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        Hi Tracy,

        I did inf for 5 months then had to stop because of suicidal tendencies and just really feeling like crap.  I was disappointed in myself that I couldn't make it all the way thru and still feel bad about it.  Mel came back within a year.  I was predisposed to depression prior to Inf … they warned me it might be difficult for me and it was.  Hope Bill does well with it and I hope you do too.  It was difficult for my family to see me so uncomfortable but they were wonderful and made a huge difference for me.  Best of luck to both of you.  My prayers are with you


        brethlady stage 3a


          Hi Tracy,

          I did inf for 5 months then had to stop because of suicidal tendencies and just really feeling like crap.  I was disappointed in myself that I couldn't make it all the way thru and still feel bad about it.  Mel came back within a year.  I was predisposed to depression prior to Inf … they warned me it might be difficult for me and it was.  Hope Bill does well with it and I hope you do too.  It was difficult for my family to see me so uncomfortable but they were wonderful and made a huge difference for me.  Best of luck to both of you.  My prayers are with you


          brethlady stage 3a


            Hi Angela ..  I'm new to this website but saw your post.  I have something similar going on in my leg where I had surgery.  I've had two surgeries in the same location, the last one in April of this year.  In June, I had a small lump show up in my thigh area.  Went to onc but he didn' t seem too concerned since he couldn't really feel it.  It kept changing size and he insisted that mel doesn't just come and go like that.  Okay …  what do I know!  I'm still freaked out.  Then, since June, I've had three more little lumps show up.  They keep changing size too, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller.  I think they seem kind of bluish to me, but don't know if it's just my paranoia.  I have been super fatigued since the first one showed up in June though, which has me worried, since that's been a characteristic of my mel the last two times I've had it.  I see my onc in two weeks and I'm hoping he'll schedule a PT scan, or a least a needle biopsy.  Hope yours turn out to be nothing grim.  I can definitely relate to your fear around it.  I worry about mine all the time.  You are in my thoughts and prayers for sure. 

            brethlady <3


              Hi Angela ..  I'm new to this website but saw your post.  I have something similar going on in my leg where I had surgery.  I've had two surgeries in the same location, the last one in April of this year.  In June, I had a small lump show up in my thigh area.  Went to onc but he didn' t seem too concerned since he couldn't really feel it.  It kept changing size and he insisted that mel doesn't just come and go like that.  Okay …  what do I know!  I'm still freaked out.  Then, since June, I've had three more little lumps show up.  They keep changing size too, sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller.  I think they seem kind of bluish to me, but don't know if it's just my paranoia.  I have been super fatigued since the first one showed up in June though, which has me worried, since that's been a characteristic of my mel the last two times I've had it.  I see my onc in two weeks and I'm hoping he'll schedule a PT scan, or a least a needle biopsy.  Hope yours turn out to be nothing grim.  I can definitely relate to your fear around it.  I worry about mine all the time.  You are in my thoughts and prayers for sure. 

              brethlady <3

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