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Steroids during Immunotherapy treatment

Forums General Melanoma Community Steroids during Immunotherapy treatment

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      Celeste, if I am remembering correctly, you mentioned some recent studies that may have suggested that steroids (prednisone in particular) can be taken while on immunotherapy without having an adverse effect on the efficacy of the treatment? Am I right about that? Can you point to a particular blog post or study? I am currently scouring your blog trying to find something about steroids and immunotherapy. My husband had some pretty severe side effects while on Ipi/Nivo. Hre received 3 out of 4 scheduled treatments. He was put on prednisone for 3 weeks (20 mg twice a day for a week, 10 mg for 1 week, then 5 mg for 1 week.) It was wonderful! I felt like I had my husband back, He was feeling great, breathing well, and was active. He has now stopped them and is scheduled to start Opdivo maintenance infusions tomorrow. Unfortunately, just in the 3 days since he stopped taking the steroids, the shortness of breath is back, very noticeable, as well as just generally feeling "bad". I wish I could elaborate but he is a man of few words. His current oncologist says absolutely not to continuing even a low dose of steroids while on immunotherapy. I'd like to be able to point him to something that might change his mind, and if I can't change his, then I would like to request a second opinion and be able to speak somewhat knowledgeably with a melanoma specialist at USA in Mobile. Any input would be so greatly appreciated. In the meantime, I will continue to scour your blog. Thank you all for all that contribute on this forum!

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