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brain mets while on PLX 4032???

Forums General Melanoma Community brain mets while on PLX 4032???

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    I am on cycle 13 of the Roche b-raf trial, receiving the b-raf drug.  I have been responding the whole time.  Recently I have been experiencing a sense of instability in my left leg as well as poor balance because of it.  When walk my left foot slaps down and I have been tripping often as if I am not picking up my feet enough.  My last scans still showed "response" to the b-raf inhibitor. 

    I am on cycle 13 of the Roche b-raf trial, receiving the b-raf drug.  I have been responding the whole time.  Recently I have been experiencing a sense of instability in my left leg as well as poor balance because of it.  When walk my left foot slaps down and I have been tripping often as if I am not picking up my feet enough.  My last scans still showed "response" to the b-raf inhibitor. 

    Another side effect that has been bothering me is my arms, hands, and shoulders falling asleep when in any position that I try to sleep. the olnly way I can sleep is with sleeping aides.   My range of motion has been reduced drastically for someone who used to work-out a lot. s

    Has anyone experienced similar side effects? 

    Has anyone been on the "responding" list for b-raf and still developed brain mets?  My doctor seems to feel this is very unlikely but willing to do a brain MRI if I want one.

    Thank you for your help.

    Shelly in Switzerland, stage IV

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        Hi Shelley,

        I dont have any information for you, but am hoping you get to the bottom of why these symptoms are happening really quick. I have developed a tendency also for my arms and shoulders to "fall asleep" or feel numb at night too, when sleeping, so use pillows to prop myself whatever way is comfy. I am NOT on the drug you are and dont have brain mets per my PET/CT scans of last week.

        Hugs from Vermont!

        Vermont_Donna, stage 3a


          Hi Shelley,

          I dont have any information for you, but am hoping you get to the bottom of why these symptoms are happening really quick. I have developed a tendency also for my arms and shoulders to "fall asleep" or feel numb at night too, when sleeping, so use pillows to prop myself whatever way is comfy. I am NOT on the drug you are and dont have brain mets per my PET/CT scans of last week.

          Hugs from Vermont!

          Vermont_Donna, stage 3a

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