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Update After Surgery for Melanoma on Scalp

Forums General Melanoma Community Update After Surgery for Melanoma on Scalp

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    Cyndie in Texas
      Hello to everyone! It’s been a busy few days but wanted to post an update after my brother’s surgery on Thursday. They injected him with the dye early in the morning and then they did the WLE later in the morning. The surgeon said it was a deep tumor but we already knew that. Based on the imaging, there was another small tumor to the right of the larger one so doctor removed that as well and the imaging showed presence of 3 separate nodes uptake and radiotracer including the sentinel node (not sure I’m saying that right). The surgeon removed the sentinel node (he said it was ‘hot’) and sent samples of the other two nodes to pathology (did not remove the other two).

      They did a graft using skin from his groin area and put the wound vac over the excision on his scalp. My brother said the groin area is the sorest part but the neck where they removed the node is sore as well. He was doing well and seemed to be bouncing back rather quickly within the 24 hours and then it hit him yesterday afternoon pretty hard. He was exhausted and sore so he was bummed because he thought he was going to breeze through.

      We find out the pathology results on Tuesday when he goes in for a follow-up to get the vac removed. From what I understand if it has not spread to the other two nodes next to the sentinel node then he should be in the clear but if it has then treatment is in the forecast. I am not altogether sure about this though because it seems based on the small tumor they found next to the large one and also that it was in the sentinel node it has already spread. I guess I’m confused about that part.

      If the other two nodes come back negative should we still request an MRI and/or a PET scan? He has already had a CAT scan which showed no spreading to bones/organs.

      If it has spread then will they go back in and remove those nodes or just do the immunotherapy to get rid of it?

      Thanks to you all!
      Cyndie in Texas (Sis)

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          Hi sister Cindy! Wow! Your brother & yourself have been busy! Good! Its definetly “Battle Time” for a lot of us (you know my situation, read my current post on Aug 15 or 16th i forget wich day!) Oh ya, good ol’ Groin lymphnode Extraction!! Yixe!! I had that done after my first primary surgery (2008) on left leg (above knee cap) and while i was asleep they biopsied groin lymhnode & of course patholgy came back positive, next surgery was set for a Wide Excition, forget how many nodes but i have a nice long scar! I hated the aftermath of that, drain tube & bag for like a month & a half, making a log of the lymphatic “juice” amount so as it gets less and less my body can start obsorbing it without help from tube/sack…just a pain in the groin it was!! It was tender to so, hes right on schedule for tenderness!!..hopefully theyll do immunal therapy rather then go back into the groin “if” they can avoid it, always way painful 2nd time around…ill be heading to Laredo Texas the 21st to visit my bros!! Take care sis, thank God your bro has you!
            Hi Cyndie,

            so since at least 1 lymph node lit up, it is my understanding that your brother is stage 3 at best (hopefully they don’t find anything to upstage him to stage 4). As a general rule, patients with stage 3 melanoma benefit from adjuvant therapy. If I were you, I would discuss this with your oncologist. Wishing you and your brother all the best!

              When I had the vac on my head people would ask me what was wrong. I would tell them my brain had so much activity and generated so much heat that I had to pump refrigerated air straight into my skull. I hope his graft takes, I was lucky my first one worked.
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