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Forums General Melanoma Community BRAF/MEK GREAT SCANS YEA:)!!!!!

  • Post
    dawn dion

      So after a very loooong day at Moffitt ( I know I don't have to tell anyone how that goes)  and a day and a half of just flat out to busy to think, I finally have time to sit down and post about my scans on Thursday.   I had my first set of scans since starting the GSK BRAF/MEK trial –  while I am not NED yet πŸ™  there was a 20+% shrinkage πŸ™‚ !   I WILL TAKE IT!   It made me very happy.    Thank you to all of you who posted your thoughts about my scanxiety, said prayers and gave me a patron saint to pray to (Mike

      So after a very loooong day at Moffitt ( I know I don't have to tell anyone how that goes)  and a day and a half of just flat out to busy to think, I finally have time to sit down and post about my scans on Thursday.   I had my first set of scans since starting the GSK BRAF/MEK trial –  while I am not NED yet πŸ™  there was a 20+% shrinkage πŸ™‚ !   I WILL TAKE IT!   It made me very happy.    Thank you to all of you who posted your thoughts about my scanxiety, said prayers and gave me a patron saint to pray to (Mike πŸ™‚ ) – It helped me tremendously – especially when I was  sitting and waiting for her to come in and discuss the results.  Felt like I was two seconds from a massive heart attack – and she wonders why I have days when I need a anxiety pill.  Just wanted to share the news and again Thanks to everyone. 

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    • Replies

          Congratulations on the great news! I am very happy for you!

          Frank from Australia


            Congratulations on the great news! I am very happy for you!

            Frank from Australia

            Carol Taylor

              Wonderful Hallelujah moment Dawn!  Happy dance!

              Lord, thank you. Amen.

              Carol Taylor

                Wonderful Hallelujah moment Dawn!  Happy dance!

                Lord, thank you. Amen.

                Carmon in NM

                  That's wonderful news and I'm praying that it just keeps getting better and better!

                  Carmon in NM

                    That's wonderful news and I'm praying that it just keeps getting better and better!


                      Absolutely WONDERFUL news, Dawn!  Every time i'm at Moffitt i wonder if i'm passing you in the hall πŸ™‚  I too received great news last week.  Total tumor masses shrunk by 50% with previous smaller nodules around my lungs completely disappeared!  YIPPEE for both of us – and continued success on this trial!!!

                      -Kate (Wisconsin)


                        Absolutely WONDERFUL news, Dawn!  Every time i'm at Moffitt i wonder if i'm passing you in the hall πŸ™‚  I too received great news last week.  Total tumor masses shrunk by 50% with previous smaller nodules around my lungs completely disappeared!  YIPPEE for both of us – and continued success on this trial!!!

                        -Kate (Wisconsin)

                          dawn dion

                            Kate  that is absolutely wonderful!!!! I am soooooo happy for you!   I always wonder  the same thing – am  I passing Kate somewhere?- I even asked Trish if you where around when I was there!   I almost asked Lettie if you where a happy camper this week but I figured she couldn't tell me.  We are definetly going to have to try and coordinate!

                            dawn dion

                              Kate  that is absolutely wonderful!!!! I am soooooo happy for you!   I always wonder  the same thing – am  I passing Kate somewhere?- I even asked Trish if you where around when I was there!   I almost asked Lettie if you where a happy camper this week but I figured she couldn't tell me.  We are definetly going to have to try and coordinate!



                              Great news and I hope all continues in your favor.  See you in chat sometime again.

                              Mike from NJ



                                Great news and I hope all continues in your favor.  See you in chat sometime again.

                                Mike from NJ


                                  Hey Dawn!  That is grrrreat news!  I will let my brother Gary know!  Although he had a great reduction as well – he is not feeling good at all. Very fatiqued and high fever.  How are you feeling?

                                  Glad you made it through "scanxiety"!!!!!


                                  Congrats again!


                                  Sister of gary (stage Iv)

                                    dawn dion

                                      Hello MrsMarilyn

                                      I am feeling well- Gary needs to discuss the fevers further with his drs.  They have told me that they are very common if it gets to be to much for him let them know.   As far as the fatigue goes I have my  moments – I REFUSE to let it get the better of me.  I still go non-stop with my kids.  I will say that I do get joint pain and muscle fatigue in my legs.  We have gone different places the last 3 or 4 weekends where I am walking quite a bit and I tend to feel it for the next 2 or 3 days.   I did relay the info to my Dr. and she asked me if it was interfering with my life – I said no but I am considering asking for something the next time I go to see her – I know on Sunday when we where out and about it was becoming difficult to walk.   In fact I would like to know if any of my BRAF/MEK friends are having the same problems?

                                      Lots of Luck to you

                                      Hugs and Smiles



                                        Great news Dawn! Scanxiety is very common around here, so glad you got through it without any panic attacks, etc. How old are your kids??

                                        Keep up the good work!

                                        Vermont_Donna, stage 3a

                                        dawn dion

                                          Hi Donna

                                          Thanks for the response – My girls are 6 and 8 and the light of my life.

                                          dawn dion

                                            Hi Donna

                                            Thanks for the response – My girls are 6 and 8 and the light of my life.


                                              Great news Dawn! Scanxiety is very common around here, so glad you got through it without any panic attacks, etc. How old are your kids??

                                              Keep up the good work!

                                              Vermont_Donna, stage 3a

                                              dawn dion

                                                Hello MrsMarilyn

                                                I am feeling well- Gary needs to discuss the fevers further with his drs.  They have told me that they are very common if it gets to be to much for him let them know.   As far as the fatigue goes I have my  moments – I REFUSE to let it get the better of me.  I still go non-stop with my kids.  I will say that I do get joint pain and muscle fatigue in my legs.  We have gone different places the last 3 or 4 weekends where I am walking quite a bit and I tend to feel it for the next 2 or 3 days.   I did relay the info to my Dr. and she asked me if it was interfering with my life – I said no but I am considering asking for something the next time I go to see her – I know on Sunday when we where out and about it was becoming difficult to walk.   In fact I would like to know if any of my BRAF/MEK friends are having the same problems?

                                                Lots of Luck to you

                                                Hugs and Smiles



                                                Hey Dawn!  That is grrrreat news!  I will let my brother Gary know!  Although he had a great reduction as well – he is not feeling good at all. Very fatiqued and high fever.  How are you feeling?

                                                Glad you made it through "scanxiety"!!!!!


                                                Congrats again!


                                                Sister of gary (stage Iv)



                                                  I am SO excited to hear your great news! I am still rootin' for ya! πŸ™‚



                                                    I am SO excited to hear your great news! I am still rootin' for ya! πŸ™‚


                                                      Its wonderful news!


                                                        Its wonderful news!

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