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Forums General Melanoma Community 6 MONTHS TO LIVE 10 YEARS LATER

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      What do you think about the book “6 months to live 10 years later”?


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          I think that good nutrition and a positive outlook benefit everyone. I do not think that folks with melanoma brain mets who are told they have 6 months to live (as I was in 2010) are going to surpass their “expiration date” without treatment – no matter how much they breathe deep, seek peace, and drink carrot juice. And understand – I am not opposed to any of those things!!! But – melanoma doesn’t give a shit. Or to put it in other terms, I really can’t say it better than David Rakoff:

          So, for those who may have missed it, as I noted in response to the same question posed in your prior thread in a more literal sense, having been told I had “6 months to live 10 years later” – I think I was a lucky bug who gained access to a phase 1 Opdivo trial when others died due to lack of access. Yes. I am a lucky bug:

          However, the real miracle is that I have dear melanoma peeps who are ALSO here – coming up on 10 years later!!! This was not always the case. Melanoma world sucks great big green stinky hairy wizard balls ~ still. But, thanks to targeted and immunotherapy and their increased availability to those in need, with even more promising treatments in the pipeline – melanoma is not the lonely place it once was.

          May we all be lucky bugs. Celeste

              Thanks again C … gotta agree with everything you said…


              People seek a pill to make their illness go away. Unfortunately, when it comes to cancer and probably many other diseases there is no pill capable of doing this. It’s like seeking a pill for happiness. Doesn’t exist. Never will. Life is far more complex than that. Cancer and many other illnesses start because of toxicity, chronic stress and genetic malformations.
              Our bodies are incredible but when it becomes too much to handle they cave in. Stress makes tumors grow. Just read the recent article where numerous researchers studied how stress and nerves increase tumor growth. One researcher is from MD Anderson.
              “One such researcher was Anil Sood, a cancer biologist at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. He was intrigued by findings that tumors grew bigger and faster in lab animals that were stressed—for example, by being physically restrained or socially isolated. Some studies had even suggested chronic stress in people made cancer more likely to progress.”
              People who beat cancer had deep faith/optimism and did everything they could to make the necessary changes in their lifestyles, diets, mindsets and relationships. It’s a complete 180 degree lifestyle modification and not at all easy. The following is an interesting article on optimism and longevity.
              Having said all this, I deeply believe that at stage I-III, one has time for trial and error however when you get to stage IV, things become more critical and dire. Basically, cancer is winning at this point and you need to act in multiple ways immediately, since you are running out of time and it may be already too late to turn things in your favour. With melanoma, being especially aggressive and rapid growing, as well as spreading, time is of the essence. Recent advances in melanoma are amazing, so why not take advantage of them and simultaneously one can work on improving the quality of their own life particularly when it comes to stress, diet, environment and relationships. This is a work in progress since it does not happen overnight and it takes strength, courage, determination and hard work. I know that many on this forum do not agree with me but we are all entitled to our opinions and need to use the information to decide what is appropriate and best for ourselves. There was a recent article by an oncologist who noticed that those patients who decided on any treatment plan and believed that the treatment will help did far better (lived longer) than those who were doubtful and confused. So the important thing is to make an informed decision you believe in and see it through. Mind is a powerful thing and as such, I believe it can have a definite, positive influence on treatment outcome.
              I remember from my genetic university courses that illnesses have different components so while something may have 40-50% genetic cause, there is always an environmental 50-60% cause as well. These two components may be in different ratios but the important thing is that both components exist so although we cannot do much about the genetic deficiencies (yet) we certainly can modify the environmental component since it’s definitely within our reach.
              Best regards,
                  Thank you Melanie… I’ve decided to proceed with my treatment : ).

                  Best regards,

                  Hi Tom, kinda late to your post, if i may agree with the rest, snake oils, carrot & Green Juice mixed with Kale will only give you the SHARTS! Humans & Animals (our fur babies) who have cancer, need medical attention to attempt our survival, i think folks who choose differently are actually just scared of IV drugs and its possible side effects….
                      Yep… that’s my take on it too.


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