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      Made a post and have NO CLUE where it is..  


      Ok ok I got an embarrassing question to ask 


      I had WLE and SLNB done 5 days ago 


      my WLE doesn't hurt at all  my SLNB does., I still have a dressing on it and some kind of derma bond tape of some source. They said it to stay on till I see the Dr. a few weeks 


      The SLNB was done on the shoulder armpit area not quite under the armpit. Anyways. It hurts, even on my side of the breast.  I am wondering is it because do they cut deep? Cut into the nerves??   



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          Melissa, go to your profile and then to your bulletin board posts and you can see all you previous posts from there.


          Glad your WLE doesn't hurt, mine did for a couple of weeks.  Could be you had a nerve nicked during the SLNB but it's only been a few days so nothing really to worry about.  Just hang in there.  If pain gets out of control call the doc.




            Melissa, go to your profile and then to your bulletin board posts and you can see all you previous posts from there.


            Glad your WLE doesn't hurt, mine did for a couple of weeks.  Could be you had a nerve nicked during the SLNB but it's only been a few days so nothing really to worry about.  Just hang in there.  If pain gets out of control call the doc.




              Melissa, go to your profile and then to your bulletin board posts and you can see all you previous posts from there.


              Glad your WLE doesn't hurt, mine did for a couple of weeks.  Could be you had a nerve nicked during the SLNB but it's only been a few days so nothing really to worry about.  Just hang in there.  If pain gets out of control call the doc.




                Melissa – The SLNB does hurt much more than the WLE for sure.  It goes much deeper beyond the skin to the actual lymph nodes (and I am guessing some small nerves as well).

                But that pain is also relatively minor compared to a full dissection which leaves a pretty big diviot (required only if you SLNB shows cancer cells) which I hope you don't have to do.

                I couldn't handle the vicoden since it caused constipation.  But my doctor had me take both Ibuprofen and acetaminophen and the combo seemed to work just fine…(didn't want to take more than recommended dosage).



                    Yeah the doctor had prescribe pain meds. Sadly they are to strong for me. Ended up getting sick a few times.. The only thing that works is Ty'enol and ice pack.     Waiting on the phone call sucks… 


                    Thank you you I didn't think they would go that deep.


                      Yeah the doctor had prescribe pain meds. Sadly they are to strong for me. Ended up getting sick a few times.. The only thing that works is Ty'enol and ice pack.     Waiting on the phone call sucks… 


                      Thank you you I didn't think they would go that deep.


                        Yeah the doctor had prescribe pain meds. Sadly they are to strong for me. Ended up getting sick a few times.. The only thing that works is Ty'enol and ice pack.     Waiting on the phone call sucks… 


                        Thank you you I didn't think they would go that deep.


                        Melissa – The SLNB does hurt much more than the WLE for sure.  It goes much deeper beyond the skin to the actual lymph nodes (and I am guessing some small nerves as well).

                        But that pain is also relatively minor compared to a full dissection which leaves a pretty big diviot (required only if you SLNB shows cancer cells) which I hope you don't have to do.

                        I couldn't handle the vicoden since it caused constipation.  But my doctor had me take both Ibuprofen and acetaminophen and the combo seemed to work just fine…(didn't want to take more than recommended dosage).



                          Melissa – The SLNB does hurt much more than the WLE for sure.  It goes much deeper beyond the skin to the actual lymph nodes (and I am guessing some small nerves as well).

                          But that pain is also relatively minor compared to a full dissection which leaves a pretty big diviot (required only if you SLNB shows cancer cells) which I hope you don't have to do.

                          I couldn't handle the vicoden since it caused constipation.  But my doctor had me take both Ibuprofen and acetaminophen and the combo seemed to work just fine…(didn't want to take more than recommended dosage).


                          Never Gonna Stop

                            I think the pain after the SLNB procedure really varies on the depth of your sentinel node. The deeper it is, the more they have to poke and prod and cut to get to it. Mine was apparently pretty superficial, and my WLE bothered me far more than my sentinel node spot. I know someone else who was the exact reverse…WLE didn't bother her at all, and she had a tremendous amount of pain from her SLNB (but she was told one of her three sentinel nodes was pretty deep).

                            The pain should fade with time though!


                                Yeah my WLE doesn't hurt at all.. It's all in my SLNB. They said they took out one but he must have went in deep because  it hurts like heck……  I should be getting a call from them any day now..  It's will be a week tomorrow 


                                  Yeah my WLE doesn't hurt at all.. It's all in my SLNB. They said they took out one but he must have went in deep because  it hurts like heck……  I should be getting a call from them any day now..  It's will be a week tomorrow 


                                    Yeah my WLE doesn't hurt at all.. It's all in my SLNB. They said they took out one but he must have went in deep because  it hurts like heck……  I should be getting a call from them any day now..  It's will be a week tomorrow 

                                  Never Gonna Stop

                                    I think the pain after the SLNB procedure really varies on the depth of your sentinel node. The deeper it is, the more they have to poke and prod and cut to get to it. Mine was apparently pretty superficial, and my WLE bothered me far more than my sentinel node spot. I know someone else who was the exact reverse…WLE didn't bother her at all, and she had a tremendous amount of pain from her SLNB (but she was told one of her three sentinel nodes was pretty deep).

                                    The pain should fade with time though!

                                    Never Gonna Stop

                                      I think the pain after the SLNB procedure really varies on the depth of your sentinel node. The deeper it is, the more they have to poke and prod and cut to get to it. Mine was apparently pretty superficial, and my WLE bothered me far more than my sentinel node spot. I know someone else who was the exact reverse…WLE didn't bother her at all, and she had a tremendous amount of pain from her SLNB (but she was told one of her three sentinel nodes was pretty deep).

                                      The pain should fade with time though!

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