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Didnt go to my 3rd opinion!

Forums General Melanoma Community Didnt go to my 3rd opinion!

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      Hi family, quick update, and dont yell at me, i didnt go to Riverside for that 3rd opinion onco eyes, i already have a plan in place, surgery then back on Opdivo. Its the ONLY treatment i feel comfortable doing not to mention the QUICKIST way to shoot down the 5.4cm bastard out of my lung! Hes gotta go! Iv actually seen that Onco before & all he talked about was IL-2 stuff and im not ready for that yet…
      So anyways ya, i didnt go, i hate that i promised my onco but, when i see her next i will have a flower/rose in hand & puppy dog eyes…love ya guys
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          Don't feel bad, Mike!!!  You don't owe us or your onc any particular performance or apology.  We all have to do what feels right for us as we go along.  I think surgery and Opdivo IS a good plan.  At many points in my journey I've had to say, "Nope.  I know enough – at least for now.  I need to be living not simply going from one appointment to another!!!" Hang in there.  Keep us posted.  c 

              Bubbles Bubbles Bubbles! Thank you for easing my mind, its just i “promised” my primary onco that id go see him but, i had a change of heart! Its my prerogative like you said!! We have a plan!!. However, i will show up with a rose in hand, i just dont like breaking a promise, thats my ONLY issue with myself 🙂
              Hope yer BOUNCING back Celeste?” You look good! (Imagining you do anyways lol..) Take care sis..

              Surgery = sharpshooting that sucker out + Opdivo = melting the meltables = Ace Logical Plan 

              Your body, your success.


                  Ya know?!!! If our plan wasnt in place, i may have went out there out of desperation! Im not there yet!!..thanks for easing my mind…

                  Sometimes you just got to do what you feel is right for you. I had a little lung nodule show up while I was still Stage 3A. It was in a spot where  they couldn't get to it with a needle biopsy. My doc wanted to keep watching it a little longer (already watched it grow on 2 scans) but I was ready to get it out. He agreed to move forward and get that sucker out. Thank goodness because it turned out to be Melanoma which I already knew deep down. Thanks to Celeste who encouraged me to pluck that met when I was second guessing my desicion. Now moved on to Opdiva and 6 months later NED!! Wishing you the best of luck. Go get her done!!!


                  STL Mike

                    Sometimes you just gotta grabs the reins and say "whoa" not gonna go that way.  You need to do what you think is best.  Docs are our advisors but the final decision is ours.  Best wishes …hang in there.


                      Mike you have a good plan in place!!!! Don’t feel bad, you have to be your own  best advocate and that’s exactly what you are doing!!! No need to apologize for that!!! 

                      Kelly 🙂 



                        Yep, with all the rest. No need to apologize. Your doc will understand–and should applaud your resolve.


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