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what to expect with IPI

Forums General Melanoma Community what to expect with IPI

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    Tracey FL

      Mom is going to MD Anderson on the 27th for a consult on the ipi.  She is stage lV brain, lung and multiple mets in torso.  She has 4 more WBR treatments then off to Md Anderson.  I would like to know how often the treatments are and how are they given?

      Mom is going to MD Anderson on the 27th for a consult on the ipi.  She is stage lV brain, lung and multiple mets in torso.  She has 4 more WBR treatments then off to Md Anderson.  I would like to know how often the treatments are and how are they given?   Is this a trial with different arms that you don't know if you are getting the drug or not?  She seems so week now and is over 70.  She has done two different trials without success, both vaccine types the last one being PD-1 then chemo.   What a strong gal she is but in the last 3 days I have seen such a change in her for the worst.  Could this be from the WBR?  Thank you all for your help with my questions.


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          Ipi is on compassionate use right now – so you always get the drug.  There are four infusions, each three weeks apart.  People's side effects vary a lot.  I have had virtually none.  They will tell you all about it when you go.  They give you a big long paper with all the possible side effects and details on how it's given.

          I don't know what to tell you about the WBR becasue I haven't had it, but I have heard that it makes you very weary.  So blame the WBR and hope for better days ahead!



            Ipi is on compassionate use right now – so you always get the drug.  There are four infusions, each three weeks apart.  People's side effects vary a lot.  I have had virtually none.  They will tell you all about it when you go.  They give you a big long paper with all the possible side effects and details on how it's given.

            I don't know what to tell you about the WBR becasue I haven't had it, but I have heard that it makes you very weary.  So blame the WBR and hope for better days ahead!



              Hi Tracey,

              The schedule that Katy outlined is right, and you WILL get the drug. And YES, the loss of energy is from the WBR. It totally wipes you out, but not to worry, your Mom's energy will eventually come back in a few weeks to a month. Personally, I had no side effects from Ipi, but not everyone is so lucky. The hardest thing for me was the few seconds it takes to get the IV put in. Other than that, clear sailing.  The big thing to watch for is diarrhea. I've been taking iron pills, and that seemed to keep me pretty regular. Good luck to your Mom.


              Sharyn, Stage IV


                Hi Tracey,

                The schedule that Katy outlined is right, and you WILL get the drug. And YES, the loss of energy is from the WBR. It totally wipes you out, but not to worry, your Mom's energy will eventually come back in a few weeks to a month. Personally, I had no side effects from Ipi, but not everyone is so lucky. The hardest thing for me was the few seconds it takes to get the IV put in. Other than that, clear sailing.  The big thing to watch for is diarrhea. I've been taking iron pills, and that seemed to keep me pretty regular. Good luck to your Mom.


                Sharyn, Stage IV

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