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Side Effects from Ipi

Forums General Melanoma Community Side Effects from Ipi

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      Please let me know if you have had any serious side effects from ipi

      Please let me know if you have had any serious side effects from ipi

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          My husband took Ipi and ended up in the hospital with a severe headache.  It turned out to be a swollen pituitary gland (aka hypofecitis).  His pituitary is permanently damaged and he has to take steroids and testosterone and thyroid medication.


            My husband took Ipi and ended up in the hospital with a severe headache.  It turned out to be a swollen pituitary gland (aka hypofecitis).  His pituitary is permanently damaged and he has to take steroids and testosterone and thyroid medication.


              In the searech part of this page type in ipi side efffects and you will see many posts from previous posts


                In the searech part of this page type in ipi side efffects and you will see many posts from previous posts

                [email protected]

                  My father just finished up a 4 dose cycle of Ipi with no serious side effects.  He has rash on his trunk that was barely noticeable and caused nothing more than an occassional itch. 


                      I'm going on my 3rd infusion and havn't had any serious side effects. Please keep in mind that the serious side effects are only serious when you let them get that way. Anything that doesn't seem normal to you should be reported to the Dr. For example, if someone was to have 4 bowel movements a day and not say anything, this could become serious and life threatning. Most of the serious side effects happen in a very small percentage of people. The most common side effects are diarrhea, rash, itching and fatigue all of which can become serious if you let them get out of control.

                      Don't worry so much about what might happen to you – just worry about getting better 🙂

                      Best of luck to you!

                      Lisa – Stage 4


                        I'm going on my 3rd infusion and havn't had any serious side effects. Please keep in mind that the serious side effects are only serious when you let them get that way. Anything that doesn't seem normal to you should be reported to the Dr. For example, if someone was to have 4 bowel movements a day and not say anything, this could become serious and life threatning. Most of the serious side effects happen in a very small percentage of people. The most common side effects are diarrhea, rash, itching and fatigue all of which can become serious if you let them get out of control.

                        Don't worry so much about what might happen to you – just worry about getting better 🙂

                        Best of luck to you!

                        Lisa – Stage 4

                      [email protected]

                        My father just finished up a 4 dose cycle of Ipi with no serious side effects.  He has rash on his trunk that was barely noticeable and caused nothing more than an occassional itch. 

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