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Thanks to all the people who visited me in the hospital

Forums General Melanoma Community Thanks to all the people who visited me in the hospital

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      just wanted to share a private show put on by Yawn, Roxanne, MarieM, and Dian in spokane-just thinking it might cheer everybody up-

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        Bonnie Lea

          I am glad you noticed the little alien that was a mere speck on your iv pole.  (that was me)  As for the video of your friends, I thought Yawn would have been much taller than that, and I thought those pants (bell bottom) were not quite up to his fashionsense.  But I am sooo happy they all did a performance for you, and Dian did not even bring her banjo!


              I hope if you got to enjoy any hallucinations during this endeavor, they were just a LITTLE better than THAT. How did you even dig that UP? Besides…Did you KNOW Dian has her OWN CD out! I AM so glad to see you posting though and that you seem to be your usual :~)  I REALLY hope you are feeling well….

              Happy Labor Day John,


              dian in spokane

                are you enjoying that CD Marie? have you even waded your way through the whole hour of it? I know it's FAR from Disco… not even a drum to be found on it…..

                dian in spokane

                  are you enjoying that CD Marie? have you even waded your way through the whole hour of it? I know it's FAR from Disco… not even a drum to be found on it…..


                    I hope if you got to enjoy any hallucinations during this endeavor, they were just a LITTLE better than THAT. How did you even dig that UP? Besides…Did you KNOW Dian has her OWN CD out! I AM so glad to see you posting though and that you seem to be your usual :~)  I REALLY hope you are feeling well….

                    Happy Labor Day John,


                  Bonnie Lea

                    I am glad you noticed the little alien that was a mere speck on your iv pole.  (that was me)  As for the video of your friends, I thought Yawn would have been much taller than that, and I thought those pants (bell bottom) were not quite up to his fashionsense.  But I am sooo happy they all did a performance for you, and Dian did not even bring her banjo!

                    Nad T

                      Hey, John.  You humble me.  You are in my Hall of Fame, Champ.

                      Take care.

                      Nad T

                        Hey, John.  You humble me.  You are in my Hall of Fame, Champ.

                        Take care.


                          Morning John,

                          Nice to see you up and about. 

                          Wish I could have been at your little party, quite a cast of characters you pulled in. 

                          You should feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and.. you pulled sweeeet Marie out of hiding.  Nice job.



                              Hey there – have I missed any updates on what the docs found?




                                Hey there – have I missed any updates on what the docs found?




                                Morning John,

                                Nice to see you up and about. 

                                Wish I could have been at your little party, quite a cast of characters you pulled in. 

                                You should feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and.. you pulled sweeeet Marie out of hiding.  Nice job.


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