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Very bad news, looking for advice, support as I’m terrified!!

Forums General Melanoma Community Very bad news, looking for advice, support as I’m terrified!!

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      I had a shoulder MRI today to evaluate a presumable shoulder tendinits, and we received the horrible news that there is in fact a head of the humerus fracture due to a tumor!!. I'm in the phase 3 Ippi/ Nivo/ Ippi+Nivo trial. Last scan showed nothing and my doctor confirmed that the CT with contrast that I get every 6 weeks should have caught this. Next week i will have a PET CT , hopefully it will show nothing, as the MRI showed enough already. I find it so hard to believe that a tumor can grow that fast in a matter of weeks!! We a so floored by the news that I cannot think what to do next. I'm Braf negative . They will unblind me tomorrow to see what I can get. I'm so scared !!




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    • Replies

          So sorry, Dana!

          All the science and technology doesn't always protect us, does it?  Hopefully when you learn what you've been getting you can make a good plan and go from there!  Wishing you the best, c


            So sorry, Dana!

            All the science and technology doesn't always protect us, does it?  Hopefully when you learn what you've been getting you can make a good plan and go from there!  Wishing you the best, c


              So sorry, Dana!

              All the science and technology doesn't always protect us, does it?  Hopefully when you learn what you've been getting you can make a good plan and go from there!  Wishing you the best, c


                So sorry for your setback Dana.  Please keep us updated on your progress.  Anxious to hear what arm you were in.  Hang in there.



                  So sorry for your setback Dana.  Please keep us updated on your progress.  Anxious to hear what arm you were in.  Hang in there.



                    So sorry for your setback Dana.  Please keep us updated on your progress.  Anxious to hear what arm you were in.  Hang in there.



                      So sorry you have to go through this!  Next treatment will be decided by what drug you were on in the trial and the results of the PET CT next week.  If all will be ok at the scan, I think they may try to do some local radiation to try to get rid of the humerus tumor first.

                      I will wait for your updates anxiously, sending you positive vibes all the way!


                        So sorry you have to go through this!  Next treatment will be decided by what drug you were on in the trial and the results of the PET CT next week.  If all will be ok at the scan, I think they may try to do some local radiation to try to get rid of the humerus tumor first.

                        I will wait for your updates anxiously, sending you positive vibes all the way!


                          So sorry you have to go through this!  Next treatment will be decided by what drug you were on in the trial and the results of the PET CT next week.  If all will be ok at the scan, I think they may try to do some local radiation to try to get rid of the humerus tumor first.

                          I will wait for your updates anxiously, sending you positive vibes all the way!


                            So very sorry to hear your news.  I am praying all will be ok. Please keep us posted once you know your medication and which direction you head next.  



                              So very sorry to hear your news.  I am praying all will be ok. Please keep us posted once you know your medication and which direction you head next.  



                                So very sorry to hear your news.  I am praying all will be ok. Please keep us posted once you know your medication and which direction you head next.  


                                Tina D

                                  Dana, So very sorry for this upsetting news. I can imagine how devastating it was to hear something so very unexpected. Will be anxious to hear what decisions are made as you go forward, once they unblind you and let you know what arm you have been in. I wish I could just calm the fears, but I know they are so real. Praying for you this morning. 


                                  Tina D

                                    Dana, So very sorry for this upsetting news. I can imagine how devastating it was to hear something so very unexpected. Will be anxious to hear what decisions are made as you go forward, once they unblind you and let you know what arm you have been in. I wish I could just calm the fears, but I know they are so real. Praying for you this morning. 


                                    Tina D

                                      Dana, So very sorry for this upsetting news. I can imagine how devastating it was to hear something so very unexpected. Will be anxious to hear what decisions are made as you go forward, once they unblind you and let you know what arm you have been in. I wish I could just calm the fears, but I know they are so real. Praying for you this morning. 



                                          Thank you, guys for your responses.

                                          I will meet today with a radiologist to see if they can do some radiation to try to kill the tumor, my dr told something about cyber knife, but I never heard about this procedure on a bone met. He said I will have a PET CT , and  I hope I will not light up like a Xmas tree. I have a fear that I only got IPPI. Also, they tested the original tumor for Braf and it was negative, does anyone knows what are the odds that the mets to be positive. I remember reading about this but I don't remember where.


                                          Thank you for your prayers and warm thoughts , may God give me strength to fight this, I owe this to my young kids and poor husband


                                            Thank you, guys for your responses.

                                            I will meet today with a radiologist to see if they can do some radiation to try to kill the tumor, my dr told something about cyber knife, but I never heard about this procedure on a bone met. He said I will have a PET CT , and  I hope I will not light up like a Xmas tree. I have a fear that I only got IPPI. Also, they tested the original tumor for Braf and it was negative, does anyone knows what are the odds that the mets to be positive. I remember reading about this but I don't remember where.


                                            Thank you for your prayers and warm thoughts , may God give me strength to fight this, I owe this to my young kids and poor husband



                                              Hang in there Dana.  I'll be sending prayers your way. 

                                              I have a slightly different take on it than you.  I think it might be good if you only got ipi because then there would still be a chance that PD-1 would work for you.  I would think you would qualify for the EAP right now if that was the case.




                                                Hang in there Dana.  I'll be sending prayers your way. 

                                                I have a slightly different take on it than you.  I think it might be good if you only got ipi because then there would still be a chance that PD-1 would work for you.  I would think you would qualify for the EAP right now if that was the case.




                                                  Hang in there Dana.  I'll be sending prayers your way. 

                                                  I have a slightly different take on it than you.  I think it might be good if you only got ipi because then there would still be a chance that PD-1 would work for you.  I would think you would qualify for the EAP right now if that was the case.



                                                    Thank you, guys for your responses.

                                                    I will meet today with a radiologist to see if they can do some radiation to try to kill the tumor, my dr told something about cyber knife, but I never heard about this procedure on a bone met. He said I will have a PET CT , and  I hope I will not light up like a Xmas tree. I have a fear that I only got IPPI. Also, they tested the original tumor for Braf and it was negative, does anyone knows what are the odds that the mets to be positive. I remember reading about this but I don't remember where.


                                                    Thank you for your prayers and warm thoughts , may God give me strength to fight this, I owe this to my young kids and poor husband


                                                    Sorry to hear Dana.  As you know, there will be a number of options no matter which arm you were in (e.g., Merck EAP, TIL).  I also recall reading about folks having tumors re-tested for BRAF after initially being told that they are BRAF negative.


                                                      Sorry to hear Dana.  As you know, there will be a number of options no matter which arm you were in (e.g., Merck EAP, TIL).  I also recall reading about folks having tumors re-tested for BRAF after initially being told that they are BRAF negative.


                                                        Sorry to hear Dana.  As you know, there will be a number of options no matter which arm you were in (e.g., Merck EAP, TIL).  I also recall reading about folks having tumors re-tested for BRAF after initially being told that they are BRAF negative.

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