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Slow mohs & healing

Forums General Melanoma Community Slow mohs & healing

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      A little history. Diagnosed with 3 primary melanomas in May/June on my upper right arm. Had WLE and sentinel node biopsy. Node biopsy was clear so staged at 1B. My margins were not clear. I have a couple of patches of freckles on my arm that the doctors were afraid were all melanoma. They did 6 punch biopsies around the area that all came back “unremarkable” . I saw a Mohs surgeon on Tuesday who removed all the skin on the incisions and a half inch surrounding it in order to map the area to find out where the remaining melanoma (all in situ) is located. The wounds are approx 1″ by 8″ and 1″ by 6″. They didn’t close the wounds because it is assumed there will be more work to be completed to remove any remaining melanoma. The tissue they removed was sent to pathology and I am awaiting the results (expected about a week from the surgery date) and the plan of action. I know my situation is unique in this particular area since the staff was confused as to how to handle the two sites at once. It hurts like the dickens and isn’t easing up any. Obviously, I have it covered but any movement just sets me back. I can”t really do much with an arm I can’t move without pain Has anyone else had this experience using a slow mohs procedure over an extended time? Does the discomfort ease? Thanks in advance for any wisdom!
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          Hi Karen, i can only imagine the pain & discomfort you feel from all this, i myself never had this procedure, all my 6 surgerys where straight forward, leaving me with clean margins and ugly scaring (left leg, the stage 3b days) I hope you have decent pain meds? I pray they move quickly in a timely manor & get you done & began the healing process!!!…
              Thanks for your reply! You have been through so much. My discomfort is so minimal compared to what I’ve read you have endured. They just said to alternate ibuprofen and tylenol. It keeps the pain to nothing when I am not using my arm, but not so much when moving. Praying for you as well (and have been since I have read about your saga!!).
                We are Family!!
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