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This site has been hacked and it pisses me off.

Forums General Melanoma Community This site has been hacked and it pisses me off.

  • Post
    Charlie S

      Yeah, yeah, I know I am a pain in the butt…………………..but; after many years here and with the latest "re-launch" of this website, , it is quite apparent that there are major security flaws, so be carefull.

      Today, I received six e-mails,all of which came from "tor" sites via MRF.

      For those unfamiliar with  a "tor" browser , the object is to disguise and misdirect.

      Given the makeup of the new MRF Board,  it is dissapointing this would happen.

      Whats up Tim?

      If you like, I have a packet capture of the trail if you like.

      Regardless, this site has been compromised and I do not like it.

      Charlie S



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    • Replies

          Just ignore it but I have noticed it on every post.

          Can we report it?


              I have no idea if anyone is even monitoring this site. I've reported spam on several occasions and nothing has been done about it.

                Thanks. I will be careful.
                  Thanks. I will be careful.
                    Thanks. I will be careful.

                      Hi Linny,

                      Several MPIPers contact me directly when they notice spam on the bulletin board. I delete these posts immediately, so I'm not sure how or to whom you have reported spam in the past.  Please feel free to let me know if you see something we've missed. You can email me directly at [email protected]. I try my best to look through MPIP posts every day or two for spam but I can't possibly catch all of it. Our new website allows us to delete all of the spam much faster than before and we are continuously working to decrease the amount of spam that gets through. Again, we can't possibly stop all of it, but I assure you, we are trying our best.


                      Shelby – MRF


                        Hi Linny,

                        Several MPIPers contact me directly when they notice spam on the bulletin board. I delete these posts immediately, so I'm not sure how or to whom you have reported spam in the past.  Please feel free to let me know if you see something we've missed. You can email me directly at [email protected]. I try my best to look through MPIP posts every day or two for spam but I can't possibly catch all of it. Our new website allows us to delete all of the spam much faster than before and we are continuously working to decrease the amount of spam that gets through. Again, we can't possibly stop all of it, but I assure you, we are trying our best.


                        Shelby – MRF

                          Is the chat working? I can never get anyone on there.

                            I have hung ther for hours when I can without anyone coming in.  I usually see where you have been there whole I was out.  Several times I have hung and not hat a final connection made or last.  Tonight I thinnk the weather is a major problem for me (on Hughes Satelliate – as well as lack of money to get as much satelliate time as I would like tohang here more.



                              I have hung ther for hours when I can without anyone coming in.  I usually see where you have been there whole I was out.  Several times I have hung and not hat a final connection made or last.  Tonight I thinnk the weather is a major problem for me (on Hughes Satelliate – as well as lack of money to get as much satelliate time as I would like tohang here more.



                                I have hung ther for hours when I can without anyone coming in.  I usually see where you have been there whole I was out.  Several times I have hung and not hat a final connection made or last.  Tonight I thinnk the weather is a major problem for me (on Hughes Satelliate – as well as lack of money to get as much satelliate time as I would like tohang here more.


                                  Is the chat working? I can never get anyone on there.
                                    Is the chat working? I can never get anyone on there.

                                      Hi Linny,

                                      Several MPIPers contact me directly when they notice spam on the bulletin board. I delete these posts immediately, so I'm not sure how or to whom you have reported spam in the past.  Please feel free to let me know if you see something we've missed. You can email me directly at [email protected]. I try my best to look through MPIP posts every day or two for spam but I can't possibly catch all of it. Our new website allows us to delete all of the spam much faster than before and we are continuously working to decrease the amount of spam that gets through. Again, we can't possibly stop all of it, but I assure you, we are trying our best.


                                      Shelby – MRF


                                        I have no idea if anyone is even monitoring this site. I've reported spam on several occasions and nothing has been done about it.


                                          I have no idea if anyone is even monitoring this site. I've reported spam on several occasions and nothing has been done about it.


                                          Just ignore it but I have noticed it on every post.

                                          Can we report it?


                                            Just ignore it but I have noticed it on every post.

                                            Can we report it?


                                              PS, I seem to be geting in to the BB again and having better sucess  posting the past day than for the previous month.

                                              Hopeful less false posts due to the extensive work attempting reduce false spam that also made it hard for us to get proper data posted


                                                PS, I seem to be geting in to the BB again and having better sucess  posting the past day than for the previous month.

                                                Hopeful less false posts due to the extensive work attempting reduce false spam that also made it hard for us to get proper data posted


                                                  PS, I seem to be geting in to the BB again and having better sucess  posting the past day than for the previous month.

                                                  Hopeful less false posts due to the extensive work attempting reduce false spam that also made it hard for us to get proper data posted

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