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Forums General Melanoma Community SLNB RESULTS

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      So I got a call from my surgeon tonight and he said that my biopsy came back under my arm as negative and that was really good news. I know it’s good news but that’s basically all he said and hung up. I’m kind of at a loss? Is this the end? Do I not need more testing? I just feel like I don’t have all the answers? Can it still spread with a negative lymph node biopsy? Thanks guys 

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          Savannah, I can't answer any of your questions, but I do take pleasure in congratulating you on a good biopsy result–yes!




            Great news.  I am happy for you.   Melanoma can spread, even with a negative sentinel lymph node biopsy.   However, it probably will not spread.  Now melanoma is just one possible health problem for you.  Diabetes, heart disease, breast cancer and melanoma are possible health problems now.  If your SLN biopsy had found cancer, melanoma would have been your primary concern.   See a dermatologist once a year and more often for a couple years.   Check for swollen lymph nodes.  Check your skin. Don’t worry more about melanoma than about other possible health problems.


              Great to hear!  The surgeon probably acted that way because technically his job is done.  Yours however is not. My suggestion, find a dermatoligist who has experience in melanoma.  Standard care for someone diagnosed with melanoma in my area is to have follow up skin checks every 3 months for up to 2 years.  Next if I were you (if you have not already done so)  I would set up an appt with an oncologist who specializes in melanoma.  Discuss your case.  I saw one oncologist who advised 'I was done, come see me if it comes back'.  2nd opinion with a specialist has my lymph nodes ckd every 3 months via ultra sound for the next 3 years.  Some may say that's overkill for a stage 1 but it gives me peace of mind and with melanoma…being over cautious is not a bad thing.   If I recall, you had a pretty significant depth correct?  Over 4mm?  So I think derm visits every 3 months and an oncology consult would be wise and give you peace of mind.  So happy to hear your good news.  Best wishes. 


                Great news and very encouraging!  Next step for you is to find a good melanoma specialist.  The depth of your mel indicates that aggressive follow up is a good precaution.  


                  Great news!!!!

                  Following my negative SNB, I had dermatology skin checks every 3 months, chest X-ray every 6 months follow up w oncology and surgeons every 6 months for 2 years and now I only have to see dermatology every 6 months. So far so good for me at 2 years 1 month post. 

                  So our risk is higher, but aside from paying attention to your skin and keeping other healthy habits you can pretty much recover from your surgery and get enjoying your life. 

                  I asked my oncologist how to not make my self crazy worrying over every blemish, or itch or headache or cough. And he said not to worry over anything that’s been less than 2 weeks, but if something changes and persists in your health then check it out. Still, most things will not be mel, and if it is, there are better treatments coming out all the time and we will deal with it if we have to. 




                    Given the depth of your melanoma mole, you shoud meet with a melanoma oncologist.  You should request a PET scan.   A PET scan costs less than SLN biopsy.  Your insurance may not pay for a PET scan, but it might.


                      Just as a single data point, my wife had a deep, ulcerated primary on her leg.   At the time of removal, her PET scan was clear and her SLNB was clear.   They put her on a 6 month scan program due to the depth and ulceration, even though she was stage 2.   Six months later she had two brain mets show up.   She is doing well now and is NED after craniotomy, gamma knife, and immunotherapy.

                      I would find an oncologist who specializes in melanoma and work out a follow-up plan.

                      Brian j

                        My origial tumor was 9mm deep, vascular invasion. Negative SLNB, I was put on a quarterly PET Scan schedule. Next PET scan I had a metastasis-3.4 CM lesion appear in my sacrum. I am sure you'll be fine, but best to be really cautious with this stuff. II agree with others here, see an oncologist spercializing in melanoma. Best wishes to you.

                        Brian j

                          My origial tumor was 9mm deep, vascular invasion. Negative SLNB, I was put on a quarterly PET Scan schedule. Next PET scan I had a metastasis-3.4 CM lesion appear in my sacrum. I am sure you'll be fine, but best to be really cautious with this stuff. I agree with others here, see an oncologist spercializing in melanoma. Best wishes to you.


                            Ask for immunotherapy.


                              That is Great news! I hope and pray My husband has that type of news Tuesday.

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