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Another update! Lab results

Forums General Melanoma Community Another update! Lab results

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      My labs came back, I guess I have an elevated liver count. Not a super high count (around 58) and he said he likes it more around 35. He said usually they would chalk it up to a fatty liver but he said he doesn’t want to take the chance and it ordering a pet scan. We shall see. Has this happened to any of you? I’m not currently on any treatments. 

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        ed williams

          Sounds like a good plan to do Scans, blood work can fluctuate so until the levels stay out of wack for a few tests, I usually don't worry about them.Pet scans will be helpful along with follow up blood work!!! Best Wishes!!!Ed

            Hi, so far so good for me, all my ALT & AST wich im gathering is Liver functions, my tests have resulted low like for example ALT was 19 & AST was 17 yesterday before my #5 Opdivo..i guess its worrysome when it goes overboard of like 50/60/70 and higher..

                That is interesting. I've never had high liver levels. I would hardly consider my levels high so I was surpised he insisted on the scans. He even mentioned that he wanted brain scans? I don't know what made him change his course of direction so quick. we'll see. Hope you're feeling okay! <3 Much love.


                Before my first Yervoy/Combo treatment i was told NO alcohol. No tylenol, no statins. Any over the counter vitamin was ok.  And liver numbers went to 1240 and didn't get my 4th combo treatment.  After very high doses of prednisonel, 100mg, 80, 60 etc and 5 months my numbers were in the normal range and i was able to be weaned off of prednisone and i get 1mg Opdivo every two weeks.  Asked what success has he seen with such a low dose. Dr said "you are my first." That was scary.  Last Petscan a month ago shows what I believe to be NED and he is pleased because that is even with the low dose. Does not want to do anything stronger because of  my history.  I can now have a occasional ONE glass of wine.  Which I have only done twice, still a little leary… So your numbers are above normal, and they need to watch to make sure it doesn't get higher. Dr dianosed it as Hepatitis D – drug induced. So i googles liver disease diets and followed it.  Stayed off of salt. Ate walnuts, chicken instead of beef. No sugar or carbs. Oh and i take milk thistle twice a day.  Along with a boatload of vitamins.  C, Tumerick, D etc etc…


                    Sharon, just a side note. I was surprised to read “no Tylenol” in your post. My husband goes to a melanoma center and is in a nivo/ipi or nivo study – assumption being the nivo/ipi arm. Tylenol and ibuprofen are allowed. He does have to report side effects, however minor, even if seemingly unrelated, and drugs and supplements taken, as conditions of the study. So even taking a couple Tylenol for a minor headache is recorded, and if there are any problems – for him, gut – we’re in touch immediately for direction. (He was on prednisone for a few weeks.) And before starting any supplement I check that it’s allowed. Taking a high quality probiotic was recommended by his specialist even before he began treatment. 


                    It sounds like your doctor is being careful, so that’s good.  My husband gets blood work done before infusions, and so far so good with liver values. Let us know how it goes – I know waiting – aka scanxiety – is tough. 

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