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        hi Aramat, just wanted to say hey! i am also recently diagnosed with acral letiginous melanoma on the arch of my foot. also jealous that you can walk! i had a skin graft and was on crutches for a month! hope you are doing well! 


          Hi Becca just wanted to say youre not alone and I've been going through something similar. Im a recently diagnosed 3b and whenever i discuss it with people who aren't my immediate family, they tend to say stupid stuff. people don't really know what to say in situations like this I think. I also don't think a lot of people understand the severity of melanoma, when I was in a cast people would just say things like "at least its not broken"

          hang in there, youre not alone!


            Hi Sissi,

            I'm in toronto! not looking forward to that first set of fevers, but hope you continue to feel ok 


              thanks ed, these are great!


                Hi anonymous,

                I got access to these drugs as I am braf mutated and they were just made available to stage 3's through compassionate acess on application. for a treatment period of one year. I dont know if they are yet available for anyone less than 3b, or it could be stage 3 in general, all the appointments/information are all kind of a blur for me at this point lol.

                I hope you have good news at your appointment!


                  thanks for your response! I don't know if Canada has the same access to trials, but I guess its early days for me and I'll find out with some education. All she said was that interferon was off the table cause of the size of the deposits. Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it.

                  Also just want to link myself to this thread because I accidentally hit post anonymously 

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