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        I wear it everyday on my face, arms and chest. While I’m driving, I notice how much exposure those areas get. It’s like a game for me now. How white can I be? I get mad if my chest gets any color at all. 



          Thank you so much for addressing these issues.  Your words are comforting and calmed me from my morning dispair.   These is so much I have to keep in perspective with this diagnosis and these are things I would not have thought of.  In my 49 years of living, one thing I have learned is how you look at something can change everything (in your mind). I will stop worrying. I will not let it win, either way. 

          Thank you for replying and giving me a new perspective!



            Celeste, Thank you so much for your words. They are exactly what I needed to read today.  I always knew that life could turn on a dime and I always wondered what my "dime" would be. Well, here it is. One week ago I wasn't even worried about the mole I had removed two days prior.  Monday came and everything changed. I'm ready to accept this and ebrace the suck that may or may not be ahead of me. But I can do this. I have to. I will not give my life to Melanoma.

            I'm very grateful that I found this place 😉



              THank you! Trying to learn as much as possible. I  was reading about Estrogen and Melonoma….just had my pellets re-done right before this happened. Now I'm freaking out even more. Not like I can stop taking them. I wonder if I can get them removed! LOL!

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