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Body Photography Question (changing moles)

Forums General Melanoma Community Body Photography Question (changing moles)

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      Hi everyone.

      I have had mm in-situ, have hundreds of moles, sibling had mm in-situ- so I am high risk.

      I see derm every 6 months and have had probably 50 + moles removed, most mildly atypical, some moderate, and one severe.

      I just had a very normal light tan freckle thing removed from toe which came back moderately atypical, which was surprising.

      Anyways, I am on edge again because I have so many strange looking moles.

      I had photos taken in 2002 (4×6's) and then again in 2009 (Very large ones– much better)

      Hi everyone.

      I have had mm in-situ, have hundreds of moles, sibling had mm in-situ- so I am high risk.

      I see derm every 6 months and have had probably 50 + moles removed, most mildly atypical, some moderate, and one severe.

      I just had a very normal light tan freckle thing removed from toe which came back moderately atypical, which was surprising.

      Anyways, I am on edge again because I have so many strange looking moles.

      I had photos taken in 2002 (4×6's) and then again in 2009 (Very large ones– much better)

      My question is– I have now discovered probably 10 moles that have really changed since my 2002 pics, but NOT since my summer 2009 pics.

      The change is obvious– darker or just more irregular, but not horribly extreme. In other words- none went from being a spec to now 7mm!

      They are all still small (less than 4mm) but maybe just darker, one has a little brown spot, another is darker and also looks almost like two moles attached.

      Botttom line, none look too sinister, but clearly my body makes atypical moles that do look very atypical

      Do you all think I should be just concentrating on my most recent pics (now almost 2 years old) and monitoring change from there, or removing all that have changed from 2002? Is it normal to have some chage over 9 years? (I have had two kids since the first pictures) so I imagine the hormones plated a huge part.

      Thanks for any advice. I am really getting worked up and can't even keep track of rhat I should deal with first!!

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          You know you make atypical moles and change is going to happen.  Since the current moles haven't changed in almost 2 years, I'd go with that.  My institution has done a study on mole mapping and changing atypical moles.  97% of the changing atypical moles they removed were not melanoma.   So even changing atypical moles – especially in someone who makes moles – don't really have to be melanoma.  I'd want to see recent change before I'd biopsy.  However, I'm also a believe in gut feeling.  So if any of those REALLY bother you, get rid of them.  In the end, do what makes YOU comfortable!

          Best wishes,



            You know you make atypical moles and change is going to happen.  Since the current moles haven't changed in almost 2 years, I'd go with that.  My institution has done a study on mole mapping and changing atypical moles.  97% of the changing atypical moles they removed were not melanoma.   So even changing atypical moles – especially in someone who makes moles – don't really have to be melanoma.  I'd want to see recent change before I'd biopsy.  However, I'm also a believe in gut feeling.  So if any of those REALLY bother you, get rid of them.  In the end, do what makes YOU comfortable!

            Best wishes,



              Like you I have hundreds of moles, and several new ones have showed up over the last few years or so.

              So…..After being diagnosed with melanoma about 2.5 years ago, there was about 6 additional moles I was concerned about. Yes, I did take pictures about every month or so with my own camera, and about 6 months ago one changed fairly rapidly to the point where I even noticed it with my naked eye, so I had it biopsied and it came back moderately atypical.

              I guess that is the problem with technology nowadays, you can blow up a mole to some pretty darn good detail, to where it has you scratching your head, so I would say stick to the moles you are watching over the last two years. If you feel they have changed recently, discuss it with the derm and make a decision based on what makes you comfortable. I know you have already had an insitu, but just because moles are atypical, does not ever mean they will become melanoma. Most never do.

              Long story short, just because moles are strange looking, does not mean they are or ever will be melanoma. That is where the watch for "change" part comes in. I think it is normal to have some mole change over a course of nine or so years, and it is easier now to see the minute detail even better than it was  back then due to the wonders of technology. 

              Michael stage 1B


                Like you I have hundreds of moles, and several new ones have showed up over the last few years or so.

                So…..After being diagnosed with melanoma about 2.5 years ago, there was about 6 additional moles I was concerned about. Yes, I did take pictures about every month or so with my own camera, and about 6 months ago one changed fairly rapidly to the point where I even noticed it with my naked eye, so I had it biopsied and it came back moderately atypical.

                I guess that is the problem with technology nowadays, you can blow up a mole to some pretty darn good detail, to where it has you scratching your head, so I would say stick to the moles you are watching over the last two years. If you feel they have changed recently, discuss it with the derm and make a decision based on what makes you comfortable. I know you have already had an insitu, but just because moles are atypical, does not ever mean they will become melanoma. Most never do.

                Long story short, just because moles are strange looking, does not mean they are or ever will be melanoma. That is where the watch for "change" part comes in. I think it is normal to have some mole change over a course of nine or so years, and it is easier now to see the minute detail even better than it was  back then due to the wonders of technology. 

                Michael stage 1B

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