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Elective surgery while on B-RAF

Forums General Melanoma Community Elective surgery while on B-RAF

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      Just started B-RAF last week.

      I of course will speak to my oncologist next week about this but I was wondering if anyone knows if having elective surgery while on B-RAF would be allowed.  I've read through all the paperwork and it doesn't say anything in there.

      I guess it's not really elective, except for the timing. I would be electing to have it done now if I could, but I'm not looking to get butt cheek implants for vanity sake.

      Just started B-RAF last week.

      I of course will speak to my oncologist next week about this but I was wondering if anyone knows if having elective surgery while on B-RAF would be allowed.  I've read through all the paperwork and it doesn't say anything in there.

      I guess it's not really elective, except for the timing. I would be electing to have it done now if I could, but I'm not looking to get butt cheek implants for vanity sake.

      I had a unilateral mastecomy due to melanoma in the breast back in 2007, I had one follow up surgery in 2009 to replace the tissue expander with a real implant. I've never finished my reconstruction. I would like to make the reconstructed side look "real" and make the other side match, if you know what I mean!  😀

      I imagine it would be a fairly simple surgery(from what I remember my plastic surgeon telling me at the time) and I know it's covered under my insurance as it's part of the reconstruction process I started years ago and fairly simple recovery(at least compared to some of my surgeries).

      Any thoughts?


      Kellie(from Iowa) Stage IV on B-RAF

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          Oh, shoot, Kellie, go for it if your surgeon says it's ok – and I can't think of any reason why he would say it wouldn't be.   I had a lumpectomy in '03 for breast cancer and have been thinking about the same thing. 

          Let me know what your surgeon says and good luck with it if you decide to do it.



            Oh, shoot, Kellie, go for it if your surgeon says it's ok – and I can't think of any reason why he would say it wouldn't be.   I had a lumpectomy in '03 for breast cancer and have been thinking about the same thing. 

            Let me know what your surgeon says and good luck with it if you decide to do it.


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