol said we will figure it out!



                  Hola Manuel,

                                    TambiĂ©n soy argentina y hace unos meses, buscando algo que me haga sentir mejor, encontrĂ© Ă©sta página. HabĂ­a leĂ­do un post tuyo anterior y ahora me animĂ© a escribir.  

                  Solo querĂ­a desearles suerte, a tu mamá y a la familia con el tratamiento. SĂ© que no es fácil para los que son del interior, por eso si necesitan una mano yo estoy muy cerca de capital, de hecho tengo mis viajecitos hechos… No creo que hayas dejado un correo, pero voy a volver a leer por las dudas.

                  En fin, en lo que pueda colaborar, encantada.

                  Muchos saludos y muuucha suerte!


                      Hola !!!

                      Muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Y gracias por ofrecer una mano. Tambien puedo ofrecerte una mano en lo que necesites para "sentirte mejor" como decis en tu mail.

                      Mi mail es [email protected]. ! Te deseo lo mejor

                      Un beso grande!


                        Hola !!!

                        Muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Y gracias por ofrecer una mano. Tambien puedo ofrecerte una mano en lo que necesites para "sentirte mejor" como decis en tu mail.

                        Mi mail es [email protected]. ! Te deseo lo mejor

                        Un beso grande!


                        Hola Manuel,

                                          TambiĂ©n soy argentina y hace unos meses, buscando algo que me haga sentir mejor, encontrĂ© Ă©sta página. HabĂ­a leĂ­do un post tuyo anterior y ahora me animĂ© a escribir.  

                        Solo querĂ­a desearles suerte, a tu mamá y a la familia con el tratamiento. SĂ© que no es fácil para los que son del interior, por eso si necesitan una mano yo estoy muy cerca de capital, de hecho tengo mis viajecitos hechos… No creo que hayas dejado un correo, pero voy a volver a leer por las dudas.

                        En fin, en lo que pueda colaborar, encantada.

                        Muchos saludos y muuucha suerte!


                          Manuel, thanks for the update. It certainly sounds like your mother has improved a lot
                          over the last couple months! Ipi (also called Yervoy) is a promising new treatment that
                          has given new hope to many patients.

                          Please don't worry about your English. I really think that it is more important to
                          communicate and share our thoughts rather than to keep things to ourselves. There are
                          people from all around the world in this forum, and English has many subtle variations
                          depending on where one is.

                          You and your mother remain in my prayers.

                          Frank from Australia


                            Manuel, thanks for the update. It certainly sounds like your mother has improved a lot
                            over the last couple months! Ipi (also called Yervoy) is a promising new treatment that
                            has given new hope to many patients.

                            Please don't worry about your English. I really think that it is more important to
                            communicate and share our thoughts rather than to keep things to ourselves. There are
                            people from all around the world in this forum, and English has many subtle variations
                            depending on where one is.

                            You and your mother remain in my prayers.

                            Frank from Australia


                              Hi Manuel,

                              I had just been thinking of you and your mother so it is great to see your post.  It is wonderful to hear, that despite her difficult battle, that your mother's condition has improved and that she is able to enjoy quality time with you and your family.

                              I'm sure that's due, in no small part, to the incredible support she is getting from you!   The move to Buenos Aires will be challenging but I will send up prayers that your mother is able to do the Ipi and no doubt, she will be in good hands.

                              Please don't worry about your English- your communication is just fine and we are just happy to hear from you and support you in any way we can.

                              Best regards,



                                Hi Manuel,

                                I had just been thinking of you and your mother so it is great to see your post.  It is wonderful to hear, that despite her difficult battle, that your mother's condition has improved and that she is able to enjoy quality time with you and your family.

                                I'm sure that's due, in no small part, to the incredible support she is getting from you!   The move to Buenos Aires will be challenging but I will send up prayers that your mother is able to do the Ipi and no doubt, she will be in good hands.

                                Please don't worry about your English- your communication is just fine and we are just happy to hear from you and support you in any way we can.

                                Best regards,


                                dian in spokane


                                  Thank you so much for writing. I have been wondering how things are going with you. I am so glad you are able to spend this great time with your mother, and I"m happy to hear that things are going so well for her.

                                  I hope things go well for your family in Buenos Aires. Please check in with us again with more updates.


                                  Dian in spokane



                                      Many thanks for your kind messages. As all of you have invited me to participate although when my english is not the best, I will try to participate more.!
                                      Also I will show these messages to my mom, so she can see that many people are thinking about her, sending strength, and praying for her. The same that We do for all of you.
                                      I am so grateful to have found you when I was desperate. It gave me hope and strength. It makes me feel like we are a team.
                                      Thank you again. I sincerely hope that all of you would enjoy good and peaceful time.


                                        Many thanks for your kind messages. As all of you have invited me to participate although when my english is not the best, I will try to participate more.!
                                        Also I will show these messages to my mom, so she can see that many people are thinking about her, sending strength, and praying for her. The same that We do for all of you.
                                        I am so grateful to have found you when I was desperate. It gave me hope and strength. It makes me feel like we are a team.
                                        Thank you again. I sincerely hope that all of you would enjoy good and peaceful time.
                                      dian in spokane


                                        Thank you so much for writing. I have been wondering how things are going with you. I am so glad you are able to spend this great time with your mother, and I"m happy to hear that things are going so well for her.

                                        I hope things go well for your family in Buenos Aires. Please check in with us again with more updates.


                                        Dian in spokane

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