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- February 13, 2017 at 8:40 pm
Good afternoon and unfortunately…welcome!! I was diagnosed T1B in July 2015….Had SNL in August 2015 with one of the 2 nodes coming back with what I have noly been told was a small cluster of cancer cells. I graduated to State 3b. My reports say State 3b; breslow depth 0.8 mm, mitotic index >1, no ulceration, N1; M0. My oncologist tells me that I "barely made it into Stage 3 with the small amount of cells in my node. I elected to have the CLND and that was done in September 2015. My surgeon was able to (or just did) remove 4 more nodes…all of which came back with no cancer cells. (After originally going in for results and being told that 3 of the 4 were positive and after further examination found out the black in my nodes was actually tattoo ink from a couple tattoos I have on my left arm – CNLD was under my left arm) I have often questioned why so few nodes were taken during this CLND???? Anyways, after all the cutting and ripping things out of my body I finally saw an oncologist in September 2015. He originally sent me to Seattle to try to get on a trial as the only option at that time was the interferon and he wasn't to keen on putting through that for the small benefit. I went to Seattle…could not afford to fly out there every week for 3 months so I decided to do the interferon. And totally prepared myself to put all the statistics to a test and beat that crap!! My husband and I had a trip planned to Miami in November and so I asked if I could just start treatment after out trip so I would not be sick. I came back, received my first week of interferon shots, went into see my oncologits to learn how to inject myself. It was at this appointment that my oncologist said he wanted to wait and see if he could switch my treatment and get insurance approval as Yervoy had just been approved for stage 3 treatment. He go me all approved and I started treatment November 23, 2015. I was able to breeze past 3 treatments when I got a bad head cold and a head ache that would not stop. I was unfortunatley unable to continue treatment at that point due to my pituitary swelling. I do not regret my choice to hop on the Yervoy train at all….and I wish I could have continued and finished treatment. I had no side effects up to that point other than being itchy. The unknown in this rotten curse is so firightening I was, and still am, willing to do anything to keep it from ever getting the best of me!! I wish you and your fiance the best of luck.
- February 13, 2017 at 8:40 pm
Good afternoon and unfortunately…welcome!! I was diagnosed T1B in July 2015….Had SNL in August 2015 with one of the 2 nodes coming back with what I have noly been told was a small cluster of cancer cells. I graduated to State 3b. My reports say State 3b; breslow depth 0.8 mm, mitotic index >1, no ulceration, N1; M0. My oncologist tells me that I "barely made it into Stage 3 with the small amount of cells in my node. I elected to have the CLND and that was done in September 2015. My surgeon was able to (or just did) remove 4 more nodes…all of which came back with no cancer cells. (After originally going in for results and being told that 3 of the 4 were positive and after further examination found out the black in my nodes was actually tattoo ink from a couple tattoos I have on my left arm – CNLD was under my left arm) I have often questioned why so few nodes were taken during this CLND???? Anyways, after all the cutting and ripping things out of my body I finally saw an oncologist in September 2015. He originally sent me to Seattle to try to get on a trial as the only option at that time was the interferon and he wasn't to keen on putting through that for the small benefit. I went to Seattle…could not afford to fly out there every week for 3 months so I decided to do the interferon. And totally prepared myself to put all the statistics to a test and beat that crap!! My husband and I had a trip planned to Miami in November and so I asked if I could just start treatment after out trip so I would not be sick. I came back, received my first week of interferon shots, went into see my oncologits to learn how to inject myself. It was at this appointment that my oncologist said he wanted to wait and see if he could switch my treatment and get insurance approval as Yervoy had just been approved for stage 3 treatment. He go me all approved and I started treatment November 23, 2015. I was able to breeze past 3 treatments when I got a bad head cold and a head ache that would not stop. I was unfortunatley unable to continue treatment at that point due to my pituitary swelling. I do not regret my choice to hop on the Yervoy train at all….and I wish I could have continued and finished treatment. I had no side effects up to that point other than being itchy. The unknown in this rotten curse is so firightening I was, and still am, willing to do anything to keep it from ever getting the best of me!! I wish you and your fiance the best of luck.
- February 13, 2017 at 8:40 pm
Good afternoon and unfortunately…welcome!! I was diagnosed T1B in July 2015….Had SNL in August 2015 with one of the 2 nodes coming back with what I have noly been told was a small cluster of cancer cells. I graduated to State 3b. My reports say State 3b; breslow depth 0.8 mm, mitotic index >1, no ulceration, N1; M0. My oncologist tells me that I "barely made it into Stage 3 with the small amount of cells in my node. I elected to have the CLND and that was done in September 2015. My surgeon was able to (or just did) remove 4 more nodes…all of which came back with no cancer cells. (After originally going in for results and being told that 3 of the 4 were positive and after further examination found out the black in my nodes was actually tattoo ink from a couple tattoos I have on my left arm – CNLD was under my left arm) I have often questioned why so few nodes were taken during this CLND???? Anyways, after all the cutting and ripping things out of my body I finally saw an oncologist in September 2015. He originally sent me to Seattle to try to get on a trial as the only option at that time was the interferon and he wasn't to keen on putting through that for the small benefit. I went to Seattle…could not afford to fly out there every week for 3 months so I decided to do the interferon. And totally prepared myself to put all the statistics to a test and beat that crap!! My husband and I had a trip planned to Miami in November and so I asked if I could just start treatment after out trip so I would not be sick. I came back, received my first week of interferon shots, went into see my oncologits to learn how to inject myself. It was at this appointment that my oncologist said he wanted to wait and see if he could switch my treatment and get insurance approval as Yervoy had just been approved for stage 3 treatment. He go me all approved and I started treatment November 23, 2015. I was able to breeze past 3 treatments when I got a bad head cold and a head ache that would not stop. I was unfortunatley unable to continue treatment at that point due to my pituitary swelling. I do not regret my choice to hop on the Yervoy train at all….and I wish I could have continued and finished treatment. I had no side effects up to that point other than being itchy. The unknown in this rotten curse is so firightening I was, and still am, willing to do anything to keep it from ever getting the best of me!! I wish you and your fiance the best of luck.
- February 3, 2017 at 11:53 pm
I received Ipi starting in November 2015. The first 4 treatments (10 mg) are given in 3 week intervals followed by treatment once every 3 months and lowered to I believe 3 mg dose. I received the first 3 big treatments and felt great outside of being very itchy. Shortly after my 3rd treatment I came down with a horrible head cold and sinus infection. I had a miserable head ache that would not go away and so my onc ordered an MRI and put me on prednisone. I was standing in Walgreens filling my script for the prednisone when I got a call from my onc. He said, "we have a problem" and my heart fell out of my chest with immediate panic!! He then told me that my pituitary was swollen. I was set to have my 4th treatment on January 25 and he did not want to give me the treatment until he had another peak at my brain. My swelling did go down but he discontinued treatment saying, "the known risks outweigh the unknown benefits at this point". I was a bit (okay… a lot) scared at that point. I just had an MRI on the 18th and doc said my brain looks good and these head aches must just be run of the mill. If I could have contnued treatment I would have in an instant. Good luck. I am stage 3b and NED since September 2015.
- February 3, 2017 at 11:53 pm
I received Ipi starting in November 2015. The first 4 treatments (10 mg) are given in 3 week intervals followed by treatment once every 3 months and lowered to I believe 3 mg dose. I received the first 3 big treatments and felt great outside of being very itchy. Shortly after my 3rd treatment I came down with a horrible head cold and sinus infection. I had a miserable head ache that would not go away and so my onc ordered an MRI and put me on prednisone. I was standing in Walgreens filling my script for the prednisone when I got a call from my onc. He said, "we have a problem" and my heart fell out of my chest with immediate panic!! He then told me that my pituitary was swollen. I was set to have my 4th treatment on January 25 and he did not want to give me the treatment until he had another peak at my brain. My swelling did go down but he discontinued treatment saying, "the known risks outweigh the unknown benefits at this point". I was a bit (okay… a lot) scared at that point. I just had an MRI on the 18th and doc said my brain looks good and these head aches must just be run of the mill. If I could have contnued treatment I would have in an instant. Good luck. I am stage 3b and NED since September 2015.
- February 3, 2017 at 11:53 pm
I received Ipi starting in November 2015. The first 4 treatments (10 mg) are given in 3 week intervals followed by treatment once every 3 months and lowered to I believe 3 mg dose. I received the first 3 big treatments and felt great outside of being very itchy. Shortly after my 3rd treatment I came down with a horrible head cold and sinus infection. I had a miserable head ache that would not go away and so my onc ordered an MRI and put me on prednisone. I was standing in Walgreens filling my script for the prednisone when I got a call from my onc. He said, "we have a problem" and my heart fell out of my chest with immediate panic!! He then told me that my pituitary was swollen. I was set to have my 4th treatment on January 25 and he did not want to give me the treatment until he had another peak at my brain. My swelling did go down but he discontinued treatment saying, "the known risks outweigh the unknown benefits at this point". I was a bit (okay… a lot) scared at that point. I just had an MRI on the 18th and doc said my brain looks good and these head aches must just be run of the mill. If I could have contnued treatment I would have in an instant. Good luck. I am stage 3b and NED since September 2015.
- January 18, 2017 at 7:22 pm
Congratulations on continued good health!! And thank you so much for sharing your story. Reading the stories of HOPE help me to stay positive that this is not a death sentence. I am one year NED after IIIB diagnosis in September 2015. I was able to get 3 doses of Yervoy prior to having a side effect and my fingers are crossed every day that it found and DESTROYED any trace evidence of this ugly monster!!! Sending hugs and prayers for many many more years as NED!!!
- January 18, 2017 at 7:22 pm
Congratulations on continued good health!! And thank you so much for sharing your story. Reading the stories of HOPE help me to stay positive that this is not a death sentence. I am one year NED after IIIB diagnosis in September 2015. I was able to get 3 doses of Yervoy prior to having a side effect and my fingers are crossed every day that it found and DESTROYED any trace evidence of this ugly monster!!! Sending hugs and prayers for many many more years as NED!!!
- January 18, 2017 at 7:22 pm
Congratulations on continued good health!! And thank you so much for sharing your story. Reading the stories of HOPE help me to stay positive that this is not a death sentence. I am one year NED after IIIB diagnosis in September 2015. I was able to get 3 doses of Yervoy prior to having a side effect and my fingers are crossed every day that it found and DESTROYED any trace evidence of this ugly monster!!! Sending hugs and prayers for many many more years as NED!!!
- January 11, 2017 at 11:42 pm
I was diagnosed Stage IIIb in September 2015. Was all geared up to do the interferon and last minute the Ipi was approved for us stage III warriors and my onc changed treatment last minute…which I was happy about as I heard all the horro stories associated with the interferon (like having the flu for an entire year). The 10 mg is for the first 4 doses which are administered one treatment every 21 days and then 3 mg quarterly for a year. I was able to do the 4 big doses prior to having a side effect which was my body started to attack my pituitary gland and that in turn caused some other "gland" issues. My doc considered all the options and discontinued treatment at that time as he "thoguht the known risks outweighted the unknown benefits' at that time. I continue to get my CT scans and MRI's and body checks and so far all is well.
Best wishes
- January 11, 2017 at 11:42 pm
I was diagnosed Stage IIIb in September 2015. Was all geared up to do the interferon and last minute the Ipi was approved for us stage III warriors and my onc changed treatment last minute…which I was happy about as I heard all the horro stories associated with the interferon (like having the flu for an entire year). The 10 mg is for the first 4 doses which are administered one treatment every 21 days and then 3 mg quarterly for a year. I was able to do the 4 big doses prior to having a side effect which was my body started to attack my pituitary gland and that in turn caused some other "gland" issues. My doc considered all the options and discontinued treatment at that time as he "thoguht the known risks outweighted the unknown benefits' at that time. I continue to get my CT scans and MRI's and body checks and so far all is well.
Best wishes
- January 11, 2017 at 11:42 pm
I was diagnosed Stage IIIb in September 2015. Was all geared up to do the interferon and last minute the Ipi was approved for us stage III warriors and my onc changed treatment last minute…which I was happy about as I heard all the horro stories associated with the interferon (like having the flu for an entire year). The 10 mg is for the first 4 doses which are administered one treatment every 21 days and then 3 mg quarterly for a year. I was able to do the 4 big doses prior to having a side effect which was my body started to attack my pituitary gland and that in turn caused some other "gland" issues. My doc considered all the options and discontinued treatment at that time as he "thoguht the known risks outweighted the unknown benefits' at that time. I continue to get my CT scans and MRI's and body checks and so far all is well.
Best wishes
- December 15, 2016 at 10:22 pm
I was all set to start treatment for stage III melanoma with interferon (had actually received my first month worth of shots) and went to my appointment where my oncologist was going to administer my first dose. I was told of all the miserable side effects and was fully prepared to face each and everyone of them….because I was not going to let this beat me!! To my surprise when my doctor came into the room he advised me we were going to go a different route as the Ipi had just been approved for use in Stage III :o) I had my first treatment on November 23, 2015 and 3 more following that for the 1st four (what my doc called, "big doses") and after the 4th was set go every 3 months for a year. I had absolutely no problem with any of my treatments until about a week after my 4th treatment. I got an awful sinus infection which was treated with antiobiotics but my head ache and pressure would not go away. Doc ordered an MRI and my body was unfortunately attacking my pituitary gland. I was prescribe 40 ml of prednisone and the gland started to shrink to normal. Unfortunately my doc decided the unnkown benefits was out weighted by the known risks at this point and discontinued my treatment with the Ipi. That was frightening to me. I still have issues I am struggling with caused by the pituitary problems. Have since had to have a hysterectomy as my hormones went crazy and my body thought it would be super awesome to just menstruate…..non stop for months!! I am still on a low dose of prednisone (5 ml every other day) because every time I try to stop I have bad head aches and dizzy spells.
I do not know what any of my levels were or are…..but the doc always tells me everything looks normal.
My doc told me that things could pop up at any time and they weren't quite sure on how long after treatment we may have issues that need to be dealt with. He said we sort of trained our body to go into somewhat of a panic/attack mode when things are not right and that is what they will do. We need to be hyper vigilant.
I just pray I got enough and that it found any thing that shouldn't be there and DESTROYED it!!!
- December 15, 2016 at 10:22 pm
I was all set to start treatment for stage III melanoma with interferon (had actually received my first month worth of shots) and went to my appointment where my oncologist was going to administer my first dose. I was told of all the miserable side effects and was fully prepared to face each and everyone of them….because I was not going to let this beat me!! To my surprise when my doctor came into the room he advised me we were going to go a different route as the Ipi had just been approved for use in Stage III :o) I had my first treatment on November 23, 2015 and 3 more following that for the 1st four (what my doc called, "big doses") and after the 4th was set go every 3 months for a year. I had absolutely no problem with any of my treatments until about a week after my 4th treatment. I got an awful sinus infection which was treated with antiobiotics but my head ache and pressure would not go away. Doc ordered an MRI and my body was unfortunately attacking my pituitary gland. I was prescribe 40 ml of prednisone and the gland started to shrink to normal. Unfortunately my doc decided the unnkown benefits was out weighted by the known risks at this point and discontinued my treatment with the Ipi. That was frightening to me. I still have issues I am struggling with caused by the pituitary problems. Have since had to have a hysterectomy as my hormones went crazy and my body thought it would be super awesome to just menstruate…..non stop for months!! I am still on a low dose of prednisone (5 ml every other day) because every time I try to stop I have bad head aches and dizzy spells.
I do not know what any of my levels were or are…..but the doc always tells me everything looks normal.
My doc told me that things could pop up at any time and they weren't quite sure on how long after treatment we may have issues that need to be dealt with. He said we sort of trained our body to go into somewhat of a panic/attack mode when things are not right and that is what they will do. We need to be hyper vigilant.
I just pray I got enough and that it found any thing that shouldn't be there and DESTROYED it!!!
- December 15, 2016 at 10:22 pm
I was all set to start treatment for stage III melanoma with interferon (had actually received my first month worth of shots) and went to my appointment where my oncologist was going to administer my first dose. I was told of all the miserable side effects and was fully prepared to face each and everyone of them….because I was not going to let this beat me!! To my surprise when my doctor came into the room he advised me we were going to go a different route as the Ipi had just been approved for use in Stage III :o) I had my first treatment on November 23, 2015 and 3 more following that for the 1st four (what my doc called, "big doses") and after the 4th was set go every 3 months for a year. I had absolutely no problem with any of my treatments until about a week after my 4th treatment. I got an awful sinus infection which was treated with antiobiotics but my head ache and pressure would not go away. Doc ordered an MRI and my body was unfortunately attacking my pituitary gland. I was prescribe 40 ml of prednisone and the gland started to shrink to normal. Unfortunately my doc decided the unnkown benefits was out weighted by the known risks at this point and discontinued my treatment with the Ipi. That was frightening to me. I still have issues I am struggling with caused by the pituitary problems. Have since had to have a hysterectomy as my hormones went crazy and my body thought it would be super awesome to just menstruate…..non stop for months!! I am still on a low dose of prednisone (5 ml every other day) because every time I try to stop I have bad head aches and dizzy spells.
I do not know what any of my levels were or are…..but the doc always tells me everything looks normal.
My doc told me that things could pop up at any time and they weren't quite sure on how long after treatment we may have issues that need to be dealt with. He said we sort of trained our body to go into somewhat of a panic/attack mode when things are not right and that is what they will do. We need to be hyper vigilant.
I just pray I got enough and that it found any thing that shouldn't be there and DESTROYED it!!!