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Liver Enzyme’s went through the roof!

Forums General Melanoma Community Liver Enzyme’s went through the roof!

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      I had my first opdivo/yervoy treatment at the end of January. I was supposed to get treatment number 2 last Friday but during my pre treatment blood test my liver numbers were VERY elevated. I’m talking, close to 1200. I was put in the hospital for 5 nights with IV steroids and they had my numbers down to closer to 500. I’m now home and expected to go for another blood test on Friday to see where my numbers are. My oncologist really freaked me out by saying that if my liver numbers are not normal I won’t be able to continue with the immunotherapy. I simply just didn’t even let that be an option for me and for the first time I’m really getting a sense that maybe this won’t work for me. Have any of you gone through something similar and were able to resume treatment? I need a little hope here.
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          Hi Andrea, I’m so sorry to hear about what you’re going through! I went through something very similar. After my third dose of immunotherapy, my ALT actually went up to 2600! Phew! It also took me 5 days in the hospital to get my ALT and AST under control enough to go home and then I continued on a lot of steroids for 3 more months. While I was on steroids I was able to pursue radiation for a lesion but was not able to go onto Nivolumab as a mono therapy. Once all my levels were back in the normal range, my doctor and I discussed me going on Nivolumab but for a few different reasons I decided to wait (one of those reasons because everything was starting to clear up). It was a tough decision but I’m one complete year out from treatment and can happily share that I am disease free. My advice would be to work on getting your numbers back in a good range, get your scans and evaluate with your doctor from there.

          I’m cheering for you!

              Sorry, I just realized I didn’t say after my third dose of the Ipi/Nivo convo!
                Thank you Amanda, you just made me feel so much better. ❤️
                  I had a similar response like Amanda. After two combo infusions I had to stop because of my liver. After a few months on steroids I was able to resume Nivo alone.
                  Wishing you a speedy liver recovery!
                  My 2nd Yervoy/Opdivo infusion was 9 weeks after my 1st one. It took me that long to recover. I was given prednisone and ate more to gain weight. For my 2nd, 3rd and 4th infusion of Yervoy/Opdivo my oncologist reduced the dose of Yervoy by 50%.
                  ed williams
                    I posted this couple of weeks ago featuring Dr. Weber on managing IRAE’s (side effects) and in general if the steroids work you can restart or move on to pd-1 drug nivo, a lot depends on how quickly things resolve. Oncologists follow established rubrics or guidelines based on grade of side effects and how quickly steroid fix the problem.
                      I also only managed 2 rounds of Ipi/Nivi , then due to high liver enzymes had to abandon treatment, that was December 2017. To date I have had no further treatment, I have been fortunate that so far it has held the beast at bay…I am due my latest scan results to day, and freaking out that my luck may have changed.. I was on 150 mg of steroids , then 2 other immunosuppressants where added to the mix, it took 6 months for me to be weaned from steroids…
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