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Lymph node freakout

Forums General Melanoma Community Lymph node freakout

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      Today it feels like there's swelling in my nodes on my jaw/neck near my WLE scar. My onc declared them normal just on Tuesday. Can't it happen that fast? I'm freaking out. I'm touching that area constantly. Can't help it. Am I making this happen? I thought I'd gotten past the fear, but now it's back. What a mess I am. Please give me courage, God!


      Today it feels like there's swelling in my nodes on my jaw/neck near my WLE scar. My onc declared them normal just on Tuesday. Can't it happen that fast? I'm freaking out. I'm touching that area constantly. Can't help it. Am I making this happen? I thought I'd gotten past the fear, but now it's back. What a mess I am. Please give me courage, God!


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          Steve – deep breath!  Lymph nodes swell a little for a lot of reasons – you might have a little cold or it might be responding to being touched a lot.  I remember that panic well and in my case it was unfounded.  Make another appt. with your onc, but if he/she just saw you on Tuesday it is unlikely that any swelling is due to mel.     Been there, Steve, and I'm sending prayers and good thoughts.



            Steve – deep breath!  Lymph nodes swell a little for a lot of reasons – you might have a little cold or it might be responding to being touched a lot.  I remember that panic well and in my case it was unfounded.  Make another appt. with your onc, but if he/she just saw you on Tuesday it is unlikely that any swelling is due to mel.     Been there, Steve, and I'm sending prayers and good thoughts.




              It's probably nothing and your paranoia is getting the best of you 🙂   Yes, nodes can all of a sudden swell, but you were just seen on Tuesday with no problems. If there is swelling around your WLE scar, it could be scar tissue.  I had my groin lymph nodes dissected in February and the area around the scar and to the left of it feels hard and lumpy. I went to see my surgical onc. because I thought it was my lymph nodes or the return of melanoma, but she said it was scar tissue.  You could always go back and have them examine you again for peace of mind. I don't let anything sit around and wait when it comes to melanoma.

              Try not to freak out – I"m sure everything will be okay. Stop touching and imagining the worst – I know it's hard, but I think you should have it looked at again to be sure.




                It's probably nothing and your paranoia is getting the best of you 🙂   Yes, nodes can all of a sudden swell, but you were just seen on Tuesday with no problems. If there is swelling around your WLE scar, it could be scar tissue.  I had my groin lymph nodes dissected in February and the area around the scar and to the left of it feels hard and lumpy. I went to see my surgical onc. because I thought it was my lymph nodes or the return of melanoma, but she said it was scar tissue.  You could always go back and have them examine you again for peace of mind. I don't let anything sit around and wait when it comes to melanoma.

                Try not to freak out – I"m sure everything will be okay. Stop touching and imagining the worst – I know it's hard, but I think you should have it looked at again to be sure.



                  As other have said, do not palpate your nodes! Do not touch, move, feel, rub, etc. – leave them alone. That alone will make them swollen and sore.



                    As other have said, do not palpate your nodes! Do not touch, move, feel, rub, etc. – leave them alone. That alone will make them swollen and sore.


                    Rebecca and Bob

                      They are all correct, my husband had a lymph node pop up out of nowhere after a break of doing IL-2. He surely thought it was melanoma spreading, but it was his body reacting and the more he touched it the worse it got. He left it alone and it went away. Try not to think the worst yet.



                       My husband Bob stage IV NED 2 years after IL-2 & Surgery. Lung and Intestinal mets.

                      Rebecca and Bob

                        They are all correct, my husband had a lymph node pop up out of nowhere after a break of doing IL-2. He surely thought it was melanoma spreading, but it was his body reacting and the more he touched it the worse it got. He left it alone and it went away. Try not to think the worst yet.



                         My husband Bob stage IV NED 2 years after IL-2 & Surgery. Lung and Intestinal mets.

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