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Short term disability during treatment

Forums General Melanoma Community Short term disability during treatment

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      Fiance has stage 3A melanoma and will start yervoy in april. Once treatment start he will use short term disability through work on the paper work it states that he can only work 40 hrs a week with 40% taken from each check so financially we are screwed. Is there any other help out there? Im unable to work due to my daughter having an immune deficiency so we’re at a loss any enough would be appreciated
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          Sorry to hear about this stress on top of the melanoma stress.

          Glad that he qualifies for short term disability (many melanoma sufferers don't qualify). Look into the details more because no one in the HR department will be able to give you all of the details (and some that they give you will be incorrect).

          For example, the 40% you mention is probably a reduction in disability pay compared to his usual pay. Many disability insurance policies through work provide income which is no taxable. Therefore the actual difference in pay will be much less than 40%.

          Also ask about Family Medical Leave.

          Also call the Melanoma Research Foundation's support phone number. A lot of the calls they get are related to financial matters (disability advocacy, discounted medications, etc),

          Cathy M
            Check with his cancer center or oncology office. They may have an on staff social worker that can guide you or have suggestions.

              How does he know he want be able to work? I have had 5 yervoy/opdivo combos and 6 just opdivo and I still work 40 hours a week.


                Forgot to mention I get opdivo every other week.

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