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      Good morning everyone!

      I am new to this board and just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I had a biopsy about two weeks ago that came back melanoma, and had a WLE yesterday. The melanoma is on the bottom of my foot, right between my instep and heel. Who knew you could get melanoma on a place that doesn't get sun? (Not me) The dermatologist took 1 cm margins all around and tissue down to the fatty layer. No stitches (she said they would just rip out) so I currently have a "hole in my sole", lol. I haven't looked at it yet…just hitting the 24 hour mark. I hope I can go back to work Monday…

      I'm eager to hear what this will be staged. The biopsy came back "AT LEAST melanoma in situ" so I'm hoping for a 0 or 1…she gave me a copy of the dermopathology report for the biopsy and said I could get a copy of the report on the excised melanoma too.

      I want to say that seeing that there are treatments and reading the posts about the different strategies you try gives me hope that even if it doesn't come back the way I expect, there will still be options. The different posts showing your humor and persistance are really inspiring!

      Thanks all, and I hope everyone has a great weekend.


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          Welcome sister aramat to MRF! im Mike nice to meet you (under our shared circumstances)..
          Yes, please keep us posted with your staging, lets hope your a stage ONE or under! Nothing fun about starting out at 3 or 4 like a lotta of us but, “climbing” the Staging latter isnt fun either..gotta chuckle about your Hole In Your Sole! Haha. That kinda sucks, having to walk on it, hope it heals!.. Just stay positive & DONT STRESS OUT! alotta folks can go crazy & even we can to at times “Waiting” for results or treatment…you are in good company here at MRF sis, keep commin back, we’ll keep the lights on..

              Thanks for the warm welcome, Mike. Yes, the waiting this week for the staging will be hard…I always feel so much better when I KNOW something, even if it's not optimal news, so I can research and prepare. 

              Yes, I sure look funny hopping around! (up yesterday just to bathroom and kitchen) This morning I can walk on the toes of my left foot with most of my weight on my right foot, so that's a little better.

              Thanks again for the welcome!



              Welcome, aramat! The sole is odd, though I have heard of it before. Did your docs give you any other possible factors besides sun exposure? 



                  Hi Lisa,

                  Thanks for the welcome! My doc said that this kind is from genetics (I guess a predisposition for it). This summer I saw a photo on the net of a mole that looked like mine on the bottom of the foot, which is what made me make an appt. Because I'd never been to a dermatologist before (my kids have, but not me), it took until Sept. 10th to get in (new pt appt). The photo was labeled acral lentiginous melanoma. My dermatologist has just said "melanoma" and is trying not to overwhelm me, I think. 

                  This type of melanoma is the most common in darker skinned individuals, African American, Asian, and rare in Caucasions like me, but it can happen in anybody evidently.

                  Take care!


                  Hi Ara,  lots of good advise to be gained here.  As Mike mentioned, fingers crossed that it’s in situation.  If it’s anything other, you may want to consult a melanoma specialist if Dr. Carson is not.  Good luck,with your path report!


                      Thank Sablyn. That's a good idea…I was already thinking…Dr. Carson has been really great, but if this turns out to be more than in situ, I hope she will be part of a small team of docs to help with this.

                      Thanks for the good luck wishes. 


                      hi Aramat, just wanted to say hey! i am also recently diagnosed with acral letiginous melanoma on the arch of my foot. also jealous that you can walk! i had a skin graft and was on crutches for a month! hope you are doing well! 

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