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Feeling stressed out!

Forums General Melanoma Community Feeling stressed out!

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      Ugh I'm just stressed out guys. It feels it's a permanent feeling at this point. My husband and I have taken a break from each other, I haven't had a normal "cycle" in awhile from the stress (Thats a period for my male friends haha). I have horrible kidney pain (UTIs turn bad for me haha) and all my kids were in the hospital with pneumonia. GAH! Talk about a big pain in the ass. I'm sorry I'm just ranting but between all these appointment, no sleep, bad health, a shitty marriage and my kiddos….I want to have a mental freak out. I just want to say thank you for being here for me guys. I know we all live all over and don't "know" each other but I've been blessed to know y'all. Good vibes please. Oh and waiting for my CT scans IS SO STRESSFUL!    

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          Oh Savannah! Im sorry about your marriage problem (and health stuff to of course) but, damn! I hate knowing that you & yer hubby arnt getting along thats not good for “YOU” (or your kids for that matter) as you fight this Melanoma Monster..Now im of the Male species so, but i do understand when yer “feelin the love” your “Feelin The Love” & when yer not, somethings gotta give! Sounds like a break is good, how long you 2 been married? My wife & i are working on 13yrs, weve had our momments & thats including a 1yr seperation! It did us good!like i told you, i to did my CT scan (yesterday actually) so, waiting for me is no biggy, iv been doing this since 2008. Im hoping for good news believe me!
          Savannah, you take time out for YOU right now while you get your head right, your not gunna do anyone no good unless you get your head, emotions & stress under control. Im 2 shakes away from nuttin’ up to with all this, its not easy, but i pray & just let it ride….Its All About “You” right now Savannah (of course yer kids to but) focus on you right now till this all settles, im your MRF Brother!!…Mike

            Sorry you are going through so much besides all the crap melanoma alone can do to a person.  Waiting for scan results is the hardest part.  I recently had my scans done on the Friday right before the Labor Day weekend, felt a lump in my neck scar the next day which was Sat and had to wait until Tuesday to find out how my scans looked!  This melanoma journey has a lot of ups and downs emotionally, physically etc.  Speaking to a therapist helped me a lot when I was first diagnosed.  Crossing my fingers for a clear scan for you. 



              Ugh, how could you not have a freak-out? You have enough on your plate for five people, and would still have leftovers for the next day. I’m so sorry. And yes, even just scanxiety is tough. (I have that now; my husband gets a scan Thursday.) Does the medical center have counselors available for patients? Some do at no charge, and sometimes venting in person in addition to on line can help. Plus a session with Cheetos (or your junk food of choice) and sit-coms. Hang in there.



                I'm so sorry, Savannah.  That is a lot of stress to have on one's plate at the same time!  Now is the time to reach out for help from those around you.  We can cheer you on, and give you cyberhugs, but we can't take the kids to the park so you can have some "me" time.  Do you have family in the area?  Playgroup friends?  A church family?  Trust me on this one — most people are very happy to help out if only they know what is needed!  Don't try to be Superwoman; ask for help!

                Oh Savannah – your getting hit from all sides at the moment.  Waiting for the scans is terrible.  I hope the kids get better soon.  I went through a period where I didn't sleep from the stress.  My oncologist prescribed ambien which got me back into a good sleep cycle.  Do ask your friends, neighbors, etc. for some help.  Even if it is something little.  The little things can make a big difference.  

                Good vibes and good wishes to you.

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