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side effects or just my body being weird

Forums General Melanoma Community side effects or just my body being weird

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      hi everyone! 

      currently on taf/mek, and have been having this weird pain in my glutes and it band area of my legs. it feels more muscular than joint pain but its also much more sensitive to pressure than typical recovery pain after a workout. like it kind of hurts my butt and the sides of my thighs to lie on my side in bed or even just take off my pants. has anybody else experienced this or maybe does it take longer to recover from physical activity on these drugs or is my body just being weird from something else?  

      Another question I had is am I allowed to get my teeth cleaned while on these drugs? I went for a teeth cleaning and they said they normally dont do it while people are on chemo but this technically isnt chemo, but they also werent familiar with the drug protocol. probably best to ask the doc but was wondering if anyone else experienced this! 

      thanks in advance very grateful for the collective knowledge and lovely people on this board! 

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          Hi – my husband has been on dabrafenib for 5 years and has had periods of random, roaming muscle and joint pain. It comes and goes so not really surprised by what you’re describing. He has regular dental appointments so don’t think you need to worry about having a routine cleaning. Take care. 


            Hi mmmm! Your right on schedule with the muscle & or joint pains, comes with the Immunal Therapy Territory, pros & cons ya know? Your fine “but”! Let your Onco know about your “pain in the Gluteus Maximus & yer thighs, she/he can give you like Naproxen (wich i take & its fab!) Or other NON opiate type drugs to help yer pains…Teeth? Dont know much about the “cleaning” end of it but, if you where to have “work” done “extractions” etc., thats different, you would want your Dentist to call yer Onco and list what “meds” your Dentists would be using/prescribing so it doesnt conflict or “disrupt” your Immunal Therapy! well! 🙂
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