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Left Breast Lump

Forums General Melanoma Community Left Breast Lump

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      Hey all!

      Just seeking some guidance from anyone on here who may have experienced this…. I have been in remission for two years now.

      A couple months ago after doing a self exam I noticed a lump on my breast that felt deep. I knew that I had a dermatology appointment coming up so I would have them check it. They wanted me to go ahead and get further testing. I am having a mammogram and ultra sound this Wednesday and I am a nervous wreck. I know the possibilities are endless, but I am having a hard time with this…

      Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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    • Replies
          I saw no one had replied so I just wanted to chime in. I have no personal experience in what you are experiencing but I can imagine how scary and nervous you feel. First: deep breaths… pastor has to remind me on scan week: it’s nothing until it’s something. I try to follow that (not always well). I figure my worrying about it won’t make a difference and it might even make my health worse as worry increases the bad chemicals in our bodies. I hope and pray that your mammogram shows nothing of any significance and the ultrasound too! Hang in there and be sure to update us when you get results!
              Ted! Thank you so very much for replying.

              Those are very good words to live by. I really do appreciate it. Deep breaths are a must!!

              I agree with Ted…. It’s nothing until it’s something!
              Being a woman, I am aware that many have dense breast tissue and can have cysts some of which are related to your period cycle and which may resolve on their own.
              However, when in doubt get it checked out and it sounds like you are doing that.
              Hopefully it’s nothing and you can get this off your mind for good.
                  Thank you Melanie! The possibilities are endless, especially for a woman! I appreciate your reply!!
                  hi….just wanted to chime in and give you a big hug to help lessen your worrying…let us know what happens…everyone here especially the alumni are always here for you..they have been so kind to me
                      Thank you so very much. I am ready to get this over with.

                      I am so grateful for this group….everyone is always so kind and listens to our worries/ fears no matter what.

                      I will for sure keep you all posted!

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