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wider exicion on 0.2mm melanoma

Forums General Melanoma Community wider exicion on 0.2mm melanoma

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      Hi everyone !!

         Had my appointment with doctor today. He said I do not need to worry ,my  Breslow is 0.2 mm Clark 2.

         I will be on follow up with derm for 3 years.

       Doctor said I can go for another IVF treatment to get pregnant. (I developed my melanoma during my first IVF)

      I am confused – how can I do IVF again after all this happened to me after treatment ??

      Hi everyone !!

         Had my appointment with doctor today. He said I do not need to worry ,my  Breslow is 0.2 mm Clark 2.

         I will be on follow up with derm for 3 years.

       Doctor said I can go for another IVF treatment to get pregnant. (I developed my melanoma during my first IVF)

      I am confused – how can I do IVF again after all this happened to me after treatment ??

      Abd another question – is it necesseary to do wide excition , if primary was removed with 1 cm around and all margins clear? Doctor said they are still deciding do I need Wider cut out or not .

      Don't you know ,how it should be in my case?

      Thank you for all your support and information you gave me during all this month since I was diagnosed


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          It's entirely possible that IVF and melanoma were completely independent of each other, although it makes sense to me that hormones could trigger it.  I would like to blame mine on taking corticosteroids for autoimmune disease for 10 years, but I also fit the light eyes/fair skin risk factor, as well as living in a colder climate and getting intense UV during parts of the year. I've also seen where some studies think all our risk comes from childhood. 

          I don't know about your needing WLE. My initial biopsy was done with the forethought of needing WLE. If you had the biopsy where they left the center open like I did, it would probably look better to have WLE. Also, it would possibly give you more protection in that area. The newer studies say your margins are good, and there is nothing that says taking more will help.

          I hope you have a baby in your arms, one way or another, by this time next year!


            It's entirely possible that IVF and melanoma were completely independent of each other, although it makes sense to me that hormones could trigger it.  I would like to blame mine on taking corticosteroids for autoimmune disease for 10 years, but I also fit the light eyes/fair skin risk factor, as well as living in a colder climate and getting intense UV during parts of the year. I've also seen where some studies think all our risk comes from childhood. 

            I don't know about your needing WLE. My initial biopsy was done with the forethought of needing WLE. If you had the biopsy where they left the center open like I did, it would probably look better to have WLE. Also, it would possibly give you more protection in that area. The newer studies say your margins are good, and there is nothing that says taking more will help.

            I hope you have a baby in your arms, one way or another, by this time next year!


                Thank you !!! Thank you  for such a nice words .! 

                One of docs said IVF hormones deffinately can trigger melanoma

                It started to develope from a mole (mole became bigger and bigger ) in my case exactly on the second week of my hormone therapy.

                I am thinking about adoption now.  Hope , peopale with my dianosys are allowed to adopt.


                  Thank you !!! Thank you  for such a nice words .! 

                  One of docs said IVF hormones deffinately can trigger melanoma

                  It started to develope from a mole (mole became bigger and bigger ) in my case exactly on the second week of my hormone therapy.

                  I am thinking about adoption now.  Hope , peopale with my dianosys are allowed to adopt.


                    Thank you !!! Thank you  for such a nice words .! 

                    One of docs said IVF hormones deffinately can trigger melanoma

                    It started to develope from a mole (mole became bigger and bigger ) in my case exactly on the second week of my hormone therapy.

                    I am thinking about adoption now.  Hope , peopale with my dianosys are allowed to adopt.


                    It's entirely possible that IVF and melanoma were completely independent of each other, although it makes sense to me that hormones could trigger it.  I would like to blame mine on taking corticosteroids for autoimmune disease for 10 years, but I also fit the light eyes/fair skin risk factor, as well as living in a colder climate and getting intense UV during parts of the year. I've also seen where some studies think all our risk comes from childhood. 

                    I don't know about your needing WLE. My initial biopsy was done with the forethought of needing WLE. If you had the biopsy where they left the center open like I did, it would probably look better to have WLE. Also, it would possibly give you more protection in that area. The newer studies say your margins are good, and there is nothing that says taking more will help.

                    I hope you have a baby in your arms, one way or another, by this time next year!

                    Mike N

                      What great news Natasha!

                      This is what we were all hoping for. What a terrible time for you to have to worry about cm vs mm! Since your Latvian diagnosis it must have been like a never ending bad dream.

                      I wonder if they want to do a new WLE in order to make sure they get wide enough margins. If that were presented to my by a derm or surgeon I would certainly do it. I have no clue about your IVF issue.

                      Congratulations, I'm so happy for you.

                      Ok, I am now officially uncrossing my fingers,… whew that was a long time.



                          Thank you ,Mike !!!! Thanks a lot for your support !!!

                          If doctor will decide do WLE , I will go for it.


                            Thank you ,Mike !!!! Thanks a lot for your support !!!

                            If doctor will decide do WLE , I will go for it.


                              Thank you ,Mike !!!! Thanks a lot for your support !!!

                              If doctor will decide do WLE , I will go for it.

                            Mike N

                              What great news Natasha!

                              This is what we were all hoping for. What a terrible time for you to have to worry about cm vs mm! Since your Latvian diagnosis it must have been like a never ending bad dream.

                              I wonder if they want to do a new WLE in order to make sure they get wide enough margins. If that were presented to my by a derm or surgeon I would certainly do it. I have no clue about your IVF issue.

                              Congratulations, I'm so happy for you.

                              Ok, I am now officially uncrossing my fingers,… whew that was a long time.


                              Mike N

                                What great news Natasha!

                                This is what we were all hoping for. What a terrible time for you to have to worry about cm vs mm! Since your Latvian diagnosis it must have been like a never ending bad dream.

                                I wonder if they want to do a new WLE in order to make sure they get wide enough margins. If that were presented to my by a derm or surgeon I would certainly do it. I have no clue about your IVF issue.

                                Congratulations, I'm so happy for you.

                                Ok, I am now officially uncrossing my fingers,… whew that was a long time.



                                  You need 1cm margins.  If the MARGINS you already had taken were 1cm, then no need to take more.  If it was 1cm which included the original mole, then you need more. 

                                  Pregnancy and hormones are controversial.  I do have some stuff on pregnancy on my website (linked below) but there may be newer info.  Melanoma is the most prevalent cancer for young women in their 20s (regardless of pregnancy status) so it is possible it may not be related at all.  I know I would have done IVF after my 3rd primary but just didn't have the $$$.  The research I had done at the time just didn't support any real connection.  However, that was 10 years ago and I haven't thoroughly researched the issue since then.

                                  .2mm / Clark II is an extremely low risk lesion.  Many do get pregnant after such a diagnosis with no further issues.  You just need to do your research and feel comfortable with whatever decision makes sense to you.  There is no right or wrong here. 

                                  Best wishes,



                                    You need 1cm margins.  If the MARGINS you already had taken were 1cm, then no need to take more.  If it was 1cm which included the original mole, then you need more. 

                                    Pregnancy and hormones are controversial.  I do have some stuff on pregnancy on my website (linked below) but there may be newer info.  Melanoma is the most prevalent cancer for young women in their 20s (regardless of pregnancy status) so it is possible it may not be related at all.  I know I would have done IVF after my 3rd primary but just didn't have the $$$.  The research I had done at the time just didn't support any real connection.  However, that was 10 years ago and I haven't thoroughly researched the issue since then.

                                    .2mm / Clark II is an extremely low risk lesion.  Many do get pregnant after such a diagnosis with no further issues.  You just need to do your research and feel comfortable with whatever decision makes sense to you.  There is no right or wrong here. 

                                    Best wishes,



                                      You need 1cm margins.  If the MARGINS you already had taken were 1cm, then no need to take more.  If it was 1cm which included the original mole, then you need more. 

                                      Pregnancy and hormones are controversial.  I do have some stuff on pregnancy on my website (linked below) but there may be newer info.  Melanoma is the most prevalent cancer for young women in their 20s (regardless of pregnancy status) so it is possible it may not be related at all.  I know I would have done IVF after my 3rd primary but just didn't have the $$$.  The research I had done at the time just didn't support any real connection.  However, that was 10 years ago and I haven't thoroughly researched the issue since then.

                                      .2mm / Clark II is an extremely low risk lesion.  Many do get pregnant after such a diagnosis with no further issues.  You just need to do your research and feel comfortable with whatever decision makes sense to you.  There is no right or wrong here. 

                                      Best wishes,



                                        Had phone call from doctor today ,and he said they decided to do wider excision for me in couple of weeks. After what I will be on 3 month checks for 1 year .


                                          Had phone call from doctor today ,and he said they decided to do wider excision for me in couple of weeks. After what I will be on 3 month checks for 1 year .


                                            Had phone call from doctor today ,and he said they decided to do wider excision for me in couple of weeks. After what I will be on 3 month checks for 1 year .

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