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Stage 2A question

Forums General Melanoma Community Stage 2A question

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      Hi everyone! I was diagnosed and had biopsies June 30, 17… I've gone back for check ups with the oncologist and dermatologist. They say I look good and see you in 4 months. I did not have any in my sentinel lymphnodes at the time of surgery. Do they not order X-rays or scans unless they feel other lumps? My original base of melanoma was on my face. 3.14mm after it had already been removed a couple of times by a general practitioner before I decided to go to a specialist, Wondering what the chance of reoccurrence is. 

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          2a is on the bubble relative to SLNB; was there regression or other factors (mitosis, ulceration) which supported this extra step for peace of mind ? With a 4 month follow up, your team is on it; further scans at this time, given staging of primary, would probably be premature. Will this primary recur ? Don’t know what to tell you other than the need to remain vigilant, both with respect to the surgical site itself, but also your entire body. Not everyone develops melanoma, but those of us who do should consider ourselves “on notice” to remain proactive (which does not mean “afraid”) for the duration of our lives.


              Many Stage 2 patients want to receive proactive XRays, CT Scans, or PET scans, but doctors generally will not order them for you routinely. Those tests involve radiation exposure, which is not good for your health…also, they are expensive. So, the medical community view such tests as not justified for Stage 2 patients. However, if you should experience symptoms that could indicate the spread of your melanoma, they will authorize them for you. 

              At this point, the best thing you can do is to be vigilant in looking for any signs of new or spreading melanoma, along with avoiding all of the risk factors for skin cancer (limit sun exposure and no tanning beds, use sunscreen).

              Best of Luck!
              Mark (2A)


                Thank you! Originally  they thought it was stage 3 my oncologist wanted to be sure and was pleasantly surprised it was 2 a. 


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